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Brock Varty

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Everything posted by Brock Varty

  1. Welcome! Almost everyone here loves traditional so you are in good company!
  2. On the whole, it makes things quite slippery.
  3. Off The Map Tattoo in Grants Pass, Oregon. Jeff Gogue is based out of there.
  4. @Dan S It's a pretty funny movie. You should try it out if you like Will Ferrel.
  5. It was a reference to Step Brothers...the movie. I thought since I like his intro so much, we could be honorary best friends. And what do best friends do? They build bunk beds and practice karate in the garage.
  6. I like you Cody. Want to practice karate in the garage? ......................oh, welcome dude!
  7. Hey. Where are you from? We could probably recommend some awesome tattooers in your area!
  8. I contacted Jondix and he said he is booked till September this year and will start looking at new projects on May 20th. I also called ROA to inquire about Hooper...didn't get an answer. I left a message and hopefully will be able to call back while he is still there. I believe he is there until tomorrow? My next option is Michael Bennet...I haven't contacted him yet.
  9. Heya ther bud! Sounds like this is the place for you! Have fun!
  10. Brock Varty


    Man, I am an asshole. I do apologize for name calling. The rest I stand by.
  11. You're a leo? Wanna go on a nice walk by the beach? Welcome to the forum!
  12. Brock Varty


    Right. Let me get this traight. You come here, post some pictures of your "good tattoos", then when people try to help you out and inform you that your view may be a bit off, you get mad and act like a fucking douche? Take your head out of your ass. YOU CAME HERE!. The mission of this forum is partially to help collectors recognize what is good tattooing and what isn't. You couldn't handle honesty and a little humor...be gone. Oh, and while I am at it. A good tattoo is not subjective. Someone saying their shit tattoos are good because it is personal preference does so because they don't know what is good and what isn't. You think because it is on your body, that it is amazing. Face it, your tattoos suck, I have tattoos that suck, everyone does. But the difference is most people can realize that the quality is not dependent on if it is on you or not. A bad tattoo is a bad tattoo. Oh, and why the fuck are you prancing around in a empty parking garage with your shirt off?
  13. Really great stuff dude. You don't have to convince me on the quality of what Kore does. Simply amazing.
  14. @steve1461686340 I was able to login normally this morning, so I believe it is fixed! Thanks!
  15. I just wasn't expecting how the film ended up. I thought it was going to be more about skating and not their lives and backstory. It wasn't bad...just not what I thought it would be.
  16. I'm sorry that someone is ripping off your work. It is absolutely a shame and leaves a sour taste in my mouth. If you can't work hard enough to develope your own skills, why would you work so hard to steal someone elses work. It is immoral, unprofessional, and of questionable standards. Absolute horse shit.
  17. I will be calling ROA sometime this week to see what the dealio is. Thanks for the advice everyone. Hopefully I can line something up with Hooper.
  18. Neither his website or Saved's says anything about that. I thought I remember there being a notice about no new clients on his website some time ago. I couldn't find it this time...
  19. I think you're going to have to cut the limb off. Seems to be the only option. It looks like your pimple has a very bad case of tattoo. You're fucked.
  20. Oh shit...did we get fucking rick rolled by that ass clown Teddy Boy?
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