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Everything posted by bongsau

  1. ...keep in mind some lotions (i.e. Lubriderm) contain lanolin (sheep byproduct) which can irritate some skin and vegan mindsets. Now I used Lubriderm to heal my first few years of tattoos. Then I couldn't anymore because it would just itch and burn. So I switched to other lotions like vaseline intensive care and glysomed over the years. Same thing, after a few successfull tattoo heals it would just itch and burn. So now I just dry heal and only spot-use A&D only if I feel it is necessary to lubricate the skin to prevent too much cracking. Healing methods work in different ways for different people and for . It's a bit of a trial by fire in my opinion. But yeah, don't use sunscreen on a healing tattoo!
  2. @lildropofsunshine how did your new phoenix tattoo turn out? happy (aside from the itch) ?
  3. here's my concealed weapon, a 12cm dagger
  4. There are 42 tattoos on the link in the above post and maybe like 2 of them made me stop scrolling for a second. that is a comparative metaphor to the state of present day tattooing. If you want a tiger...get a tiger If you want a butterfly...get a butterfly If you like Japanese culture...research Japanese tattoo motifs. My advice is know what you want and keep it simple.
  5. c'mon it doesn't it itch that bad ! meh i wouldn't put sunscreen on a fresh tattoo for 2 reasons: 1. sunscreen has a lot of extra chemicals in it that you probably don't want penetrating a healing tattoo. it may fade it out prematurely. 2. wearing sunscreen only encourages putting that fresh tattoo out on display in the summer sun. protect it and keep it covered for at least a couple weeks. get tattooed in winter and you won't have this problem.
  6. Griffin is a fantastic tattoo image. It contains all the elements of a strong tattoo - eagle head, talons and wings and a lions body and tail. Your connection to the tattoo image is whatever you want to make to it. Your kids name is Griffin, I'd say that's pretty strong connection there. Kid will be stoked, guaranteed.
  7. horizontal placement of a dagger would not really fit with the body on the rib cage, it will look like a bent blade in my opinion. vertical dagger would be better placement on a rib cage... but at 7cm (half the size of your pinky) horizontal/vertical won't matter, it will look extra small like a sticker on the ribs. take the plunge and go waaay bigger, at least 3x bigger.
  8. @Guerillaneedles i get ya ! really nice pair of mitts really like the overall placement and design
  9. look no further than Tommy Lee's first tattoo ...Mighty Mouse bustin through a snare drum haha !! edit: above is a fan tattoo here is Tommy Lee's actuall mighty mouse tatt:
  10. i'd say NO, there's just as much hair post-tattoo. it's just visually less noticeable against a backdrop of black and coloured ink.
  11. @marley mission love the wild colours on the psych parrot, great tattoo
  12. our black friends are not limited to a tattooed life in black & grey - there are certain (limited) colour pallets that will work quite well and others that just won't show up well or hold well on dark skin. I discussed this in some detail with one of my tattooers a few years ago but I can't remember which colours he avoids. but it also has to do with the design composition - keeping the design bold and simple and achieving appropriate contrast for the colours to show. colour ink aside, tattooing african and asian skin is much different than the caucasian skin - seek out a skilled tattooer who is experienced with dark / black skin that knows how build the design composition and contrast accordingly and physically tattoo your skin type.
  13. i think this is a fair question and I suppose you can call it whatever you want ! full backpiece describes your goals. if you are extending from the chest down the front torso/sides than i think claiming bodysuit is fair. but...my $0.02 you see it a lot on instagram now a days - like fresh sleeves and an empty torso claiming #bodysuit or bodysuit-in-progress. it's pretty lame. it's just a tattoo (and an unfinished one at that). it either is or it isn't. those that feel the need to go around and tell everyone and #describe how tatted up they are...probably aren't. the whole thing and magnitude became very real to me when I went to a tattoo convention and stripped down in public next to checkerboard man to get a photo. the reality set in on where i was at with my years of steady progress. before that moment it was just A LOT of tattoo. and it still is ! that a bodysuit isn't a trivial thing - many people have many tattoo, but there are very few who have and will succeed going the full distance. it is not an undertaking to be taken lightly. and there is no finish line to my tattoo suit, it is and will be ever evolving and will be finished the day I die. it requires a lot of time, money, patience and dedication to complete any larger tattoo, not just a bodysuit. good luck with your plans
  14. seriously? don't skip the game !! i'd take the patch off before you play. you will be fine ... just wear a clean shirt between your skin and your stinky hockey gear. that's the only thing i'd be worried about with respect to infections. the tattoo isn't going anywhere man. and on a side note...you guys and your 'derm'
  15. Spotted this weekend partying like maniacs at the Lucky Strike Tatttoo summer slam: From L-R, made-in-Alberta healed backs and butts by Scott Rusnak (on Steve) Lucas Ford (on Scott) Steve Batt (on Budd) ...it isn't a tattoo party until the clothes start coming off and the drop trough happens in unison. cheers
  16. For a while I just took on 1 big tattoo project a year and spread the sessions out monthly over the winter. Now I try to squeeze in a couple fun small tattoos every year October through April or "tattoo season" as we call it - as opportunities present themselves and the crazy and crazier ideas reveal themselves to me. Life's too short to not get the tattoos you want, but on the contrary life's too short to spend all your time wearing long sleeves, avoiding swimming and feeling like a peeling reptile for too many months out of the year! cheers
  17. I actually did several laser treatments on my back before I tattooed the shit out of it. It didn't completely rid all the hair but definately thinned out my Sicilian heritage. A nice strong bold tattoo is no match for body hair. I still have to buzz er down every couple of months to get that fresh clear teenage boy kind of look. Its fun too to shave out parts of tattoos to pop them. Weird? Who cares ! Now if only my wife would ok a tattooed head and so I could solve an opposite problem !
  18. hey just resurrecting this thread my local watering hole Lucky Strike Tattoo has been documenting some of the Edmonton, AB connection to the Canadian tattoo history. They have some articles written up and posted up on their shop walls along with old photos and flash of Pat Martynuik, Zipp, Roy Johnson, Doc Forbes... Rockin' Roy Johnson of Roy & Sandy's Tattoo on 118 Ave ... Kudos to Sam and the Lucky Strike crew for taking the time to put this together. In the past you've had to go get tattooed and hear the stories to try and piece together the oral history so it's nice to have a story written out, to read and enjoy. Especially cool to see the hometown connection. cheers
  19. oh, and welcome to the forum!
  20. Both cats look like they are making decent tattoos but each has a different look. Cheap tattoos, we aren't talking about the actual cost but more if the tattoo looks proper vs looks like it got made in a kitchen with a guitar string. I think you're safe and neither cat is going to give a cheap-lookin' tattoo. The higher price seems completely reasonable and realistic, the other seems like a shop rate for a 15 minute tattoo...wait why are we even talking about cost...If a $100 is the deciding factor you're not ready for your first tattoo. Ok, your first tattoo so we will cut you some slack ;) Step #1 You gotta decide what the hell you want first Step #2 Book the tattoo Step #3 Receive the tattoo Step #4 worry about the cost and tip the tattooer. OR get a rose from one cat, get the wave from the other. problem solved.
  21. @Matej Haviar cool man, look forward to your progress. you survived the butt lining, the rest is gravy (not quite haha). say what's up if you see me around time, I'm the dude with the butterfly on the back of his head cheers
  22. well then, I did not make this post to get a status upgrade, but I'll take it haha !
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