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Posts posted by GrayCatLove

  1. I'm with you on the face,no face for me,my neck is cool IMO,

    but not my penis for sure,and I would probably not do palms or armpits either.

    Never's the word God likes to hear when he needs a laugh. I never thought I was "the sort of person" who'd opt for a genital tattoo. I have one that extends onto my pubis and plan to get others near/on that area to cover scars I deem unsightly.

  2. Dry healing with the ointment from the shop after my shower where I normally get tattooed until it heals works well - I know it has tea tree oil and no petroleum, but works well. Everything has healed bright. No crazy plastic wrap, no nothing, unless there's a risk of exposing a fresh tattoo to something icky... Then I scotch tape a chuck with the ointment to keep it from sticking.

    I really am sensitive with lotion and have sensitive skin. (Thanks for the genes, Pop.) My favorite maintenance lotion is Aveeno baby lotion.

  3. ^ I feel like my last post came out wrong. We have a kind of sarcastic way of communicating a lot of the time, the "dumb shit" remark was said laughingly. By "dumb shit" he means whatever "unladylike" things I want, and that was clarified at the time. He really is incredibly nice, to a fault almost. With everything else, he's a pushover, this is one of the only things he feels strongly about. I only mention our limits matching up to show that maybe we were actually on the same page all along, and just not understanding each other because we assumed something different about each other (alas, communication). Once he heard from me that there were things I would never do and get, I think that put him much more at ease. I would love to get to the point where we're both excited about things I want to get (and maybe even both getting tattooed, haha), and maybe that will never happen, but I think he will at the very least be tolerant of it. He came to my last appointment right after he got off work and was there to support me, but as soon as I mentioned getting another I got the whole "You already have 2, do you need more?" lecture, and have been getting it ever since from him. Him actually participating in my brainstorming (and not just moping and trying to convince me not to do it) was a big step for him. And so far, it does seem like once I actually get something, he's fine with it...it's the planning stage that seems to get to him the most.

    We're having a tough time right now in general because of a lot of changes in both of our lives, and I think the tattoo disagreements have just pushed everything over the edge and got us both kind of riled up. He did very clearly say during our talk that it's my body and I can do what I want, and he won't love me any less.

    Okay. Not my style, but I think I understand, now. (Also, if he uses a lot of vulgarity, that's going to wear thin over time. Trust me, from someone who can cuss like a sailor.)

    A word of advice, though, that should be taken with a big grain or two of salt: I write, I work in the field of medicine (which means a lot of hours, starting my second of seventh straight night), and I have tattoos. It becomes rather hard to "accept" these things if your significant other doesn't love them or have tremendous reverence for them. These aren't little things that can be changed, like leaving clothes in the dryer too long or not washing dishes immediately after a meal. The major things in my life aren't going away. Acceptance (especially of something actively disliked) too often turns into a sore spot. I've seen it happen.

    I'm only seeing your side, so I'm not seeing that he's bringing you home roses and telling you how beautiful, smart, and interesting you are, but life is too short not to be with someone who builds you up, buttercup.

  4. Thanks for the replies guys, sorry this thread kinda got derailed into an episode of Dr. Phil, haha. We had a talk about it and I think we've been able to reach a compromise based on his standards of beauty (he almost literally said, "put as much dumb shit as you want on your limbs, but just be a little more careful about what goes on your torso," which was kind of my line of thinking anyway).

    Dumb shit? If Mr. Muscles called my tattoos "dumb shit," or "almost did," he'd be on the next thing smoking out of my life. Do you see where he's twisting his opinions into yours?

    His "off limits" areas corresponded with my own "off limits" areas, proving yet again that communication is key. He was afraid I would start getting my face tattooed or something crazy, I think it had somehow never occurred to him that I had self control. I think with some more exposure to the whole culture of it, he will probably grow more tolerant of it.

    It doesn't matter if they match up. He doesn't get to push you around. He's not going to change, and if he doesn't have the communication skills to talk to you or the trust to assume you wouldn't make major body changes without talking to him, he's not a nice person.

    I've managed to get him into Ink Master, that's a small step in the right direction. :p I've caught him admiring my newest one on a couple occasions, and I had my first one before I met him and he doesn't even seem to notice it. I think he accepts them both as just part of me now, and will probably adapt to any newer pieces in the same way...if not, I'll deal with that when it happens.

    You deserve someone who accepts what you want to do with your body in the future. It shouldn't be a "hoping and praying he'll still accept me" deal. You're better than that.

    I was actually able to bounce ideas off him last night for a future piece without him acting like I said I was getting a body part amputated, that was nice. And I mentioned wanting to get a traditional style bearded lady at some point, and he started out appalled but then actually dared me to find someone to make her pretty, haha.

    When he can say, "It's your body, and I love you and respect your decisions no matter what," then you'll know he's the right man. Until then, you need to reconsider. Sounds like he's toying with your feelings and wants to control you.

    If you were selfishly tattooing without considering his feelings and discussion, then I'd be jumping on you. He sounds immature and mean-spirited.

  5. I thought of a new one to add on top of the face which is the armpit. Way too painful and I would have to shave my armpits often just to sport them anyway. I'll most likely NEVER tattoo my armpits.

    I'm open to neck and hands after I retire though.

    I think my body is jacked up. I didn't think ribs were so bad, and I don't imagine pits being too bad. But I'm told if you're ticklish there, it's going to really hurt.

  6. The guy I'm seeing is really into lifting. Has one tattoo, and we're the odd couple... He's ethnic, I'm Hitler's wet dream. He's athletic and I couldn't even hit a curve ball in high school. He's a nice guy, and I'm, well...

    Anyway, my left side is pretty well covered, big lower abdominal tattoo, and a little side tattoo. And I intend to get a lot more. I mentioned getting another tattoo on my left side and he says, "Oh, it's so crowded already; you don't want to overdo it." Then I mention it's Lucy's dagger from TCoN, and he starts going on how daggers are cool and I should do it if I really want to.

    Support is nice. I'm okay with individual taste, and if I was 50 and in a point in my career where I was considering half-sleeves and my other half said, "Please, I really don't want this," I'd listen to them. It's a matter of how it's presented. Forbidding me to "give up an obsession with tattooing" is not going to end well, but I respect the wishes of my partner, as he respects mine to continue getting tattoos.

  7. Got up at 3 AM and took Mom to the airport. Peeing like crazy d/t the surgery alleviating water retention, and it feels WONDERFUL. I would not have thought based on my body size I had retained that much water.

    Took a pain pill. Gonna let it kick in and go work out with my dad. Then I'm going to come home, relax, then run into work and drop off my request for a day off and book plans with someone I want to spend some time with.

    After that, I'm going to sit down with my father and watch season three of The Walking Dead and eat hormone free, antibiotic free strip steak I bought for us. Then I'm going to shower until boiled alive and sleep, sleep, sleep. But not before another pain pill and antibiotics.

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