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Posts posted by fizz7283

  1. They play pandora at the shop I go to. I'm pretty much always the first customer in so my artist lets me choose the station and it's usually Morrissey or depeche mode because I know all of the artists there like all the music on those stations. Once I chose tool and that had to have been one of my more fun tattoo experiences.

    All of the other shops I've ever been tattooed at just play the local rock/alt stations. So I really enjoy the shop I go to now, I don't have to listen to the same top 40 songs over and over again.

  2. I've only done a touch up on two tattoos. One of them I went back and requested myself. I really regret doing it because it looked worse the second time around. A lot of the problem was my fault... Picking a design that had no black outline. But after the touch up the artist also told me he should have passed that tattoo off to someone else in the shop because it was too difficult for him. Well how nice of you to tell me after you get the initial money and tip for it and the tip for the touch up! That tattoo now looks like a big piece of colorful crap lol

    The second touch up was on my desert scene on my arm. I went in to get the background done on it and the butterfly and ladybug added and my artist wanted to go over the little kangaroo rat again. I was perfectly happy with how it came out the first time around, but if he is not happy with how it looks then I am more than happy to let him fix it. I am basically a big walking advertisement for him so I would like to advertise as best as I can.

    He wants to touch up my ocean scene as well. The bottom of my arm where it sits and rubs on the desk at work got kind of chewed up and is missing some color. I am waiting until I make an appointment to get the rest of my arm done to tie my desert and ocean scene together because I don't want to go back and just take up time from him for a touch up.

    After my first experience I won't request a touch up on my own. I learned my lesson. My skin is really sensitive and I think having it worked over twice makes it harder to accept the ink. Luckily the artist I go to now managed to make my kangaroo rat look better after he added a little more color, hopefully he can do the same with my ocean scene. I would absolutely hate for my skin to reject the ink and end up looking worse. Right now it only has ink pulled out on the part by the elbow.

  3. I've always felt like I'm limited to just tattooing my limbs because of issues I have with my weight. I just wouldn't feel comfortable getting anything done anywhere on my chest, ribs, back, etc. so right now I only have my arms and legs tattooed. I guess I am quite the opposite of most other females who would rather get their work done in places they can hide easily lol

    So in regards to balancing things out and placement... I do still partake in that little detail. For some reason symmetry must really be a woman's thing. I have 18 tattoos total and nine are on the right side of my body and nine are on the left side.

    I have two decent sized tattoos on my right arm of an ocean scene and desert scene and those two are driving me crazy right now. I would love to somehow connect the two and make it appear as one, but on the bottom of the arm I have what looks like a pizza slice of blank space and on the top I have a good inch and a half of space between the two, running parallel between them. I have no clue how to tie them in together and it's annoying the hell out of me. I can't possibly think of anything else to add to them. Moments like this are when I wish I would have thought things through a liiiiitle bit more!

  4. I have far too many bad tattoos lol basically all of them I got when I first started getting tattoos when I was younger.


    No outline, colors are all blending together now... It just looks terrible. And the artist had a REALLY HEAVY hand. I actually have a lot of scar tissue in that tattoo and a lot of ink got pushed out on the original tattoo and the touch up. It healed terribly.


    This one was my second tattoo. I was drunk. I can't even believe the guy tattooed me, I was really noticeably drunk and only 18 lol I guess he only cared about the $60 he was getting. The words were added later at someone's house with a homemade gun. I am so glad I don't have hepatitis. I was worried for a while that I did haha


    From top to bottom: homemade gun (hepatitis scare again, I get paranoid easily but do stupid shit when drunk), the artist who did the lyrics was an asshole who didn't seem like he could even keep his hand steady and the bottom tattoo I actually don't mind. It looks exactly how it's supposed to.


    The only thing that angers me about this tattoo is the artist completely messed up the lines. They are not straight at all. I am completely fine with it taking up valuable space on my arm. I thought for months before I got it tattooed and decided I wanted it there and wasn't going to add anything else on that arm. I was very very upset afterwards when I realized how crooked the lines were =( everyone says, "oh you can't tell" bull shit. It looks terrible.

    Like everyone else, I would never get any of these removed. They don't annoy me enough and I don't dislike or hate them enough for that. I just wish I made better choices on which artists I went to lol and didn't get them done by scratchers with home made guns.

  5. I've never had issues with any of my tattoos, but I've also always worked on military bases. They tend to be more relaxed regarding tattoos than normal civilian employers. I've gone to all of my interviews with short sleeve dress shirts intentionally because I don't see the point in hiding from the beginning that I have tattoos.

