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Jennifer Stell

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Everything posted by Jennifer Stell

  1. color study for an in progress back piece...the tattoo is soo much better but no pics until complete.
  2. I'm sorry... we were wrong. Miss you man, shit ain't the same anymore, and I hope you are well. J

  3. I think a dress code is one thing and a uniform is another... We plan on having at minimum a dress code at the new shop, it's not for everyone, but it's not a shop for just anyone...
  4. Seth Ciferri, (spelling), um... he made a facebook post about if you love it and respect it so much why don't you leave it alone, and truly respect it?... It was a crazy long discussed thread, and it still has me in check as well, along with all the guys I look up to. And this runs the same parallel. It's when you are trying to become a part and you just be.... then you truly are a part of it, and you're not trying. I don't know if that makes sense.? Your post made me smile. I had to repost, sorry.
  5. This is so good, I bumped it to facebook.
  6. You can order thru Lucky's Supply in Tampa.... Yup it's the real deal good process, Angelo has got it down, I sold a bunch in Hollywood a few years back, and dropped it off at Spotlight for the boys... Richard is a big fan of the Red Velvet.
  7. A few of Richards Bald Birdies... Animals: Eagles, Snakes, Big Cats... Most of his favorite subject matter to tattoo...
  8. Pork Chops Sheet: 31”/42” 300.00 plus shipping but price changes at the end of the month of April or May to cover the paper cost going up… it will be 450.00 plus s/h when he gets the last run at the price we are getting them for currently…. Pork Chops Sheet: 31”/42” 300.00 Photo 1 Contortionist: 16”/12” 60.00 plus s/h Photo 2 Limited Edition Panther Girls: 32” by 24” 250.00 plus s/h Photo 3 Limited Edition Tiger and Snake: 24” by 32” 250.00 plus s/h Photo 4 All this can be bought thru his website…. Welcome to Richard Stell Tattoos.com via PayPal… If anyone if buying multiples they should just email me for a discount in shipping… Paintings... I just sold two of his paintings last week, he doesn't like me posting them up anymore, at least until after it's sold... If you are interested in getting something original, just message me...We have a lot but only a few he is willing to part with. A couple Examples: Photos 5 and 6 Message me here or email: [email protected] if ya are interested. –Jennifer Stell
  9. This page has had 666 visits.... It made me smile when i saw my page. Been staying busy, and keeping my chin up and nose clean. Lot's of website updates soon, and I think I figured out how to take a business I started and change it to where I don't dislike what I created... Sometimes concepts and work takes a life form of it's own, and one has no option expect to watch it and see it evolve all while maintaining it as a business. But I took a nice long break from the business of tattooed ladies.. and I learned a few things about myself and what it is I really wanted to do with Miss Tattoo as an entity and how to try to push it in the direction I wanted it to go in the first place. I know that I wish things were like they were back in the old traveling sideshow days of tattooed women. There was an air to the demeanor and showmanship that has been lost over the years. Tattoos are now the SEXY thing that most people in fad fashion society want to see, talk, and have around them making the modern day pinups the new retarded and not as nearly interesting as back in the day sideshow ladies... It's become a shtick if you will... Being the tattooed one, or the tattoo artist, is like a notch up on the scoreboard of cool points. Well, I am about to become the uber tattoo snob of tattooed ladies and if people thought I was a control freak before with my pageant, just wait... Looks like we are riding the bike out to Ink n Iron with Peck, Bubba, and Arment, plus or minus a few, and then we will be in LA for the ten plus days before and after the Masters Invitational show that Permanent Mark is hosting. If anyone wants to get some work, or hang out... let me know, I want to go to a few places and do some sightseeing and whatnot so don't be shy. I'm tired of being so introverted sometimes and need some fresh opinions thrown my way.
