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Everything posted by Reyeslv

  1. From personal experience I say Stewart Robson. Everything that he puts out is amazing and he does a wide range of things. Of course the major focus is Japanese.
  2. THANKS! Always looking to cheer up someone's morning!!!!
  3. BEFORE we order any finger breaking can we insure that this guy doesn't also have cancer.... :D
  4. I can't imagine how the ribs feel. Back in 90 or 91 I was getting my first Tattoo at Divinci in Wantaugh, NY. In the room next to me Frank Romano was working on a large demon on the side of this guy. All I heard was the guy screaming and the buzz of the needle. Frank kept telling him to relax, after 5 minutes the dude passed out!!! Every since then I have feared getting the rib area done.....
  5. Season 4 was the BEST!!! Totally worth buying....
  6. That's why you should watch The Increasing Bad Decisions of Todd Margret it's with David Cross and Will Arnett. David Cross wrote on AD.
  7. It's a close race at the top for February.... Currently a tie between @Jade1959 and @Rebushido @Scott R is a close 2nd....
  8. I've been in the Phoenix area since April 0f 2010. Finally getting into get something from Aaron at the end of April.
  9. The Increasing Bad Decisions of Todd Margret it's with David Cross and Will Arnett. Freaking Hilarious!!!!! It's on Netflix. The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret – IFC
  10. My feeling behind this is my children can do what they want we THEY can pay for it. To be more specific, when are on their own and no longer on my payroll. While they are under my roof, the goal is doing well in school and getting a college education. Or some type of trade development that will make them productive members of society. There is plenty of time to tattoo and pierce things. I am or will be heavily tattooed but that doesn't mean my children get a pass. Take the time to become a person, there's more then enough time for tattoos after that.
  11. Yeah, his portfolio in the shop is something to look at!!! I'm doing a Mom tattoo of a heart and roses. It's a tribute piece. I told him to go crazy on the heart with a crown or something. Aaron is real laid back as is Mondo, one of the other guys in the shop. There is also another artist named Josh Carter. They are all on INSTAGRAM and their work is top notch!!! Looking forward to what Aaron creates.....
  12. Just made an appointment with Aaron Coleman of Immaculate Tattoo. It's for the end of April. Sweet shop!!!! April is going to be a busy month!!!
  13. Reyeslv

    Walking Dead

    It was awesome and didn't dip back like the beginning of season 2. I agree with @tammy I think they are going not introduce new shady people!
  14. First episode of the new season of Walking Dead... Started where it left off, really good!!!!
  15. Welcome to LST.. I agree that this is a great place to hang around!
  16. I consider the Lambics a great accompaniment with desert!!! TMI!!!!
  17. I agree with this totally.... Beer is supposed to be cold, and either light or dark.....
  18. I recommend following Starkovtattoo He’s out of Russia and his Japenese work is excellent.
  19. Not sure on the my pain threshold..... but when I was getting my back done I was lying on my stomach so I found that helped to relax. Don't get me wrong it didn't tickle :eek: and it was the outline, which I find more uncomfortable then shading..... I'm getting the shading for the back done soon so hopefully I won't be posting in "Most painful spots to get tattooed!" :p
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