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Everything posted by Dan

  1. a couple years ago my wife had some cancer removed from her leg, and it was directly on a tattoo. :(
  2. so go get a touchup like you said.no big deal. and I agree the thin blood thing shouldn't be an issue.
  3. LOL yes ! blue on your skin tone will look great,should look fine, but it will also depend on the ink that is used and the style of the tattooer. remember colors stay looking better kept out of the sun and use of good sunblock. you should try to chill and relax,it's a good idea for pre-tattoo mindset
  4. Around 9:30pm last night my very dear friend Patrick H. Karaszkiewicz left this world. He died in the arms of his wife, exactly how he wanted. After a long struggle with pancreatic cancer, he beat the odds the doctors gave him. He is suffering no longer and was a fighter until the end. RIP Patrick
  5. that would end up looking like a big black blob on your arm,IMO that would not transfer well to a tattoo. maybe you should wait a few years to really think about it and find a good artist. and welcome to the forum. sit and stay a while and do some reading and then do more reading here.
  6. if you go on Saturday, I will be there , I'll PM you my #.
  7. you probably didn't do anything wrong in the healing process, it's still not completely healed yet, it takes a few months to fully heal, and you can always get it touched up, most artists will do it for free, just be sure and tip them,(they have a cost of supplies)
  8. it looks fine IMO,it will NEVER look like it did the day you had it done. stop looking at it with a magnifying glass. keep it out of the sun,lotion up with a good lotion(everyday forever) love it,live it,enjoy it,show it off with pride. and start planning & researching your next great tattoo.
  9. I was getting these messages all last night and today. just now was the first time I could see the forums.I tried 3 different browsers on my DT and my phone.
  10. sounds like it's healing just fine.
  11. tattoo remorse is very common, it will pass. I have a large number of tattoos and still get it every time ! LOL
  12. @oboogie was heading in the right direction, I know a bit about that,it looks like this to me .... "The Meaning of the Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook. The deep connection and reverence the Hawaiians had for the ocean created the meaning behind the Hawaiian fish hook necklace. It represents strength, prosperity, abundance, and a great respect for the sea." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hei_matau https://www.google.com/search?q=hawaiian+bone+hook+design+meaning&rlz=1C1CHHJ_enUS531US531&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2yvTL657WAhXFjlQKHQ2fCloQsAQIcg "Makau – Fish Hook Pendant Hawaiians have a deep connection and understanding of the ocean. The Makau is a fishhook pendant, which was used in ancient times to find food. During the early eras, locals would create fishhooks out of various materials – bones, wood, coral and stone. Today, the fish hook necklaces sold represent everything good: strength, prosperity and good luck. Pendants are often made in bone, wood or jade materials." https://www.olukai.com/journal/2014/11/03/the-meaning-behind-hawaiian-symbols/
  13. my whole body is a mix, I think your idea is just fine.
  14. the bike stuff was the most fun. I got 3rd place for my thigh anchor tattoo. https://www.facebook.com/tattoodan/videos/10207617883804442/
  15. ya,they do burnout contests, and drag races, bite the weeny contest(girl on back of bike has to bite a hotdog on a hotdog hanging on a string) LOL slow ride contest. etc,etc
  16. not sure, maybe just personal preference .I didn't like the buildup of liquid, I prefer the healing to remain dry under the film. :) after many times using it, I have found what works best for me.
  17. ya,IMO leave the outer clear plastic on until it's all applied,because you need to smooth out the film as you apply across the tattoo to get the air bubbles out,and if you peel off the outer skin first it is too hard to do that, and trust me the forearm is an easy place to apply it,I have used that stuff all over my body including on my hands/knees,etc,etc.those are tough to apply,but it works there too. also I wait for about 20 hours before applying the saniderm to let all the plasma/liquid come out ,it won't build up under the film if you wait longer. so take it off,clean it with anti-microbial soap,dry it real good with clean paper towels, and re-apply a new piece of saniderm.
  18. all good educated replies, all I can add is to stop looking at it with a microscope.
  19. cool tattoo and bike show I have gone to a few times,anyone else local to Nor Cal ? it's a pretty fun day,I'll be going,if anyone else wants to go,pm me here with a phone #. http://www.renegadeevents.com/renegade-rendezvous/RR2017.html
  20. ya,saniderm has a international currency converter and ships worldwide.
  21. get some for next time ! Saniderm has a 10.2" x 2yd roll in a sealed bag (I keep it once opened in a ziplock bag for freshness) for $16.95 + Priority Mail® 2 - 3 days USPS: $6.56. http://saniderm.com/shop/ this is what I always buy,I keep some onhand for my next tattoos.
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