  10. Or you could talk Bob or Richard into doing it, it's a mix of each one of their panthers... It was funny to watch them actually, they were kinda grabbing the red sharpie from one another like siblings... But it ended up cool, I saw Richard half the two correction lines, and meet in the middle and make something a bit different so it wasn't one or the others panther... Blackheart is prolly a better option though, both Bob and Ricardo are working on a new set of flash together with Aaron Coleman... So it's crunch time. Okay, non sequitor. I need to be packing boxes or something.
  11. You're lucky you're not a chick... I don't even tattoo, and it's the entire spectrum of redundant, and repetitive nonsense, yes they are curious, but at the same time, you are not in the shop, it's not tattoos and bbq... At the same time, I don't want to be that tattooed bitch that ruins one persons opinion of all tattooed people... so.... hum When people are trying to crawl up Richard's ass or mine, I just become a turtle, I either act like I didn't hear em, or bury myself in a faux phone call, or if I have my laptop, which I carry a big purse, and usually the computer is under my arm, I just open it up and hand it to them with his website, and give em a little info, and then cut off the business... If you appease and answer every question, it's a disservice to the self, as you are there to hang out, and relax, and maybe you don't wanna talk shop, however it is a personal service business, and if we aren't at least polite you risk loosing out on a possible client, or pissing a friend off... Keep answers generic, and be polite, that's what suits me... But I have a high tolerance for dumb... If they really are interested they will come to you another time, as they too are being rude. I am surprised no one else has chimed in... everyone deals with this stuff I would think. People are so fad driven I can't wait until the current zeitgeist of embracing tattoos for "cool points" somewhat subsides, in the meantime, business cards, and a website suffice, let em come in if they are serious... If not, hey, the BBQ was a tax write off, so bring beverages....
  12. PS... Richard pointed out what I forgot... The use of a knee to support the back or top of the head so it's not just hanging there the entire time. Let your knee down as you go to pull a line, the use of gravity and a little hand stretch makes it a good balance he says...
  13. Richard and Clay Decker are who I have to thank for what I know so far... And Bob Roberts, "it's not painting if it's not outlined with a brush", he told Richard when he was using a marker to use for some fine outlining stuff... We no longer use sharpies for paintings... Um...and I have been using Oil Colors and doing landscape paintings since I was 8 years old... My Uncle taught me he was amazing... I just recently started learning to use Water Color... Transferring images some use: graphite, others colored paper, I won't say what we have found to work best b/c that's us, everyone is different: graphite is harder to erase from paper, and you only have to lightly trace over with a ball point pen, but once it's down, it's down... I like colored tranfers, easier to correct, and they don't bleed...Saral Wax Free Transfer Paper - BLICK art materials As far as laying down outlines: some like speedballs, nibs, or quills, but we use brushes, and it's a learning process. Paints, try EVERYTHING it's fun, and no pressure like skin... but tubes are the way to go as you aren't writing down paint recipes for drops of dr.martins, or other liquids, they may dry out but you still have that one color you need to finish an old project you left on the table 4 months ago, and can't remember what you used to mix it... I can't get the knack of liquids still... I am a "watch your dap" and make sure your brush is lubed type, so water into liquid freaks me out... (still learning). Blick is the best for finding paper... Rolls are awesome, but we have been finding good deals on big sheets, and as far as blocks are concerned, I always keep a block around for Richard, Arches... Usually Clay has a dude that comes by the shop selling blocks at like 20.00 instead of the 60.oo they run at a chain store... So he's been stocking up and I buy em off him. We travel so much, guerilla paint sessions usually happen on a block. The last time I painted anything seriously it was helping out Richard with the signs at Spotlight... We painted until 30 mins prior to getting in a cab and heading to LAX to catch a flight, Steve stayed all nite to lend a hand too... It's still not done but attached are pics. Being around the Man, and Decker are really huge gifts, they have soo much talent, and know soo much, I'd be using tempera and being lame if it weren't for them.
  14. Dan... The best technique I have seen that makes it easier due to gravity working is... massage table lay client down with head hanging off the edge of table... use the end as a neck pillow and let the head hang naturally down towards the ground, less trying to stretch with hands, more stretch by using gravity... courtesy of Ricardo.
