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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. Yup. I'm not an old man, but I feel the same. 🙂 NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  2. Thanks, Dan! I was pretty sure I should skip, but I love my workouts (like a weirdo), and I was hesitant to skip. But I am going to skip. I'll go back Friday. 🙂 Thanks again, man!
  3. Got my right arm sleeve touched up last night. I had planned to go work out today at Orange Theory Fitness, but my arm is super sore, and we usually do lots of weight lifting. Not sure what I should do. Thoughts and feelings?
  4. Yep. Nothing allergic about it. White doesn't look the same after it heals. It pretty much totally disappeared on my very first tattoo.
  5. I started my arm tattoos with half sleeves. A lot of people didn't know they were there. In May, I added the lower arm and now have a full sleeve on my right arm. It is clearly a lot more noticeable, but I can wear long sleeves and generally cover it up. My lower legs are also nearly covered, and it took a little while to branch out to fully-visible-all-the-time tattoos. I understand why you're giving this lots of thought. Either do it or don't. It is up to you at this point. 🙂
  6. Both of my feet are done. I just wore sandals that didn't hit the tattooed part until they healed and kept my feet really clean.
  7. oboogie


    I miss you, too, @J.Stell! I'd love to get another tattoo. Need more $$$ for that, but we'll be over that way soon. We are so coming to see you guys! ❤️ Love you, lady. xoxo
  8. oboogie


    Helps that you're gorgeous. No one notices the clowns. 🙂
  9. oboogie


    I have seen them. They are terrifying, and she hates them. Hahaha.
  10. It's fine. Leave it. As @Hogrider said, what you are wanting isn't a touch up, and it won't be free.
  11. Have fun, @Gingerninja! I finished my right sleeve a couple of weeks ago. Going in for touchups and a few additions in a couple of weeks.
  12. oboogie


    Why are you going on and on about the blowout? That isn't the point.
  13. oboogie


    Love you, Jen! ❤️ xoxo
  14. oboogie


    I love seeing you here, Jen. Hurray! @J.Stell
  15. I use it instead of lotion sometimes. Not when it's still super fresh. 😉
  16. Hi, Jen! It's Jen. It's a smell-good product that works well. Ingredients below. Ingredients: Shea, Mango and Aloe Butters, Coconut, Sunflower and Rice Bran Oils, Rosemary Oleoresin, Green Tea, Vitamin E Complex & Mint Arvenis Essential Oil. With Essence of Papaya and Coconut.
  17. It should be fine. Here's a place to buy sleeves to cover your tattoos from the sun: https://tat2x.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2qiikLS92wIVSluGCh2IRwRhEAAYASAAEgJ9F_D_BwE I have a couple. They work well.
  18. oboogie

    Tattoo Peel

    It's blown out. You can't fix that. Luckily, it will fade a lot anyway because of where it is.
  19. oboogie


  20. Just let it heal. Too soon to tell anything.
  21. You may have cared it to death. You need to go get it touched up, and you need to let it heal naturally without putting so much junk on it.
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