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pidjones last won the day on June 1 2023

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Nearing retirement, and looking forward to Chapter 2. I have no idea what will happen, and that is exciting!
  • Location
    East Tennessee
  • Interests
    motorcycle riding and wrenching, evangelism
  • Occupation
    cyclotron instructor
  • I am a:
    Tattoo Collector

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  1. Shazbott! Was taking the RD400c for a sedate 25 mile ride on 8-28. Almost home. Nissan pulls from a drive hidden by tall weeds about 15 feet in front of me (I was gong about 25mph). Brake, horn, push hard left - he kept coming at I went over the hood into a ditch lined with tall weeds. Beautiful little bike is a goner. I have a lot of soreness and a separated AC joint for the left shoulder. Looking at at least two months of PT rehab. ATGATT pretty much saved me otherwise. Gonna have a couple painful weeks ahead. BTW, our church (with a different name) is having another bike show in a couple weeks. Check it out if you are in the area!
  2. We had almost 100 in the judging, and over 100 motorcycles there at the Possum Gathering.
  3. My latest rescue (actually, took almost a year and a half.) 1972 Triumph Trident T150V.
  4. Congrats on completing one thing (the arms) and starting a new adventure (loving rrtirement, myself).
  5. My friend is putting on his 3rd annual Possum Gatherjng in Sevierville at their fairgrounds May 12 & 13. Expect some beautiful machines. If you are into vintage bikes or vintage bikers, they will be there, along with display of old stationary engines.
  6. I'm wishing I had a new tattoo, but out of ideas. Doing great, otherwise!
  7. I had Japanese students in a class about a decade ago (here in the USA). They had one good English speaker to translate for the other four. I had heard about cultural problems with tattoos in Japan, so did not want prejudice to my teaching because of it. I wore long sleeves the first day and discussed the isdue with the translator. He said that they understood USA is different culture than theirs, and much of the world had tattoos as a mainstream expression. He also said that the most common problem he knew of in Japan was from gang-related tattoos. He discussed it with the other guts, and it was a non-issue. Still, families hold prejudices for generations, and it may depend on how she feels her family may see it. I could tell that my wife worried about her Appalacian family would see mine, but several of them have ink now so it became a non-issue.
  8. The turn-out was awesome, the occasion shitty. End of an era, the Time Warp Tea Room closed after last Tuesday. Our vintage motorcycle club had their last meeting at the Time Warp but will move ~1/2 mile North to Twisters. Everyone really appreciates Dan and Peggy basically keeping it open one day a week for us since COVID started. The usual hoodlums showed up and terrorised the area.
  9. We have a locker with several 22, a 410, a 12 gauge, and a 30-06. All long guns. Although a firm 2nd amendment supporter, I don't carry. I appreciate those that do. I was never any good with a hand gun and don't trust my own judgement in a situation where one might be useful. My tattoo artist carries, and I told her on first visit that it was appreciated and helped customers feel safer (unless they are snowflakes worried about the presence of firearms). If ever called on for national defense, I feel the old Springfield (being a retired military weapon) is best suited.
  10. Just a portion of the awesome >35 year-old bikes on display yesterday. I believe the oldest was a 1929 Henderson.
  11. I love vintage bikes, and this weekend (May 13&14) a friend is hosting his second Possum Gathering in Sevierville, TN. I will be helping out on 12, 13, &14 and showing one of my bikes. Had a large time with beautiful bikes and great folks last year. If you are in the area, check it out!
  12. A friend is the motorcycle advocate for Garza Law. They have purchased Thunder Roads TN/KY and she wanted the inaugural issue to display the diversity of riders and rides. Asked me to have my '78 cafe-styled GoldWing rescue as one of their cover bikes. Wednesday evening was their release party and a great time. If you are in TN/KY, stop off at a motorcycle-related business and check out a copy. It is also online at: https://issuu.com/thunderroads8/docs/thunder_roads_tn_ky_web_pdf?fbclid=IwAR3n1tvTaAUbeAX-lslNeYY1eyUaPNKLVB1QsznTPK8jSr_Z18pLVQsJlik
  13. Love all of this! In particular, the balance of color to grey. It makes them both pop.
  14. Ouch! Hope that by now the healing is complete!
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