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Everything posted by byzantine

  1. I only have one of mine done - with 2 pieces - but what I would say is aside from being quite painful (inner thigh was a proper grimace) , it's the most swelling I've ever had and quite a long heal. But it also really depends on the artist - mine was really heavy handed. I usually find the healing process far more of a bitch than the actual tattooing anyhow. So I'd recommend taking a day or 2 off work after so you can elevate it while it's healing.
  2. If you only have one spot of cellulite on your butt you are one lucky lady! I have shedload and am planning on getting a big panther over it. So yeah, go for it, I'm sure it will definitely distract at the very least which is just as good as hiding it in my book...but get something because you love it and it's rad, not just because it serves the purpose of concealing.
  3. @jadore probably jensen or grimm - try searching their flash
  4. Yessss, Getting The Collection for my birthday in 3 weeks. Looks like a gem. (ps I know this thread is way old but Classics never die right?)
  5. Yup if you follow any UK tattooers on IG you'll probably have seen them kicking off about tattoo fixers!! for several reasons -a. because the cover ups are awful (usually too dark and large) b. because they cover up some tiny pale things which could easily be gone from 1 laser session c. because they exploit people (arguably they are dumb for going on it in the first place but it's still exploitation) d. because Sketch blatantly bites other peoples work - there's a good rant about it here http://inkluded.co.uk/2016/03/03/tattoo-fixers/ I imagine similar arguments go against the US show. In the end I feel its not good for the tattoo industry at all! In fact one shop in Bath was offering to laser off and cover up the work of Tattoo Fixers for free.
  6. My first tattoo was behind my ear...of...(drum roll) a sailor jerry anchor! it looks like absolute crap now but I still have affection for it. For a first tattoo though, it killed. Thought my head was going to explode. Honestly @JBluewind I wouldn't advise getting your first on your head. It ages badly, hurts like hell and can't be hidden too easily. I would urge you to reconsider placement and even getting the tattoo as it's not a decision you want to make when you're in an emotional place - wait until you level out, lurk here more, then reconsider. Take care.
  7. @jadore haha yeah sometimes I end up with totally different things too! Looks rad!
  8. personally I would leave it be, but if you're dead set on laser get somebody to just clean it up a bit - somebody skilled like @discardead - like this
  9. yep as long as you go with classic colours (as opposed to "crazy" colours!) you'll be all good. i second Paul Dobleman - Zachnelligan and Ivan Anthonyshev are other faves....travelling is all part of the fun no? You could always go in pairs if you want to vary the artists a bit but keep more consistency.
  10. byzantine


    It's a strange one. I think I'm in that kind of place at the moment. I previously had two tattoos on my arms which were kind of hidden so some people barely even noticed them but in the last couple of years have got quite a few bigger and blacker pieces in visible spots- calf, forearm, elbow. I got mixed reactions for my plainskin friends but it doesn't really bother me. I really enjoy everything about getting tattooed and part of it that appeals to me is that I do it for myself and nobody else. As I get more coverage I definitely feel the need to cover up a bit more at formal events- weddings etc. But to be honest I've always hated that kind of thing so try to avoid them at all costs anyway! Regarding the workplace- I think the forearm is the biggest one for that really. I work in an office too and usually wear long sleeves anyway but it's a creative company so I can get away with showing them if I want to - usually don't though as I can't be bothered with people asking me about them! think they are becoming more and more acceptable some workplaces but corporate stuff is another world. Usually get more trouble over my Madonna piercing than the tattoos. Ps. I love Minneapolis. It's rad. Especially Modern Times Cafe
  11. Like @mmikaoj said - hand poking is how tattoos were originally created so they will hold as long as electric if are done by a pro. The reason people end up with crappy home poked tatts where the ink falls out is that people don't know what they are doing. Even if done professionally, they will naturally have a more 'hand made' quality and take longer too! So I suppose it depends how you want your tattoo to look more than anything.
  12. I don't think it's really about choosing a font, it's about choosing the right artist. Script can be like an art form in itself- look at calligraphy for example. Look for an artist who specialises in script and has a decent amount in their portfolio.
