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Posts posted by Cork

  1. I think the comments on that "article" are actually worse. For each person condemning her, there is some ignoramus who feels exactly like her.

    The one comment that really irks me is, someone said "Don't people get bored of waking up and seeing the same crass images on their arms or bodies every day." I don't get it. This person likes looking at plain boring pale skin? Do they not have any art hanging in their home? Surely they must constantly rotate out there pieces so they aren't looking at the same art every day. Hypocrites are terrible at rationalizing their thoughts.

    Then the commentor goes on to call young people sheep. This is probably done in between shoving fistfuls of McDonald's fries in to their fat face as they sit in a lounge chair on a laptop while watching reality TV. Tell me who the real sheep is, dammit don't get me started ARGH!

  2. Got this to honor my husband, a pilot. While I know it's not really "kosher" to label women as property, I'm comfortable with the idea that I belong to him and he belongs to me.

    for some reason it's not showing up here, check my gallery, it's the pilot wings

    I really wish you the best in your relationship. I always see these kinds of tattoos turning into horror stories. However, I am cool with labeling women as property.

    I keed, I keed!

  3. did a pretty cool pool workout yesterday. 60 lb kb walked from shallow to deep(underwater) touched wall and walked back to shallow then had 15 lb kb in middle of deep end tread water to fail then sink and do squat jumps for sets of 10 where you propel yourself out of water each rep. did several rds of this then 15 laps.

    I wish I had a pool to play in like that.

  4. Powerlifters do sprints after leg day? Not sure about that one. You might be confusing powerlifters with some kind of lifter who cares about cardiovascular health.

    This guy ain't doing sprints. :p


    Just an update for my own recent progress, I did drop the contest prep for the one back in June, I wasn't on schedule for it. Just for fun, to try and fit myself into another short timeline *sarcasm*, I am going to attempt a bodybuilding show at the end of September. Whether I end up doing the show or not, I just want to be ripped for once in my life. I'm lean, but just not ripped. I want to see how it feels. In the meantime, here are some dips I did recently. :)


  5. Just came across this guy by talking to a coworker of mine. The guy I work with is close personal friends with the tattooer. He happens to be covered with Juan's work too.

    The guy I work with is a little rough with English, and I don't speak Spanish, but apparently Juan is coming to New Jersey some time soon and he comes to the US frequently. Currently he lives in Puerto Rico.

    Just thought I'd share, I'm impressed by this guy's work.





  6. Maybe instead of the hanya you do a whole Oni? Maybe a baku? They are like flying elephant/sabretooth tiger things that protect people's dreams and ward off evil spirits.

    Hey you, get off my ideas! Now everyone is going to be walking around with onis and bakus.

    If the OP wants uncommon ideas, check out this Horiyoshi III website. This guy has an amazing bodysuit.

    TATTOO/IREZUMI/ART/'Oukoshisei' - the traditional Japanese art of Irezumi(tattoo)

  7. Thanks guys. Honestly, at first all I could do was critique it against the Dave Fox piece on my chest. But it's not even fair to do that, it's like comparing apples to oranges. They both have such a different style. I love it. And at first I thought it was just inflammation in the skin, but he actually put little shades of red ink mixed all over to make the baku look mottled. I'll get a better pic and stick in the Best Tattoo of June thread, once it heals fully.

    I had told Stell I was thinking about maybe getting a wind bar swirl or something over the knee cap, he says "I don't do knee caps anymore if I can help it, unless I have a personal vendetta against the person." He is quite aware of the pain he is causing, ha.

    Also one of Stell's buddies stopped by, he had a wicked Lehi tiger on his neck. Not to mention sick stuff on his calves and arms, but that neck tiger was beautiful.

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