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Everything posted by blujax01

  1. blujax01

    Elbow Moth

    Biz Matos [email protected] facebook.com/bizartink
  2. Ain't that the truth. My panther lost 1-1/2 claws and some chin hair while this one healed, lol.
  3. I've been having the folks at Envy Skin Gallery tattoo me for a couple of years now. Good people that I consider as much to be family as anything else. Everyone there has done at least one piece on me, but Will Murray and Billy Hill have done the bulk of the work on my sleeves. I stopped by the shop yesterday to stick my head in the door and say: "Hi." Carlos Biz Marcos walked up and asked what was what. I told him I was looking to talk to Will about an appointment to cap my elbow. Biz told me that Will had gone home sick but Biz had a couple of free hours and an idea for a killer moth that would fit perfectly. When the swelling goes down, I'll post a better pic. So yeah, if you know and trust your artist, wind him up and turn him loose. You will not be disappointed.:cool:
  4. As a male, I need to apologize to all the ladies here. Allow me to explain. Until a couple of years ago, all my tattoos were hidden unless I wanted to show them, as they were placed above the elbow, below the collarbone, etc. But in 2013 I decided that I wasn't getting any younger and it was time to get sleeved. And I find that now, there are A LOT of people who no longer make eye contact until after they sneak a peek, and even then, their eyes keep drifting downward. Which is hilarious as I always thought for all these years when I was ogling cleavage, there was no way I was going to get caught. HEY! My eyes are up here! :cool:
  5. The Watcher on the backside of my left arm, elbow to armpit by William Murray in Columbus. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic. I have a friend who is a professional photographer and is coming for a visit this December and we will get proper shots of my tattoos.
  6. blujax01

    The Watcher

    Will Murray www.Envyskingallery.com
  7. I will say that is the first (and last) time I've seen a guy get a coverup tattoo on his cock.
  8. I had no idea that these were Masonic symbols and my father was a Mason his entire adult life. When I think Masons, I think of the builder's square and compass thingy that forms a diamond shape and has a "G" in the middle. I learned something new today, Thanks.
  9. No collection is complete without at least one, IMO. Next week I am having a barred owl in flight just below this piece and my left sleeve will be almost complete!:cool:
  10. I would agree except the bickering gets higher ratings. I read the Facebook comments. "I love her work but she's so FAT. I hope she loses soon" "His tattoos may not be good but he's a dreamboat, I'd kill for one of his pieces." And on and on. They're the same crowd who watches Real Housewives of Wherever. I wish I had a dime for every time someone typed the word "jacked", or used a direct judge's quote for criticizing something they truly do not understand. People who may or may not have a single tattoo going on and on like they're real experts. Follow their comment to their own FB page (Stalk) and if they have a tattoo, it's generally something dismal. Nary a one understands the complex simplicity of American Traditional. And Japanese? Forget about it. I have a group of a half dozen close friends who are tattoo artists and they are sick of folks coming in and acting like they're Toothpick Peck or I Hate Everyone Nunez. "Yeah, I want a Block "O" college logo but we need to discuss line weight and negative space." "Do you know Mystical Mike? I heard he was in Columbus once." The episode where the "flash challenge" was nailing drywall finally did it for me. Call Fonzie, this turd has definitely jumped the shark.
  11. I don't know but kudos to whoever got this one!
  12. blujax01


    Curtis Shepherd
  13. She's just gorgeous! Many thanks to Will Murray. 614-457-3689
  14. blujax01

    Pin up Girl

    William "Wil The Drill" Murray at Envy Skin Gallery, Columbus Ohio
  15. I recently completed my right sleeve (an 18 month project), and with two exceptions it was done by multiple (5) artists from the same shop. For the most part, it chronicles my time I spent caring for my wife as she battled and lost her life to brain tumors. The folks at Envy Skin Gallery "get it" and made me a part of their family. I cannot thank Billy Hill and Company enough. Fuck Cancer.
  16. I see. Anyone else you care to blacklist?
  17. Okay, went to Hell City. Meh... This shit was a lot more fun in the 90's. Or is it just me?
  18. Can't leave out Myke Chambers (Seven Swords, Philadelphia). Traditional Tattoo Artist Myke Chambers
  19. blujax01


    Billy Hill
  20. blujax01


    Billy Hill
  21. A mermaid spanning from my upper arm into my lower. Positioned such that her belly button is in the inside crook of my elbow and when I bend my arm, she swims.
  22. Apple selling bright, shiny things to hipsters has been very good for my stock portfolio for a number of years. It helps me afford tattoos! I am so looking forward to the iWatch2, and iWatch3, and ...
  23. Welcome! See you in Hell (City). :cool:
  24. Now that's funny I don't care who you are!
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