  15. If you watermark or not I recommend using Digimarc it's a digital watermark that tracks where your images go on the internet and regularly send information to you via email....You can embed it on a photo with or without an insignia or copyright symbol... It reported back to me where some photos of Richards had been posted and it's how I found this site...
  16. Richard was looking at this and he said he "didn't do that backpiece, great tattoo, the right person should get credit for that"...
  17. Yup, phenomenal talent lined up and it's a charity event.... In the words of Eric Perfect, if you could only attend one convention in a lifetime this would be it.
  18. Yup, yup.... "Never seen so many rats looking to jump on a sinking ship", Richard has always said... In 35 years of Tattooing Richard only had 2 apprentices, population control is out of hand, and I wish that babies weren't still making babies, but there is an upside. You guys will get to do lots of sweet cover ups...(if they suck) ...probably... cause oh so many people do nowadays. More people will be inclined to price shop, so that'll get a foot or two in the door. (hopefully new faces) And you will have a new outlet for aggression: You get to fuck with the new guys down the street... Prank Calls, Faux Pizza Delivery, Stink Bombs, and then don't forget to call the HELLTH department, or whatnot, cause those guys rock...
  19. Richard said, More then an 1/8''- no bigger usually 1/4'' of an inch, is what he goes by... Always heard him talking about this even way back when.... And yes, client dictates their own preference, however, snaking and finishing shit that ain't yours or isn't cleared or at least given a heads up is pretty shitty behavior. DHopper: I would say have Bob call Richard...(heads up), and that would take care of itself... And you can't do shit about what another person does as a individual, but out of mutual respect for fellow tattoo artists you would think there would be some certain understanding as to what to do. Always exceptions to every rule and each instance is in it's own different. But, Richard just told the guys, do a 1/2 off any tattoo that needs finishing by the person snaking peoples shit... HAHA, it won't happen the boys like to bitch though, don't we all.
  20. Richard has some very strong feelings regarding margins, and rules for when it's cool to finish other people work... Tell me what is usual standard procedure? Or opinions? Someone back here in Dallas, is finishing everyone else's work, not Richard's in particular, but the're more then two personal instances, and everyone is talking about how to remedy the situation... Which?
  21. I was 15 or 14 when I walked into a shop... Deep Ellum, it was a Sunday afternoon, my folks were always super curious types... They had me and my little sister with them after like a big weekend, Texas vs OU, or Fair Days, or Art Fest.... We tried to walk into Pair O' Dice, my mom and sis wanted a piercing from Skin and Bones... Stace wasn't at the counter, but I can remeber Richard Stell, standing up with Deb on his left, and him ye.ling to get those fucking kids out of the shop.... Hahaha, my Dad being taller then Richard popped off something back, and we were out of there.... Years, YEARS later, I had been coming in watching Richard tattoo, and he finally was like, I like you, you should buy the piercing shop and be my new partner.... After all was said and done, lease signed... I asked, "That's always been your station right?" His reply, Yup... I said, well.... funny how life works out, you kicked me out when I was like 15... I come back and bought half the place....fucking small world. It was a Sunday when you kicked me out, you're usually off... So it was either a shitty day, or something was wrong, either way it didn't keep me away...
  22. We all know one or two of these types... To call them out or not to call them out? That is my burning question... Porn Stars, Models, wanna be's.... If it's not your full time job/passion/obsession should you really be doing it?
  23. ATX Con, San Angelo Con, SLC Con, The Dallas Visit, the Houston Hell Week, and the Sober Situation... Yup Me and the Husband are cleaning up... For good, and for real. Both of us are over a week clean. And with that under our belts and the support of our family, (Tattoo Family & my Folks), the sky is the limit, and the only indulgence we partake in is cigarettes, (for now).... Time to grow up, we have a new baby on the way, and by baby I mean tattoo shop. Oh and I am slacking on getting my T.A.M. articles in.... Yeah get ready for some crazy shit there... I'm sure Crash will be editing his ass off. haha, until next time. Cheers. From the Stells... Currently in Texas.
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