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Posts posted by TheLance

  1. I think everybody associates impulsive with "right then and there", so mine may not be as impulsive. A friend of mine says, "you should get something that says i'm from florida, like the gators logo". i say, "that would be mad cheesy, but id get a sick gator tat!".......a month later i have a giant gator on half of my body by Seth Wood

  2. I can't make any new threads in the section yet as i figured it would be good to make one about tipping/gifts to artists. although im sure any questions around that would fall nicely into this thread. anyways.....

    I have an appointment with an artist next saturday and we're working on a large piece. last session he mentioned something about "the Dillinger Escape Plan" so we got onto the subject of the band and which material we liked the most. turns out we both agree Calculating infinity and the "under the running board" EP were our favorites and best in our opinion. It so happens i have copies of both of those records on vinyl and i was thinking of giving him a copy or two as a gift for being an awesome dude. what are your thoughts on gifts and whatnot?

  3. This will be the 4th session on my back. I waited as long as it took to laser the existing tattoo on my back, documented here...


    Between the laser sessions and heal time it was a little more than a year. The only reason I got in so quick is I had a super rare skateboard that he was looking for. Unfortunately it was one of only 3 more boards he's looking to collect. The other 2 are nearly impossible to find, one I don't believe even exists, the other I actually found but the condition of it (pretty nice actually) still wasn't good enough.

    damn dude you're lucky! wish i had some of those decks haha

  4. Either way for me. i think it's interesting in either case cause it's almost like a "beauty and the beast" kinda deal. Or just straight beast on beast action hahaha. it's an aesthetic thing and though it would be cool to have somebody that shares those interests, it's really the time shared and if you're attracted right???

  5. Had this feeling after my first tattoo. I realized i felt that way because i am not happy with whats on my body now. when it comes to getting tattooed, for me i am a more visual person that loves seeing the details and the execution forever imprinted on my skin. when i find sombody's work i obsess over, i try to imagine any subject matter they would blow away and if i like it i approach them. so ever since my first tattoo i've been completely stoked with the outcome as is the artist. if i think the artist isnt feeling it i wont let them cause i won't be happy. good vibes all around prevent those "post-blues".

    This rant brought to you by the lance lol

  6. Not entirely related to getting a back piece but i have something spanning from my armpit down to my knee and when we work on it i just drop them completely. im deffinitely self conscious of my body but i feel really comfortable when i do it at a tattoo shop. if anything he asks me to just hid my bits by covering with my briefs. but yeah everything including the ass is exposed. it's just way easier imo

  7. Hey everyone! My name is Justin and I am an apprentice at south shore tattoo in amityville NY (home of the horror). As I write to you now I am being tattooed by my friend and owner of th shop mike Nomikos who is really talented and I'll post a pic later for you all to see. I should be starting tattooing soon and I figured I'd become a part of this community to share some ideas and photos of my progress, in time hopefully I'll have some of your blessings to tattoo you. If any of you wish to follow my progress and life in tattooing you can check out my Instagram: @Jbulba. Thanks and hello!

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