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David Flores

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Everything posted by David Flores

  1. I broke up with a girl once, because she put tons of mayonnaise on everything she ate. I would have dumped her quicker if it was Miracle Whip.
  2. @shinobi I'm proud of you. Booking not one, but two appointments and to a shop not necessarily discussed on the board, but top notch nonetheless.
  3. If it makes you feel better I have been accosted by quite a few middle aged women here in the Portland area, although not so much on the job. I have never seen it as a sexual advance but still becomes kind of an awkward interaction. But honestly since I moved to North Portland I can't recall anyone asking me about or even acknowledging me being tattooed. It was always when I went downtown or ventured farther west that I encountered these people.
  4. It's usually how and why people end up with bad tattoos and bad tattoo ideas, but not so much in this case. But yeah a little strange.
  5. Who are you going to there. Seems like they all put on a pretty good tattoo. I am probably the most familiar with Chip Douglas's work? But I would say that a tattoo that classic and simple doesn't have to be so much work as far as coming up with designs, there is no photoshop needed, you really just have to walk in and get tattooed. All I am saying is don't overthink things, you are the right track.
  6. Yeah I did hear about that @dcostello just didn't connect the dots to them dealing, thought it was more of a private event, and people just happen to be smoking weed there and were busted, but it makes more sense now.
  7. It wasn't so much that I wanted it so bad, it was just kind of another thing after the taproom incident and was just kind of like whatever. They aren't the only brewery I have dealt with that have been kind of flaky, but in some ways it's like a tattoo shop I guess. These people didn't get into making beer to be in customer service , but it becomes a bigger part of the job with the more success you have and you just kind of do the best you can and try to stay organized. As long as the beer tastes good I can't be too mad at them.
  8. I was looking forward to that beer all year, but never showed up in the stores here. I have a bar that always has limited release beer on tap and they had one keg, so I did get a pint or two, but was also too drunk to remember what it tasted like this year. I even went so far as to email Lagunitas and they told me the stores they shipped it to, which was helpful cause all the stores have their own beer/wine steward , but they were all positive they never got it this year. I must say this combined with the fact that Laguintas closes it's tap room on Monday and Tuesday has me a little irritated with them. I drove from SF to Petaluma to get a beer on a Tuesday, only to find them closed. I have never heard of a brewery or bar being closed on a Tuesday, usually Monday is the standard day for a restaurant to be closed, but figured with as much beer as they ship and how much they are expanding recently they would be a 7 days a week operation. So eventually I got my pint of Lagunitas IPA at Applebees in Petaluma. There are a couple other interactions that I have been less than pleased, but nothing too serious. I will get over it, but still to this day can't believe the tap room was closed and no Brown Shuggah this year.
  9. Or Hot Dogs, or Eggs for that matter. I guess I am not a fan of ketchup, never thought about it. Welcome to the forum. @Wayne B
  10. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/random-crap/1516-hip-hop-thread.html I figured I would dig up this old thread. For the record I don't know what I said I was listening to, but it's probably the same stuff I am listening to today. We had a few of these threads if I remember correctly.
  11. Sums it all up, nothing to add on that. I have still been waiting to see this tattoo in question, I know another user posted a picture of his, but still no picture of tattoo that started this thread. I guess it doesn't really matter at this point, but still want to see the finished product.
  12. For the record the first time I came across this thread, I thought @Delicious had lost her mind, until I figured out she was talking about some blog. I'm not even that old. I think the problem with blogs is even if you don't have to have any credentials and you can just act like an authority on a subject you know nothing about.
  13. Bad photo of my Easter Tattoo from a couple of years ago. - - - Updated - - - Your mom is like Jesus, everyone gets a turn. #yomamajokes
  14. My buddy just got tattooed at that shop last week while on vacatio, not sure who tattooed him, will have to ask him.
  15. Apparently it's snowing on the other side of town, which in Portland means mass hysteria. I am just hoping my wife is able to get past all the idiots on the way home and we can hang out for a little bit and have a few cocktails. Happy Birthday @slayer9019
  16. Well at this point I think you should approach him with what you have so far, which seems to be you want a reaper and you want it to be in a realistic horror style, that should be enough to get the process started. A tattooer knows their strength and capabilities and what works within their style and might have some better ideas than discussed here or tell you someone who can execute what you want. If not, no harm done, come back here, we can regroup and think of a new plan of attack.
  17. I suppose anything is possible if you find the right tattooer and really at this point that is what you should be researching. I know you are from Michigan, are you looking to get work done locally or are you more concerned with artist and willing to travel.
  18. Good advice, Mario can put on a hell of a tattoo and think would be right up @shinobi 's alley as far as style, based upon the other thread we were posting in.
  19. I think the reaper could work as long as you do it below the coverup. It would have to be some sort of far out scene similar to the one attached, drawn by my friend and co worker Ashley Howell. The reason I suggested Japanese, is not only because of the black, but because of how the color can help add contrast. If you only use black in the coverup you could end up with something that looks like a big blob. The key I think is to find ways to incorporate some color in the tattoo, but without being able to to look at it up close and take a tracing of your back, I can't really tell you yes it can totally be done or no it can't because the stuff really has to line up when you are dealing with coverups. but thats the kind of stuff I would play with if you want a reaper.
  20. Not sure how you would cover that with a reaper, it's at the top of your back and pretty big tattoo. If you aren't going to do any laser sessions I would consider some sort of japanese imagery that could incoporate some dark clouds or windbars to cover up all that black. From what I see a coverup is going to mean you have to tattoo nearly half of your back, at that point why not go for a back piece? Without seeing it in person I can't say for sure, but that is my internet 2 cents.
  21. If you are in Costa Mesa, you need to be going here. Artists « Gold Rush Tattoo Let's put it this way, If i was in the market for a tattoo, religious or otherwise in Costa Mesa this would be the place to go.
  22. My advice find the person you want to do your Sugar Skull, Print out a couple examples of things you like in Sugar Skulls, and let them draw something up for you and be open to their interpretation. Don't overcomplicate things. I got one about six years ago, and that is how I went about it. Not that it matters, but I think the picture you posted looks good for the most part, but the stuff in the face that isn't outlined in black doesn't look as good as the stuff that was. The teeth really pop, but the flower on the top and bottom really just look like a blob of blue, the eyes are slightly better as they have some black shading in them, but why would you outline the yellow coming off the nose with black, but not the yellow coming off the eyes. I don't know overall it's not a bad tattoo, just could be better. - - - Updated - - - http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/crazy-tattoo-stories/12-traveling-shop-page8.html Look at post 74, that's how i would want a sugar skull done, what is in the skull can be whatever you want, but they way it is constructed is perfect, smooth lines clean shading, black outlines around all of it.
  23. I have been postponing working on my back (shit hurts), but committed to another session on Jan 24, the day after I get back from Chicago. I have not made any plans to get tattooed in Chicago, but I am sure I will get something. I also want to start one rib that same week, if the other session doesn't kick my ass too much. The wife will be in Chicago an extra week and a half, need to make up for lost time, and make some progress.
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