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Everything posted by else

  1. Raw cabbage leaves - they're commonly used for new breastfeeding moms - after my knee surgery, way back when, my acupuncturist suggested I try it and it worked like a charm. They feel really cold going on and then within a few minutes the cabbage leaf is all warm and wilted and the swollen area is less so. It's nice - and cheap! (But looks a little funny!) Very happy with the tiger - right now it looks totally awful though. I'm so swollen you can't tell there's any bones in there at all and really oozy :( Oh well, it'll be fine before I know it. - - - Updated - - - Bonus! Knee surgery scars are covered!!
  2. Anyone else ever tried cabbage leaves to take down swelling? I used them on my knee after surgery a few years ago - and again now with my new knee tattoo. I have no idea why it works but it feels wonderful.
  3. I know the place! That's one of my favorites. If you're ever in North Portland there's a good one up on Killingsworth near Jefferson high school.
  4. Before the convention (over email) we had discussed doing something "hindu inspired" which I guess is what he's into these days. A few nights before the big day I had this dream that I was watching a documentary about "shamanic battles against evil" and Chad was interviewed in the documentary and was showing all these pictures of big cat tattoos and discussing how they were especially powerful against evil forces. So when I got there and we started talking about what to do I told him about my dream and he drew it up for me right there. :D
  5. the knee is hugely swollen and really, really tender! But I'm diggin' it! As soon as I get my new phone squared away I'll take a picture and post it up.
  6. It is. :-( makes me a little sick to my stomach
  7. It's a good thing I don't live in Austin! At the rate I'm going there's no way I could afford it - I'd have a full bodysuit and be sleeping in a cardboard box.
  8. I'll for sure put it on my wish list, it sounds great.
  9. Just got back from Rock of Ages - got a big ol' tiger on the knee! Can't wait to show you guys but it looks a little awful right now with all the ooze... Steve was fantastic - super easy to sit for - I can't wait to go back in March for the other knee! :D And thanks @Dhopper for coming by, it was nice to see you again!!
  10. Here goes! This is my hindu influenced panther by Chad Koeplinger done 1/18 at the Star of Texas Convention in Austin, Tx
  11. I don't know... maybe I'm wrong, but it seems unlikely that she said "hey guy I just met, you're a tattooer and I'd like to get a tattoo. Why don't you tattoo your name on my face in giant dark black gang-script". Given his penchant for tattooing girls faces it seems like it was more likely his idea... But, like @Mike Panic has pointed out, we don't really know how it all went down... It creeps me out though. That's one doodle that can't be undid... - - - Updated - - - And... I'm guilty of overuse of ellipses...
  12. @Delicious - I've got one more appointment booked (in late February)... and then my plan is to take a little break, but I'm willing to change my plan if something jumps out at me ;)
  13. This might be my favorite one so far :)
  14. That's how I roll! I'm in or I'm out... no halfway in for me! Bam! I don't think I would want to try for identical tattoos on each knee but I definitely want them to "go together"... My plan right now is to have a heart to heart with Steve Byrne about it and let him lead me in the right direction. He knows what he's doing.
  15. thanks @Pugilist for the support! I'm sure it will be - but tonight, I'm a little freaked out about it! @Delicious - tomorrow I'm seeing Steve Byrne. And I'm getting my new phone AND spending the night in a hotel in Austin with free wifi so I will for sure upload my Chad panther tomorrow :D
  16. my first tattoo was done by a friend of a friend, in my kitchen, in exchange for a bottle of whiskey... That's a lot of commandments broken in one tattoo. (I still like the tattoo though thankfully - AND I didn't have to put out!)
  17. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day And I am nervous (really nervous!) about possibly getting my knee(s?) done. I'll let y'all know how it plays out...
  18. I'm with Dan on this one... if my husband ever forbade me from doing anything that is important to me one of us would be looking at the wrong side of the front door.
  19. Should have followed my strict policy to "never read the comments"...
  20. I haven't seen these - and won't be able to until March, I'll have to try to remember between now and then.
  21. Well now I'm dying of curiosity! resisting so far...
  22. Wow! that Kylie the recruiter got shut down quick! thanks mods! :)
  23. maybe... I'm nervous about it. There are plenty of other things we can do if I don't go for the squid knees this time. You guys here will probably know about it before anyone else either way!
  24. I love the squid pants. Can't wait to get more done on mine! :)
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