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Posts posted by Cork

  1. The things I have to look forward to. Full backs are stupid tattoos to get. Stupid, stupid tattoos. What is wrong with us.

    I said that to Dana once. He gave me a look that was just "Get over it, dude." His back piece story pales all of ours. The guy flew out to Arizona to see Roper and underwent an insane amount of time on the table over a few days. When I used to complain about pain he just gave me that same look. I am so lucky to only have to drive 50 minutes and be able to get an appointment once a month. I don't think I'd be able to do it otherwise. At least not without heavy drug use.

  2. My poor buddy just posted this to his Facebook. It's supposed to be a scorpion to represent the Scorpio birth date of his son. And I'm a dick for posting it in this thread.

    I tried my damnedest to talk him out of it. When I told him to go for anything but tribal, his response was "But tribal looks so cool." He's lost.

  3. Tattoo Designs

    There is way more tattoo design going on than you guys think. It's all over the place. It is so common now, that someone who makes money off it who doesn't even have any tattoos would feel comfortable joining a forum for tattooed people and think they would be welcomed with open arms. I mean... that's a completely hypothetical situation that I just made up, but you can understand what I'm trying to say.

  4. My thighs took a while as well, because of all the sitting. I was told that high contact areas always take longer to heal, and now I see that it's true. I found that the fabric soaked up a lot of moisture, so I just tried to do a double dose of lotion anytime it felt dry.

    Personally I love the feeling of pants on freshly shaven skin. I wish it were more socially acceptable for guys to have shaved legs.

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