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Everything posted by Pugilist

  1. I never thought it would come to this, but @Graeme: it's tattoos or ham. You can't have both.
  2. Dude, it is a COMPLETELY idiotic option! If you slow down our ham eating odyssey, I will never forgive you!
  3. I'm glad she's ok and I am hoping the best for you guys. She looks so sweet. Cats are the best.
  4. Chiming in on this late, but @SeeSea I am crossing my fingers for your sweet kitty.
  5. With thigh tattoos (especially big ones) it has taken me up to two weeks til I'm not sore anymore.
  6. Unless your pants are super tight I am sure it's fine!!
  7. I'm just saying that we should beware the hubris of mocking how ugly a former tattoo trend while thinking that our current tastes are timeless and will never seem outdated to anybody. I love my traditional tattoos, but I also know that they will look very much of their time and uncool to people somewhere down the road. Tastes change. No one and no style is immune.
  8. I hope this board still exists in ten years so that I can read the equivalent thread to this that makes fun of how absurd traditional tattoos are.
  9. I just want to say that I hate healing my inner thighs and I am the grossest right now.
  10. As long as they're good tattoos, I don't really care what suddenly takes off as a trend. What sucks is that trendy stuff invites a lot of imitators who copy without knowing what they're doing (there's a lot of really wonky mandalas out there, for example). But I find it hard to care, particularly as a client, what images are "trending" as long as they're done well. None of us are all that original.
  11. Personally, I have found my leg tattoos hardest to heal. Mine stay wet and stick to shit for a couple of days. I am sure you haven't ruined it, but I would definitely suggest you wear the loosest pants you can til the thing calms down!
  12. Getting tattooed in the summer is the WORST! And yet... we are due to go to Spain (for "work") next month, so...
  13. You TOUGH. When I was a preteen and wanted to start shaving my legs, my very Old Country mother was absolutely anti-leg shaving and compromised by buying me one of these. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.
  14. I didn't know this. That sucks as I have bought some nice stuff from them before, but I will stop now. We stopped buying off Amazon a few months back when all those exposes came out - it is a huge bummer to generally have it confirmed that "too good to be true" shopping websites stay speedy and huge on other people's backs.
  15. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey lady! How are you? Your gams look great - who did those peonies?
  16. Tipping conversations on the internet are the WORST. @polliwog - feel free to ask the artist what they'd prefer re: shaving! I've only had one actually let me know upfront that I should do it myself, a couple have said they don't care either way, etc.
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