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Everything posted by suburbanxcore

  1. Ok, I'll type up a quick little recap with some pictures of the weekend. I'll be honest: I didn't really take a ton of photos. There were some people there taking pictures of absolutely everything. I felt weird doing that, so I tried to just get a few that were representative of what was there. I'm sure more will surface, but this is everything I took. Also, I didn't go to the lectures, but when I got there on Saturday for my 12:30 appointment, the lecture had just ended. The place was absolutely mobbed when I went up, and Ed was signing books and posters for a long line of people. He ended up leaving fairly soon after that was done, but Trevor stayed there and showed art and chatted with anyone who had questions or wanted to buy stuff. By all accounts, the lectures were incredible. Rubendall said that they'd be up online in the near future, and obviously @Iwar posted that teaser above. First and foremost, I'll start with some of the art. Ed had a few different collections of things. These first ones were my favorite. They were all paintings, with an etching or rubbing over the top, in a way that almost reminded me of some of the Devita stuff they've had there before, but with Ed-styled paintings underneath. Very cool. In that same collection were two incredible tiger paintings. I would've killed to buy these, but they were sold already and I'm poor as fuck. Haha. He also had a lot of crazy morphs. Below are two of them, and the panther/snake morph on silver had about six others that were similar. Grez actually bought the one posted below. There was also this collection with the "pig thing" and a bunch of drippy/bendy/wild panthers. My buddy was about to buy this one, but his wife was NOT having it. I think the real highlight was going through a ton of original stencils and drawings that Trevor had in a binder. He didn't have them out for the longest time, then when I saw him take them out, I bolted over. I only took one pic, but there was some amazing stuff in here. I just pored through a ton of it with a few people and each thing was more amazing than the last. Here's the flash they were tattoing from as well as the Hardy gorilla my buddy got from Grez (bloody eyes and all). Grez was beyond excited to do it, as he'd never done that tattoo in all of his years. He told us stories about getting tattooed by Ed, as well as one about Ed freehanding on Brian Bruno towards the end of his career. Next time I get tattooed by him I'm making him take his pants off to show me. He said he would. I think that's it for now. I'm sure more will come to me, but I wanted to share a bit of what I saw.
  2. So, @hogg brought up a point I've been wondering about. Most shops I've been to, and definitely my local shop, are cash only. Some to the point of having an ATM right there. And same with conventions. But lately on my trips to Kings Avenue, they always ask me if I'm paying with cash or card. I always feel weird paying with credit or debit for tattoo, so I always pay with cash. But at the same time, sometimes I'm a bit wary of walking around New York City with a few hundred dollars or even a grand in my pocket. I don't really even know if I have a question in here, other than what are people's general thoughts on paying with a card vs cash? Obviously, any tips would be in cash. Edit: not sure if this has been covered elsewhere. Just something I've been thinking about, and hogg's post made me think of it. I didn't search or anything.
  3. That rules. Mike and Grez said that they'd have a ton of it up online soon, so I can't wait to see the lectures. I didn't go to those; I was just there to get tattooed and check out the art show. So when I do get my recap up (hopefully tonight or tomorrow), it'll only be about that. I'm excited for things to get online.
  4. If my photobucket wasn't being a jerk, I'd upload a bunch of pictures and a little recap.
  5. Just started to set something up for Pagoda City in August. I know it's still a bit off and nothing it set in stone, but I'll post details as it happens. Between getting the ball rolling on this and finishing my arm in just over two weeks, I'm beyond excited.
  6. My friend got a perfect Hardy gorilla from Grez on Saturday.
  7. Agreed. @marley mission, you're sure to get a killer tattoo! I love her stuff.
  8. Grez just told me that June will be the last sitting for my arm. Three weeks! I'm so excited to wrap it up.
  9. I'll be the other guy with the beard and tattoos. But on Saturday.
  10. For sure. I'm feeling like Saturday is going to be a madhouse. My friend is heading down there pretty early to see what's up with walk ins that day. I'm just glad my appointment didn't get bumped. Haha. I wish I could swing a walk in with someone else too, but I'm kinda strapped for extra cash right now. So yeah, say hey. Or we'll comment on instagrams or here the next day. Haha.
  11. @BrianH, actually, I'm an idiot and had my dates wrong. I'll be there with Grez from 12:30-3:30 on the 16th, then just hanging around a bit. A friend of mine is going to try and snag a walk in of the Hardy flash. We'll see I guess. Stop by and say what's up.
  12. Another sitting with Grez this Saturday during the Hardy weekend at Kings Avenue.
  13. @Iwar During my last appointment with Grez, I commented that he'd be "putting bird feet all over Norway." I'm glad I was accurate.
  14. Oh man. Brutal story. Haha. But I'm sure you have some pretty incredible stories and memories from that time period that worked out a lot more positively.
  15. Is anyone going to be around on the 17th for this? Hangs?
  16. Nice. I'll definitely have to check this out tonight.
  17. As a kid I was raised Catholic, and I always really loved the art and imagery long after I stopped attending church or really believing. I felt kind of weird getting an overtly Christian/Catholic image, despite my fondness for them. Additionally, as a kid, baseball was a huge influence on my life. It was the first sport I really cared about and a way to spend time with my dad and brother. What better way to combine my two than the Phillie Phanatic coupled with the virgin mary? Plus, the Phillies kind of always need a prayer. Also, seeing @mmikaoj's ROA on the last page reminds me that a friend has a killer one with a Pennsylvania keystone rock instead of a cross from Justin Weatherholtz. It's pretty incredible. I'll see if I can snag a pic.
  18. Man, so many killer tattoos that I saw on Instagram in the last few days. Of course they belong to members here. Haha. Great work everyone.
  19. So jealous, @TrixieFaux. I'd love to get tattooed by him. Detailed report the second it's done, please.
  20. @TrixieFaux I'm sorry. I know I've probably read it, but who is this with? @Randy Vegas that definitely does sound like an awesome day!
  21. Keep me posted! My summer is crazy, but I'd love to pop down. I love RVA and have been trying to figure out logistics for seeing that show.
  22. He just threw out his back and canceled his trip to Philly last weekend, and I know a few people that were pretty bummed. Obviously understandable, though.
  23. This is why they make chocolate AND vanilla ice cream. That said, as I've mentioned many times, I'm working on my first "cohesive" sleeve. I'm so impatient, and while I love seeing it come together, it's definitely a very different experience than getting one-shot tattoos for the last ten years. I can't say which I like better, really.
  24. Rose with a banner (with way too many words). I'll post up later. Also, this thread fucking rules. Haha. So many great tattoos.
  25. I posted a little sneak peak on Instagram (@suburbanxcore), but Grez and I finally got into some brighter colors on my fifth session this weekend. My dragon now has a bright red belly to really pop out from his green scale and the darker eagle. It's starting to really come together. Not in again until 5/16 for Ed Hardy day and a three hour session!
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