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Posts posted by Fala

  1. @Fala Wow. Really nice.

    and the side will have been so much worse than your back, I think . . .

    @SStu Hehe - we'll see! That part where the blade hits my back just a bit, I kept wanting to turn around and punch Yoni in the face. It was a surreal experience. That said, I'm hoping to start working on my back after this, once I settle on imagery (a battle royale of some sort).

    That soft spot between the ribs and hip was super awful, which was (of course) where the majority of the session time was spent. I am one of those people who'd much rather have a long session on the ribs than those soft/sensitive parts. Yesterday was such a strange tattoo day. I was so spent after the session, I couldn't think, do simple math, could barely get home... Going back in January/February to finish - yay!

    Good to think that the back won't be so bad if I can manage my ribs (again!) I figure, if both side panels are done before I do my back, I'm golden - hahahaha...

  2. Reviving this thread because this was just posted in my FB feed: http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736%2815%2960215-X.pdf

    Long perceived as a form of exotic self-expression in some social fringe groups, tattoos have left their maverick image behind and become mainstream, particularly for young people. Historically, tattoo-related health and safety regulations have focused on rules of hygiene and prevention of infections. Meanwhile, the increasing popularity of tattooing has led to the development of many new colours, allowing tattoos to be more spectacular than ever before. However, little is known about the toxicological risks of the ingredients used. For risk assessment, safe intradermal application of these pigments needs data for toxicity and biokinetics and increased knowledge about the removal of tattoos. Other concerns are the potential for phototoxicity, substance migration, and the possible metabolic conversion of tattoo ink ingredients into toxic substances. Similar considerations apply to cleavage products that are formed during laser-assisted tattoo removal. In this Review, we summarise the issues of concern, putting them into context, and provide perspectives for the assessment of the acute and chronic health effects associated with tattooing.

  3. @cltattooing - I've been making a conscious effort to not get tattooed around the time Aunt Flo is due in town to avoid a more painful session, mostly because I get tattooed so rarely that I want to enjoy the experience as much as possible. I'm glad I've been able to avoid it until this past time. Aiyeeeeee, I can't imagine what having my back done at that time would be like.
  4. I know a few ladies posted about getting tattooed before/around having their period and I have to say that it DOES make a difference! If you can, I recommend NOT getting tattooed the day before your period is due... Will be a much more pleasant experience if you are mid-cycle.

  5. Good for you Patrick! I quit my job of 7.5 years last December, took three months off of work to recuperate after being severely burned out for the last 2 years of the job, and am so much better off now at my new job. I make more money now which is a huge deal!!! Yay to quitting shitty stress filled jobs that leave you depleted!

    Well, I finally quit my job of 9 1/2 years. Some may say that is stupid but the stress level was taking a toll on me. The last year was hell and not getting a raise in 4 years was eating away at me. Still living with my grandparents who have raised me, I have to take care of them. But when i'd get home, I wouldn't "de-stress" and would still be in a shitty mood, which isn't fair or nice to them.

    I made plans to quit and had tons of back-up plans set up. Two of my back up plans actually worked. I got a full scholarship to grad school which I applied for back in March. So Now I work on campus 18 hours a week and get a small hourly wage but my tuition is 100% paid.

    Also, my friend purchased a business and immediately had me work with her. We deliver drinks like soda or snapple in NYC twice a week. Starting out, I told her to pay me very very little just to get the ball moving in her court. After about 8 months, is when I'm going to start making some decent money.

    all in all, I am working less hours. Making more money (in 8 months). Tuition is getting paid. Thursdays and weekends off. stress level is at zero. Started going to the gym more. I am emotionally on cloud 9.

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