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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. . Thanks for that, I love trying new foods. This sounds so good
  2. I don't like tara's face... Just bugs me.
  3. Everyone loves eating, so I figured we could share what we are eating and drinking. Get some of us to try new stuff! Basil, gouda, avacado, roma tomato crepe. Coffee
  4. If I think about it too much I might back out. I always think about my tattoos, but just enough to know if I.want them or not before I get them. I think tattoos should have as much passionate meaning as possible but also have a feeling that holds regret and any other feeling you had at the time.
  5. Sane would be M. Night Shamaylan... Creator of all things boring. He seems to try too hard to be crazy.
  6. I saw this on the news yesterday or a few days ago... Super funny. Also he was there at like 0100. You know he was up to no good. Good post.
  7. This next episode is going to be super good.
  8. There is a guy on highway 1 by Monterey and Pacifica who runs a BBQ place on the side of the road. He has "PORK RIBS"on his knuckles. He is big and scary so I have not taken a pic yet. But I will try next time I go there.
  9. Thanks man. Good list as well. Southern rock by trio is a great song. How is mariachi el bronx? Heard it was awesome.
  10. 1.) 45 Grave - Party Time 2.) Pretty Girls Make Graves - Speakers Push The Air 3.) Blood For Blood - Enemy 4.) Johnny Cash - Stripes 5.) Lucero - In Lonesome Times 6.) Social Distortion - I Was Wrong 7.) Killing The Dream - Four Years too Late 8.) NWA - Straight Outta Compton 9.) Mogwai - Superheros of BMX 10.) Chuck Ragan - Wash My Feet In The Waves 11.) Set It Straight - These Walls 12.) Misfits - Skulls 13.) Gaslight Anthem - The War (Lucero Cover) 14.) Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay 15.) Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Curse of Millhaven 16.) Sheer Terror - College Boy 17.) Neil Diamond - Cherry, Cherry 18.) All Bets Off - Dismantle 19.) Bury Your Dead - Top Gun (i know...) 20.) MF Doom - One Beer 21.) Born/Dead - Years of Death 22.) High On Fire - DII 23.) Hoods - West Coast World Wide 24.) Faith No More - We Care A lot 25.) William Elliott Whitmore - Old Devils
  11. If I was a chick I would wear that.
  12. There is always some cool stuff on Etsy.com. One of my friends who does drag gets a lot of stuff from there.
  13. necropheliac hipsters are a new one. Nice. Also, I have a feeling that the dick warmer would be really itchy.
  14. Sammy got me into this as well. Also on the punk note, I find most of this new punk really contrived and boring. I think people like Tim Barry, Chuck Ragan and others are evolving and creating punk music with a folk tone. Oh, and thanks for posting the Sammy interview. Thats how I found this place, and I wanted to read it again. That dude is too funny.
  15. Since most of you are in the "Art" community, I figured you would all love this dude. You all have probably heard of this guy, but its worth it for the people who have not. Brandon Bird paints some of the most ridiculous pictures, and creates the one and only Law and Order: SVU Valentines Day cards. My favorite is Letters to Walken. No need to explain. Just go look. http://www.brandonbird.com/walken_letters.html My favorite.
  16. The Road was one of the most intense books I have ever read. All The Pretty Horses was just a wonderful story, and Blood Meridian was like you said "Complex and beautiful." Literary genius.
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