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Everything posted by SeeSea

  1. I've stayed in a hotel a couple times after particularly gnarly late night sessions. I also bring a ratty towel but I've sometimes soaked through a shirt AND the underlying towel because sometimes I just leak for hours and hours (back tattoo). But this week I just discovered the amazingness of doggy pee-pads. Tape one of those babies down to the sheets - they absorb liquid and keep it trapped inside. I'm using them at home from now on!
  2. It's been around, but I didn't see it here on a cursory search. I wonder if they offer quantity discount?
  3. Re: cost. Almost everyone has asked me this question and very few people know I am working on a full back. It makes me uncomfortable, even from friends, and I don't have a pat answer yet. But the other day, without even thinking, I replied, "Yeah, it's more expensive than going to the movies." For some reason, that shut down the question with a little laugh from both of us, but in a way that it was clear I wasn't going to share, conversation was over, without being rude or making them feel like a jerk for asking (my friends, after all). Not sure I can explain that, but it was a positive thing and I think I'll try that one again.
  4. Thanks, all! Yeah, I was gonna start a thread called "Thread for posting while getting tattooed" (a la "Thread for posting while inebriated") but it would just be full of posts like, "Oohhh, why did I decide to get this multi-session tattoo?", "I seriously signed up for this?", "This is freaking killing me!", "My muscle just won't stop twitching," "I want to tap out now. You can't tap out. But I'm getting close. No you're not, don't be a pussy, it's not a good stopping point. But I'm starting to lose it. Buck up, girlfriend. La la la la la la la la. Where the fuck is my happy place?!? Time to put on the head-banger playlist and scream along to the lyrics in your mind." But hey, it's a great morning - I didn't stick to the sheets last night!
  5. "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
  6. Jeez, are you all smoking crack tonight? Doesn't every newbie get at least one for free before the slamming -the-eagle/panther/skull communal psyche rears it's sword-stabbed-through-the-head? Just one?!? Sheesh. Veronica - what is/are the tattoos for your other two kids?
  7. Finally my tattooer put something up on his instagram so I can add an in-progress here! We are in the middle of a grind tonight. Adding tube sponges and corals along the bottom and up the right side. And standard disclaimer - nothing is done except the snake, which is under my top.
  8. Getting a big tattoo has really changed my view of my skin health. I've got several bottles of good quality SPF 50 everywhere and several UV 50 shirts, 2 UV hoodies and coverup. And now that I am thinking thigh, I've found myself slathering lotion over other parts of my body in preparation for possible new tattoos! (You know, because it's an addiction and all...) No, I'm excited to wear my tattoos! - - - Updated - - - I get the standard "does it hurt" and "how much is it costing" and I have no idea why people think it wouldn't hurt. Are they assessing your degree of masochism? Secretly thinking you deserve it? (Rhetorical...) I was on a diving vacation a couple weeks ago and there were three distinct responses. We were diving with the same group of 13 on the same small boat. I wore a rash guard all the time and no one saw the tattoo until the 2nd or 3rd day, so people got to know me as a person. A nice couple our age who'd traveled the world teaching English were so interested and curious (we were diving, my back is an in-progress montage of underwater photographs I've taken) and we talked about the different critters and how a tattoo like this progress. Very nice and completely accepting. They have no tattoos. There was another group, three of whom had small tattoos, and they either didn't say anything and treated me the same - one told me a guy she knew was getting a full suit and was to be featured in a book. She was cool and open. The other group was a family who initially was friendly to me. The dad and I are in the same profession and somewhat muckity-mucks. I could possibly have been a useful contact to him. Then when I showed up at the (inside) tiki bar wearing only a bikini and showing my tattoo off the first (and only) time, the father came around the back of me to look at the chalkboard menu above the bar where I was sitting. My husband told me he stood there for a good 5 minutes staring at my back while pretending to read the menu. After that, they didn't talk to me for a couple days, but a couple of them (including the dad) warmed up to me somewhat after being stuck on a small boat together and having to realize I was a real person. Interesting to see the reactions.
