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Posts posted by Tornado6

  1. Wait a while, if it is so new that you're still peeling. Let it sit. If nothing else, you'll have time to get inspired.

    I think mandalas are to this decade what a tribal sun was to the 90s, so there's that.

    "More feminine" - add flowers, pearls, birds, jewels, sparkles, Tomas Garcia dotwork Tattoos by Tomàs Garcia in rainbow colors :cool:

  2. @marley mission that is "shitty"

    I have to get annual scopes now. A full colonoscopy is better than a flex-sig, because at least you're sedated. The sensation is totally different when you're fully awake. I always tell my doctor I'm going to get a tattoo for her. It'd have to be placed so it was legible when I'm on my left side.

    Hope you enjoyed your night of a thousand waterfalls!

  3. New tattoo, new experience. Six for six, everybody has had his own approach to the money issue.

    I included a ballpark budget in my initial contact, and sure enough, that's about how much it is going to be. I think I'm just getting to be a more experienced client. I do not think the artist took my number and ran with it.

  4. I know. These tattoos are left arm tattoos. My right arm is for a composed, single piece half sleeve, if I ever find the right artist. I did find a few dresses that do go the other way, and there are always the adjustable halters too.

    I've never been a fan of strapless before, but I could see myself doing it now.

  5. I just bought a new dress to show my arm. I learned that most one shoulder tops show the wrong arm. Darn, should have planned that when I started...

    I spend a lot of time covering up for work, and covering up from the sun, so it is fun to have a dress that will show all of them at once.

  6. I noticed my first unkind stare. I can't say it was the first, but it was the first I'd noticed. The funny thing was, it was at my prettiest tattoo. So I felt bad for my poor little flower, like, how could anyone be mad at a pink flower that means "joy". I didn't even think about the lady doing the staring at the time.

    This summer, I was the person with the most ink in the pool. Which sort of shocked me. I hardly have any. :p

  7. Well, yeah. Exactly. It seems like our brains insist that breasts are symmetrical and 'perfect' even though they really never are. Which is why, I think, underboob tattoos very often look wonky (or end up looking wonky) when, in absolute terms, certainly aren't.

    I would think that an artist could make a lot of designs work with the natural asymmetry, but of course they couldn't predict future changes. I'm not sure a mandala is the best choice, but other, more organic shapes could work well.

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