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Everything posted by MsRad

  1. MsRad


    i saw them last year and he still has a giant 5 foot strap-on that shoots confetti out to the crowd.
  2. not as a streaming version, no. and i don't have cable. i have another roommate who "aquires" things, and it slows down our internet so much that the rest of us (i live in a house with 4 other people), can't enjoy the internet at all.
  3. god damnit that doesn't solve my problem! curses!
  4. i saw a dick tattoo recently on a blog. it was of a sword, but it was on an uncircumcised dude, which i kind of thought was weird, because you can't really unsheathe your sword then and present a surprise...
  5. where did you end up watching it??
  6. i thought you were talking about the train and got really excited haha. i'm a dork.
  7. man, i'd destroy that ring in like a day. there would be a diamond missing after the first 24 hours haha. anyways, CONGRATS! has a date been set?
  8. it's really hard to make money as a photographer even if you are talented(one of the largest international photography prizes (the HCB award)is only $70,000, which sounds like a lot, but it's a grant and meant to be used to pay for equipment, travel, assistants, etc. and that all adds up quickly). but that's not why most photographers take pictures. they do it because they love it.
  9. a pig on one foot, and a rooster on another is a talisman believed to ensure that the sailor would be brought back to land (since both are strictly land animals).
  10. that's what your legs are for ;) no but seriously, i can't remember who it was now, but someone was shown in one of the tattoo age videos (i think, maybe it was another video??), an artist who i like and respect, who had a lot of space left on his legs, and i thought "aha! that's smart! and sneaky!" but understandable. hell, i want to get tattooed still when i'm in my 50's! and im curious to see what i will be getting tattooed when i'm that age.
  11. i'm interested in learning the mechanics too. i guess that's my version of wanting to know how a tattoo machine works.
  12. MsRad


    when is Whitmore coming to town?? are you going? that could be a potential hang out session. i listened to Dag Nasty earlier, and currently am also stuck on Touché Amoré's latest album (Parting the Seas between Brightness and Me), i think because it's so fitting to all the change going on in my life right now.
  13. i tell D all the time about how jealous i am at motorcyclists. there's a few on here that i know in real life. i secretly have been wanting to bug Scott about it, wanting to do trade work to learn as much as he's willing to teach me about motorcycles. but i also like getting tattooed... i guess the cats out of the bag now! anyways, i've been drooling over used Honda Rebels (i want to start out with a small engine and i've read several reviews by short, female riders that they're a great beginner bike, plus their pretty cheap). i keep looking on craigslist, keep dreaming, keep looking at romantic photographs and videos related to bikes and riders... and then i come back to the reality of my tiny little 2004 vw golf that i have a love hate relationship with.
  14. MsRad


    lucero is always in the mix somehow. i was rocking out to Joey Kneiser yesterday. i know that we both agree on him D. oh and slaughter and the dogs randomly. i don't know why, but right before i went into work, they got stuck in my head and i had to rock out.
  15. me neither. he's a weirdo. not as weird as Raymond Pettibon though. he's straight up crazy.
  16. @dcostello, me too. not scrabble, but the nytimes crossword and angry birds rio.
  17. there's an app that gives you restaurant rewards?? i'm new to the smart phone world so don't mind my ignorance.
  18. i thought it was drawn by Paul McCarthy, who is a very different person and makes crazy weird videos (and gives interesting lectures).
  19. it looks like there's a few veggie items on the menu, and since Dari recommended it, i'll assume it's a safe bet. though my preference of course would be golden era or source. source is really new agey though.
  20. @gougetheeyes , nope, still haven't figured it out, and for some reason, now netflix instant won't work on my computer (has to do with the silverlight plugin, but i keep deleting and re-installing it, and it's not solving the problem, oh well.)
  21. dude, you have been missing out. and Opey is my favorite character too. his beard reminds me of Jackson's, so i think i'm just biased.
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