    Some of my coworkers did that, did interviews in long sleeves and later found out that we have no policy against visible tattoos. I'd rather just let them know up front before I got the job that I had tattoos because there's no way in hell I could work in the middle of the Mojave desert all summer long in long sleeves lol so I have to either have an employer and supervisor that's willing to let me show my tattoos or I need to start looking for a new job. And luckily I have not ever had to do the latter.

  6. When I first started getting tattooed I did all walk ins and all at the same shop. They were all decent artists, but quite a few were kind of rude. I finally found two artists from that one shop who were really friendly and sociable and I really like their work, so I've stuck with them over the last six years. I honestly don't like the silent types when getting tattooed. It makes it very awkward for me sitting there for hours just completely quiet. So I have to have an artist who is willing to engage in conversation with me.

    In the end I'd rather have a good balance of a good artist who gives me a good tattoo rather than an asshole who gives an amazing piece of art or the most amazing person I've ever met who tattoos a piece of shit on me. Neither of those are pleasant sounding to me. I'll take the less than perfect tattoo though, which might sound dumb to some people, but I like to be comfortable while I'm getting the tattoo as well and I don't want to line some assholes pockets with cash and be uncomfortable getting the tattoo the entire time.

  7. Also speaking as a customer....

    You definitely need to take deposits. At least a minimum of $40 or $50 and have it go towards the price of the tattoo.

    The two artists I go to don't make me put down deposits anymore, but I've been going to them for years now. Especially the main artist I go to for most of my tattoos, he's been tattooing me for six years now. I don't think I've given him a deposit since the third tattoo he's done on me?

    Last year I had to cancel an appointment literally last minute. I went to the appointment and everything, but had to leave due to my blood pressure being through the roof. If I sat through the tattoo session I think I would have died, it was that damn high. I felt so terrible about it so I gave him $100 for having to cancel last minute.

    Reasons like that are why you need to take deposits. Neither of the artists I go to make me leave deposits so I could have easily walked away and not have lost any money for canceling last minute. It would have screwed him over bad though because he had NO notice about the cancellation.

    And just because you're tattooing a friend or a client who has been going to your shop for years doesn't mean they won't have an emergency all of a sudden and have to cancel an appointment. I wasn't expecting to cancel that appointment. I don't mind putting deposits down, but the artists don't think it's necessary because we've established a relationship and trust each other, but I also respect them enough that if I have to cancel and it doesn't give them enough time to schedule other people then I will at least pay them the cancellation fee they charge their normal customers who stumble in the shop for the first time.

  8. Eh, it's your opinion, you're entitled to have it, just like others are entitled to have their text tattoos, their tribal tattoos, their tramp stamps and so on. As long as we are happy with what is on our own skin that's all that matters. I'd still much rather have a novel written on my skin that means something to me than a tattoo that I got just because I like the way it looks. I have both types of tattoos and in general, have been much more pleased with the tattoos that actually mean something to me and those are always the ones that have some sort of text in them.

    I'm happy with them so I really have no clue why I'm trying to justify it to anyone else? Lol. I feel like trying to justify why I got my first tattoo to my mom.

  9. Unfortunately not everyone can afford such amazing imagery to be tattooed on their skin. Yeah they can save up longer instead of getting the tattoo right then and there, but I'm sure you know how it is to want a tattoo and not be able to afford that huge beautiful piece.

    The music I listen to does create strong imagery for me though, that's why mine aren't all text, but they are heavily text based. But I still don't see anything wrong with all text tattoos if that's what a person wants.

  10. I love getting text tattoos, they're all music related. I'm very big into music and it's what I connect with so naturally it's what I want to base my tattoos off of. I think tattoos are like music taste, it's stupid to judge other people's tattoos negatively because it's all subjective. What looks dumb to you is the next persons favorite piece of art. There is no right or wrong thing to get. Things you might love to put on your body, I wouldn't understand. I don't understand tribal, stars, dragons, zodiac signs, etc., but I don't say it's a dumb fad and bash people for getting them because it's what they want on their skin, not my skin.

    So that said I have a shit ton of text based tattoos and one of my favorite ones is my post it note tattoo I got right after my dad got out of the hospital. It's the chorus from a song that reminds me of my parents. So damn, I fit all your dumb stereotypes lol emotionally based sentimental text tattoos that stem from song lyrics. Anddddd I love that damn tattoo.

    Might be stupid to you all, but I sure as hell wear it with pride. It means something very special to me.

  11. My leg has stayed red and tender even though it is peeling. I think it's just the area of the leg that is tattooed that is sensitive.

    Anyway, elevate your leg, and continue to treat it as you have. Thats all I can give you, Im not a pro!

    I'm hoping it's just because it's on the leg. My gray shading is still very red and most the tattoo is still very red all around the outside as well. Very swollen too. At least it's not as hot to the touch today, so that's good.