  9. Boy, looking at this makes getting a back piece look easy! Awesome! I just love the fox :-)
  10. Welcome, and congrats on your weight loss and the role getting a tattoo played in it! So what did you get?
  11. Awesome! This is one of my favorites so far - I love how the claws and thorns look almost interchangeable and are a consistent accent through the design. Congrats!
  12. Well, lovely. I was thinking maybe to let Horitomo make the call. That would kinda remove the decision! Now I just have to get on the list!
  13. Oh boy. I thought that the upper thigh would be easier than the back or lower ribs, and now you've got me wondering! I can't decide if I want a Monmon cat on my upper thigh tending to the outside, or on the side of my stomach towards the ribs. I'd love to do my calf or inner forearm, but I still have to hide 'em.
  14. After 6 weeks with no sessions (wow, this is what it feels like to be able to swim, wear bras, move freely without shirts sticking to me?!?!), I'm back in the saddle on Friday night to resume the grind. And there's a big family graduation party/pool party on Saturday and sigh, I'll be sitting under a shade tree in my UV50 coverup. #bitchbitchmoanmoan
  15. You have tons of options. Including covering it up with a bad ass panther.
  16. Love this! - - - Updated - - - I looked around many of these, and some are neat and seem to be amazingly executed. But there's something that bothers me a little - it feels like there is a theme with many of them that the tattoo owns the person rather than the other way around. Like a body is there simply for the display of the tattoo and somewhat subservient to the tattoo. Well, maybe that's too deep. I've been away diving and probably sucked down a little too much of the wrong gas.
  17. @Fala, @TrixieFaux, @Breakme, @polligwog, @Zillah - thank you, and those who liked posts. Yes, it is a terrible thing, and I broke down the morning of, because she had a really good couple of hours. But now that she is gone, I know it was the best thing for her. Not having her here gives me more perspective looking back at her decline into old age. I'm not sure we'd've done anything differently, other than perhaps require more frequent ultrasounds with other kitties doing forward. (She had great and regular vet care.) They couldn't even feel the masses on palpation, although one was 2x2cm and the other in her pancreas was 5x2cm. Insidious. So, love your animals and listen to them. I will dream about the monmon cat - I am thinking upper thigh or front rib cage/abdomen. It still has to be hidden as per my line of work, etc. But that means it will be on healthier skin for the white. Hoping for this fall if all goes well.
  18. Yeah! Thanks! I'm looking forward to the conversation. Maybe I should have put a whaleshark in there to draw them to me. Wow, I didn't think of that. But if my back can be a talisman, we should be seeing hammerheads, eagle ray, idols, angel fish, squirrel fish, clownfish, eels, jellyfish.... :D (Although with the current state of my jellyfish, the only ones we would be seeing are ones that look chopped up by a boat prop. Ack.)
  19. Thank you, and to you also @Pugilist. What an awesome website, right? ;) I just had NO IDEA how mainstream monmon cats are these days. :)
  20. @s3rndpt I am going on vacation next week and I'm about 2.5 weeks out from my last session (clearly the timing was planned!). I will be able to wear sunscreen but I was read the riot act to wear sunscreen AND wear a UV rash guard because this piece is in-progress and he wants NOOOOO fading and it has white in it already. I didn't realize there were so many options. I purchased both of these below. One is a hoodie that is a little loose and of very lightweight material. The other is a very loose wrap kind of jacket you can throw on top of anything. I like them both because the material doesn't cry out "rash guard" or "UV material." It's a little stretchy and a lot like a cotton/polyester blend. http://www.amazon.com/Coolibar-UPF-Womens-Seaside-Hoodie/dp/B00793ODR2/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1403268344&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=coolibar+upf+50%2B+zno+seaside+hoodie+-+sun+protection Coolibar UPF 50+ Women's Sun Protective Wrap at Amazon Women’s Clothing store I also have a couple in-water UV rash guards because I'll be able to get into the water and do some diving. This is also very cute and wrinkle resistant - I'll be wearing it on the plane so when we get out and if the sun is blasting, I won't have to had to put on sunscreen for the plane ride!!! Women's Reflection Fall Tee
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