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Posts posted by NearFantastica

  1. I know there’s been a few posts about tattoo regret and I’m not sure if I’m truly regretful or just having some doubts. I’ve never had such a large tattoo, it was just finished a couple days ago but I’m starting to question whether I made a mistake. I’ve been reading a lot on the forum about good and bad tattoos and I’m not sure if that may be part of it or I’m just needing to adjust to having such a large piece on my body. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I’m almost in tears. I’ve never felt this way with my smaller tattoos even though a couple of them are awful. I got most of them when I was younger and just accepted them. I guess I’m just needing some reassurance even if it’s from complete strangers that I didn’t make a huge mistake. Every step of this tattoo has caused me some anxiety and I’m wondering if maybe that’s a sign that I shouldn’t have gotten it or if I’m just going through an adjustment period. I don’t really know anyone with such a big tattoo so have no one to really talk to about it. I would like to get more and actually want to finish off the sleeve but I’m afraid I’ll just feel even worse. e1905f8ca4326886b95bd00dc590bc55.jpg



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  2. Immaculate Concept is Steve Peace's shop in Calgary, AB. Steve puts on the Calgary and Edmonton tattoo conventions. He's a really experienced tattooist and been around the block, well-rounded, very nice guy. I think Immaculate is one of the bigger shops in Calgary. The Munk artist you've linked though is definately not my style of tattoo, so I don't have comments.
    I don't know much about Calgary's tattoo scene...I'm from Edmonton, so anything Calgary related I am obligated to yell "Flames Suck" and take a cheap shot at their city lol (jokes, Calgary's a nice place). Lots of world-class tattoo makers in Alberta though, these would be my first choices if I were going for a full meal deal leg piece:
    Calgary - Scott Veldhoen, Rick Wilson
    Red Deer - Lucas Ford & Classic Tattoo
    Canmore - OllieXXX
    Edmonton - Champion (Shawn Hedley, Rich), Lucky Strike (Scott, Brent), Doing (Seve), Showdown.
    do your research, talk to local people with tattoos that pop about where they got em, go check out the shops in person. Everyone is pretty friendly in this area. Good luck. PM me if you need more specific recommendations for Edmonton

    Thanks for the info!
    Munkaspeni actually works out of Immaculate. My current artist that is working on my half sleeve used to work there as well.
    I haven’t heard of those artists but will definitely look them up. I can’t travel at the moment as I have a 6 month old baby at home, it’s hard enough getting away for 2 hour sessions in town at the moment!

    I haven’t attended a convention here yet but I think I’m going to go this year and get a feel for what’s out there.

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  3. Some of that work is pretty good. 
    Edmunton isn't too far away, right? I've got work from Samantha Storey that I'm really happy with. 

    Edmonton’s very close, only 3 hours or so. I looked her up, her work is amazing!
    Are you from Canada??

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  4. 14 ?  :52_fearful:

    Haha yeah, back then (1995) if you were 14 and had parental permission you could get tattooed. Actually that was one of my better little tattoos compared to the ones I got when I was a little older.

    I have a 5 month old son now and no way in hell is he getting tattooed till he’s 18 and has the money to afford something good.

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  5. The who, what, where, when, and why of your first tattoo with a picture pls?!?

    I was 14 and my dad took me to get my first tattoo, it’s a little rose wrapped around a treble clef on my ankle. Looks like shit now but I loved it! My mom almost killed my dad as she was and still is extremely anti-tattoo. I’ve thought about getting it covered up as I want to eventually get my full legs done but I’m a little nostalgic about it!

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  6. I’m almost done getting my first half sleeve which I obviously didn’t fully think out. I hadn’t gotten a tattoo in years and thought i would be done after getting half sleeves. Now I have the itch and am thinking I would like to maybe get my lower arms done eventually.


    Would it look strange if I got totally different tattoos on my lower arms or should I expand upon the one I have???






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  7. My tattoo artist was pretty vague when it came to aftercare. She said wash it a couple times a day and put Aveeno on it. On day 5 how many times should I be washing it and how many times should I be applying lotion?

    It’s peeling like crazy in spots right now cuz my bra strap slipped down and rubbed the F*** out of it while I was driving. 0429140942c06c44f830d0f98d276e1b.jpg



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  8. The ink goes UNDER the skin. Four days in, you're not going to screw it up by clothing rubbing on it. 

    It was so painful and it rubbed all the skin off so within an hour it went from no peeling to that. I haven’t ever had anything like that happen with a tattoo so my first reaction was utter panic!

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  9. That's a very cool tattoo! Love it!

    Thank you so much! I love it so far but can’t wait till it’s all finished. Im a worried so I don’t think I’ll be able to really enjoy it till it’s all finished and healed up.

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  10. I really want to cover up the tattoos on my wrist with matching designs. One is colour and the other I black. The coloured tattoo is double or triple the size4f4ee795ef4fa02ce247db3d57232220.jpg. Would a qualified artist be able to cover up both of these with the same design or would I have to go for different designs for both??




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  11. I believe that you have to have 10 posts before you can post in other sections.  Probably has something to do with control spam, etc.  Old one bad apple thing.

    Thanks so much!

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  12. I don't think the rubbing caused the peeling, it's probably a coincidence. I usually start peeling around day 4. It might have hurt because you were pulling on the scabs, and also the skin underneath is usually extra sensitive as it's peeling. Worst case scenario, you need a touch up, but you're probably fine. Let it finish healing and look for damage after a couple months or so. 

    Thank you so much! I haven’t gotten a tattoo and years and never anything this big so I’m a little nervous about doing everything right

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  13. In the hair? It looks like normal peeling to me. Try not to pull those larger parts off. You could take ink out with them.

    Thanks for the response!
    Yeah it’s mostly the hair. It wasn’t peeling before I went out and then my bra strap rubbed against it and caused the peeling. The fact that it was rubbing that started the peeling won’t make a difference??

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  14. I’m super scared that I fucked up my half sleeve. It’s day 4 and everything was going well. I went out shopping and was having really bad pain in my arm. I bruised really badly so figured it was something to do with all the bruising. I came home and checked my tattoo and my bra strap had fallen down and had rubbed against my tattoo until the skin was all peeling off. When I’d washed and lotioned the tattoo prior to going out there was no sign of any peeling. Could I have done lasting damage?? The pain was incredibly bad and it was really gouged.





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  15. Hi, I’m new here. Working on a half sleeve after many years of no tattoos. All my other tattoos are small and probably worthy of a cover up.


    Planning on getting another half sleeve and a chest piece and full leg over the next year.





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