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Posts posted by reverend1

  1. Had my first real piece done on the chest last week. It extends from just above my nipple up to the collarbone. I expected the collarbone to be rough, but it was one of the easier sections. The killer was shading just above the nipple and along the side of the pec near the underarm.

    Two, the underside of the pec is no joke. The inside of my arm near the armpit was a treat too.

  2. Thanks everyone!

    And @Brock Varty and @reverend1 if you guys haven't eaten at Take the Cake on Hamilton, you HAVE to go there next time. It's really close...maybe closer than any of the other places and it's delicious. It's a bakery, but they serve lunch from 11am- 3pm. So we were able to grab a quick lunch before we started for the day on Friday. I wish I had gone a few more times.

    Cool, thanks! We're heading back next Friday, I'll check it out.

  3. I know I used to get 80 proof at the grocery but then again I haven't bought liqour in a while. About the only thing I've gotten is beer. Now I'm curious to see what they're selling at the drive thru and grocery around here. I know one of the state liqour stores here is the only place to get the undilluted stuff.

    *just checked the drive thru by the shop and they are 42 proof and below. The other drive thru is in the state liquor store so I know that inside is different than what you can get in the drive thru part. When were the last reg changes?

    It's been that way for decades. My family has had restaurants since the 70's. if anything they are loosening up a little.

  4. Most liquor brands do this, I think mainly to meet whatever the local and state regs are for alcohol content sales. Like here in ohio, you can only buy liquor over 80 proof at "state" liquor stores. Everyone that sells liquor has to have a state license but certain state approved liquor stores can sell the higher proof stuff. So you can get a bottle of just about anything that's 80 proof at the grocery, gas station, and drive thru package stores.

    I suppose it seems like a big deal but its how you cut moonshine when distilling it so it doesn't seem that outrageous to me.

    As a State of Ohio Liquor ticket holder, I can tell you that only a store with a full liquor ticket can sell with a alcohol content over 17%. A beer and wine ticket, like those held by grocery stores and gas stations can sell beer, wine, mixed drinks in sealed containers, and low proof liquor. Standard 80 proof liquor is not permitted to be sold with that ticket.

    Some grocery stores do have a full ticket but then there is a separate sales area that is not part of the store it's self.

    You can not purchase booze at a drive thru, gas station or inside the regular sales area of a grocery store. That is illegal in Ohio.

  5. i don't have any normal pictures of me right now. So with great shame, i give you me in my "shop uniform"...

    - - - updated - - -

    i don't have any normal pictures of me right now. So with great shame, i give you me in my "shop uniform"...


  6. @reverend1 VHT's are the jam. I'm still hoping to pick up a Fryette someday!

    That pic is from a jam last year down in WV. The VHT Pitbull is not mine either is the R8 Historic Les Paul I'm playing. I normally play Reverend Guitars and Allen and Blackstar amps. I loved that VHT though, I might have to start looking for one.

  7. haha.. you've got those metal wheels in my head turning. I think I smell smoke. :)

    It's funny because it's kind of a civil war in my family. My dad's side, FSU fans. My mom's (minus her) UF fans.

    Oh the good times we have at family get togethers.

    It shouldn't be that big of an issue. I mean how many FSU fans could be on parole at the same time anyway?

    Just kidding :p

  8. Being a south Florida boy (now in the frozen north.... Norway). I've always wanted to get something to represent FLA.

    A classic gator is a great idea and something I've toyed with. My only problem... my family are FSU fans. :p

    Southern Alabama State Fans? You should just get a nice gator.

    As a UF graduate all I have to say is Go Gators!

  9. Dislike

    True, I say that to other too, and I did it myself. It's not that I dislike bacon, I dislike this bacon worship. Every thing is not better with bacon people. Bacon soap, bacon bikini, bacon candy, bacon hot sauce, my brother has a bacon wallet. Make it stop people.

  10. For me healing wasn't at all like I expected. I remove the plastic the morning after the session, shower and let it dry out with nothing on it for the first day. Then Just a very light application of Aveeno after a shower in the morning. I have very little itching, no scabbing, and in three or four days it kind of flakes off and that's it.

  11. I don't think it is a name people know. I also think that is how Kore wants it. From conversation and the vibe at the studio...it feels like they like it that way. Kore is so humble that I think he doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

    Come to think of it, they didn't give me the address until a few days before my appointment. I hadn't noticed that it wasn't listed any where until then. It's pretty cool that there's no sign, no indication at all that there is even a business there. I enjoy how private it is there, I don't think I would do well in a normal shop with other people getting tattooed in the same space at the same time. They ruined me, now I can only go there. :p

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