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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. @rufio yeah i've run the spectrum on healing got 30 pieces under my belt and this is probably the toughest heal i've had i've also had a few others that barely pealed at all i heal the same way every time - aquaphor day 1 and 2 - then pretty much a dry heal after that its all good though for me location seems the key factor my lower extremities are a much tougher heal thus far - - - Updated - - - @rufio yeah i've run the spectrum on healing got 30 pieces under my belt and this is probably the toughest heal i've had i've also had a few others that barely pealed at all i heal the same way every time - aquaphor day 1 and 2 - then pretty much a dry heal after that its all good though for me location seems the key factor my lower extremities are a much tougher heal thus far
  2. i'm 2 weeks plus post knee tattoo and still dealing with scabs but... finally can see the light at the end of tunnel was a pretty tough heal though basically knee became a swollen oatmeal cookie for awhile little bit of color / line droppage meh - i still dig it - rob did a great job and it was a blast would i get the other knee done oh hell yeah!
  3. those are all cool looking tattoos @Noobink i'll give you a couple of mine as examples to think on in regards to your questions here is a 'painterly' color portrait piece by Matt Dunn a bold Steve Boltz flying fish different styles - I love both tattoos - so all is awesome in that regard - but probably the fish is gonna hold the readability in its image a bit better then the portrait just based on things like the simplicity of design and the presence of a strong bold outline other things that are factors are location of the tattoo - both of these are in spots that dont see the elements so much so that will probably help longevity too - but there is so much more to the tattoo than this - and i didnt get this at first - you gotta enjoy these things man - so if you are into the color realism go for it - like i said - you might end up with a bunch of sailor jerry next year - who knows - good luck in finding an artist and be sure to update us with info and pics
  4. I say get what you like your tattoos will age some more gracefully than others but hey look your tastes may change maybe you end up with tattoos of different styles along the way picking a good artist though is more important than the style why worry what its gonna look like in 10 years aint no day promised to ya but the one your living besides - they look good "lived in"
  5. @chrisnoluck that jeff zuck tattoo is awesome - - - Updated - - - @chrisnoluck that jeff zuck tattoo is awesome
  6. thigh shots Shannon Pagliarini, Matt Dunn, Mark Costa
  7. yeah but by the time the tattoo hits the contest - people already know who did it because its been on the IG or in the Latest Lowdown - I don't think its a bg factor - besides - its more of a fun thing anyhow - no? - - - Updated - - - yeah but by the time the tattoo hits the contest - people already know who did it because its been on the IG or in the Latest Lowdown - I don't think its a bg factor - besides - its more of a fun thing anyhow - no?
  8. i like alot of what i see on the IG link
  9. Robert Ryan Asbury Park NJ - on the knee good times as usual
  10. Robert Ryan Asbury Park NJ
  11. well - shop A isnt interested it seems in doing the piece you want so the time discrepancies are a mute point and you shouldnt be overly focused on time full sleeve is gonna take you awhile to complete if you have the dough and feel confident about your idea and the artist go for it
  12. i'd love to see the return of the contest i thought it was perfect before i only wish i had participated more as i think the low participation was one of the reasons for stopping it
  13. @Juvic09 hey man I like the piece you got going there one perspective to consider would be just to say fuck it and ignore the imperfections of the piece i mean i think its looking good
  14. no offense to you violent peach but not sure this is the right place for your mission it is however a cool place so check it out the interview section should be required listening enjoy
  15. it'll heal eventually - i hate when they get scabby like that when i have real scabby spots - i tend to just dry heal at that point ride it out just part of the process sometimes
  16. let see a pic btw - some tattoos scab for me personally - it has to do with location on the body at least this is what i think has been the case for me oh and as far as care goes - when i have scabby tattoos i just leave em be dry heal it
  17. i'm healing nothing right now and enjoying that :) well - until next week when i get my knee done by rob ryan which i imagine will be an interesting heal my knees are banged up from bike and skateboard falls, etc but always wanted to try the knee tattoo looking forward to this one
  18. money is the biggest hurdle always to manage - taking that out of the equation then ideally i think monthly would hit the urge pretty good - i hate healing tattoos honestly especially more than one at a time - i'm guessing i'm gonna slow down a little over the next few years but who knows
  19. a mark in time brother - but hey - do what works for you - keep us posted
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