    I'm probably worrying too much about the normal healing process considering the placement of the tattoo.

  12. I usually know for a month or two that I want to get a certain type of tattoo like a desert scene, ocean scene, a tree, etc., and then it takes me a few weeks to find the images I want and put it all together. Then make the appointment so that's another two weeks or so. In the end my tattoos are usually a three month process or so. The most impulsive ones I have were the first few I got when I was younger. They're all small and not very detailed and were done with friends when they were visiting and we had a little extra cash to spare.

    My favorite impulse tattoo would be my bee tattoo although it really wasn't even an impulse tattoo either lol I was getting a tattoo, saw it on some flash and made an appointment for my friend and I to get it two weeks later when she would be down visiting. Technically not an impulse tattoo I guess?

  13. I have different styles, mainly because when I first started getting tattooed I had a much smaller budget and couldn't really afford bigger, more colorful tattoos lol so had to stick with smaller all black tattoos. As I got older and got a real job and the financial situation picked up, I realized I really enjoyed the colorful cartoonish type tattoos and that is what I tend to get now. I don't think it looks bad to have a mixed style of tattoos though. But once you find out what you like and what looks good on your skin, you usually tend to stick with it. Too much black doesn't sit well on my skin anyway, it fades to that darkish blue color, but colors look really nice on my skin because I am really pale.

  14. Yes they have. Most notably would be the post it note tattoo I got with lyrics from a panzer AG song. I got it two years ago right after my dad got out of the hospital. Every day I look at that tattoo and realize I need to make my parents proud and honor them. They may not agree with or like all the tattoos I get, but they sure as hell influenced that one and it will forever be one of my favorite pieces of work that I have on my body. It will always remind me of how you can lose your parents at any given time and you need to respect them and spend as much time with them as humanly possible while they are alive. Luckily my dad pulled through and after two weeks in ICU he was released, but it could have easily taken a turn for the worse and not have happened that way. I am thankful that it did not. I have the utmost respect for my parents and love them with all my heart.

  15. My leg is soo swollen, it's so tight I can hardly bend my leg in. The redness is spreading and it is burning really bad. At this point I'm not sure if it's just from being a leg tattoo or my issues with green ink.

    So here's what the tattoo looked like a few hours after getting it done on Wednesday.


    And here's what it looks like now. My leg is very swollen and you can see the redness spreading.


    I've been taking Benadryl, ibuprofen and using ice packs in the evenings, but it's not helping much. Being at work all day makes it swell terribly. Now I know why my artist doesn't have his legs worked on too much himself lol it's such a hassle to deal with afterwards. Plus it's already beginning to scab as well since there's so many dark inks, not sure why my skin likes to create scabs on dark inks, but that's another annoying quirk, almost as bad as being allergic to green ink.

  16. Hi everyone,

    I actually just joined this forum because of reading this thread. It's nice to see people with large tattoos covering large areas of their body say that the swelling and tenderness is normal rather than just jump to the conclusion of it always being an INFECTION.

    So I just wanted to say leg tattoos are a pain in the butt to heal! I got the whole front of my left leg done last year and had a ton of issues with it, but it originated with me having a reaction with green ink. Since then I've attempted getting tattoos three separate times with green ink and I've always had issues the same way and they were on my forearms and wrist. It will swell, be really red, painful, feel like it's bruised pretty much, but also feel like it is burning. With the green ink it also seems like it "attacks" any scar tissue around it, whether it's other tattoos or just normal scars. They will swell up really bad and blister.

    I just got a decent sized tattoo on my inner right leg, right in the middle, it's probably about 5x6 inches or so. There's some green in it, but my artist mixed colors instead of using an actual green ink.

    It's getting really hard for me to tell if I'm having a reaction to the green that he concocted or just simply having issues that come along with a lower leg tattoo. Just wondering if you all have any opinions on this?

    And sorry if I hijacked the thread at all, but it involved a leg tattoo, so didn't really see the need to open a new thread for it.

  17. Hello,

    My name is Amber and I live in Helendale, CA. I am 25 years old and have 18 tattoos, I actually just got the 18th tattoo yesterday =) My first tattoo was done on a $40 budget on my 18th birthday. My mom told me I would regret it and of course I do lol but I don't regret any of the others! Fell in love with tattoos after that first one and obviously continued to get them as often as the financial situation would allow. Lately I've become quite obsessed with animal tattoos, but I still manage to incorporate some type of musical connection into them.

    I recently developed an allergy to green ink and that really has made it difficult to get work done, it seems like everything I want has some sort of green in it. I'll get past that though. It just makes healing my pieces really painful and take even longer to heal.

    Hope to get to know everyone and see the amazing work you guys have done!

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