  13. yep I agree with all the above. "don't doubt" comes across as a double negative, when the text would be better flipped to a positive. I think just text can work if it's so ornate it almost becomes an image in itself, or in a banner below an image. personally I think an image to symbolise the OCD would be a far wiser choice! I assume that one day you want to overcome the OCD and looking down at an awesome artwork on your arm and thinking about how your are now more decisive, confident, have more conviction etc will be way better that looking at a line of text which tells you off and may no longer even be relevant. @AverageJer is right, you can assign meaning to anything so look at imagery (tattoos, books, art, wildlife, sculpture, whatever) and see what you are drawn to or keep coming back to and the meaning will fall into place.
  14. ha I'd be excited too - that guy has such a rad bodysuit. so good
  15. I like both the ideas. They are pretty unique and surreal which is always good in my book. But if you are going with Eterno I would consider going for some of his existing designs if you aren't sure what to go for. He's got a really strong style and the reason his stuff looks so great is he does a lot of his own designs and they are pretty uncompromising. If you are set on him, take a look at his designs, see what you are drawn to naturally and same with the placement.
  16. Because the lines are what makes it pop for me. If I had just had shaded flowers with no line they would probably look like a big load of mush now. The lines are what holds for the longest in a tattoo after all and give it the whole structure. My flowers are quite realistic but would be lost without it. That's just my opinion.
  17. I'm no expert but I would be concerned about the lack of line. I have pretty big black and grey flowers on my arms (first tattoos) and the artist convinced me to go with a line instead of just shaded stuff. Am soooooo glad he did now.
  18. I agree with @LadySparrow . It might be worth going for something that you feel represents them rather than a more obvious portrait. Like activities you used to do together or a gift they once gave you. That way it means something to you but isn't so obvious as a commemoration. If you get something more obvious like a portrait I wouldn't get it somewhere really visible unless you are okay with talking about them or their passing away all the time as you may get asked about it a fair bit. My friend has a tattoo on her leg to commemorate her stepbrother who passed away. It's really unusual and doesn't make sense unless she tells the story and it's really visible. She gets a tired of telling that story to be honest so I would probably go for something symbolic. Just a few thoughts. I'm sure if you take a few ideas to a good artist you will be able to get something beautiful, symbolic and personal to you.
  19. yep this is spot on. just had the inside forearm tattooed from halfway up into the ditch and was recommended a 4 day wet heal with rewrapping like the one described by @mtlsam . decided not to go with saniderm because the idea of not being able to clean it for 3-4 days kind of spooks me
  20. I'm yet to have my knee, back or front tattooed - all which I imagine would be intense. My elbow was a bitch- a full hour of grimace pain! Not attractive. Luckily I was facing a wall haha. Inner thigh was on a par and bruised like hell. Think that's one of the worst for ladies?
  21. yeah the blowout can occur when the artist applies ink too deep (especially common on delicate areas) but I've also been told it's also due to the pigments having smaller particles than they used too - hence why it is sometimes called 'ink creepage' - although I'm not are if this is a term created to take responsibility away from the artist. All the areas I have it are delicate (inner thigh, elbow) I really think it's a bad idea to start thinking about thickening lines or getting more tattoos at this stage. If it's still there after full healing I would try and get it lasered. The place I went to would be able to blast that with one pass of the laser - they can get in really precise around the edges of tattoos and sometimes people use it to get rid of backgrounds they don't like etc - the kind of place they have in tattoo shops as opposed to one of those white coat places
  22. I would also wait until fully healed to make a final judgement on it. I know that it is more likely in a delicate spot like a ditch but is really hard to tell until healed and looks like it would be minimal. Went to see a laser removal place about getting rid of mine which a really easy process if it comes to that and not too expensive.
  23. Hey there, I agree with most of the other guys here. All up for multiples even if they are in the same style, just as long as they are spread out a bit and a different composition. I have a thing for snakes, butterfly girls and roses...would gladly fill my whole body with different versions of them.
  24. hey, if you're interested in going for black and grey I would check out the work of Kelly Violet (@kellyviolence) and Maxime Buchi (@mxmtt) They are more realistic than abstract but often do large pieces with unusual placement a bit like the pic you posted.
  25. Hey there. I live in London too. Just curious, who is working on your leg sleeve? Do you have any favourite shops in London?
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