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Everything posted by irezumi

  1. irezumi


    Dead Yet is gonna be the next big thing out of Sav, not kidding. Come on down man, it's nice here when it isn't in mid-summer.
  2. irezumi


    seen a LOT of great shows at the old F st location, and a fair amount of good/meh ones at the 'new' location.
  3. irezumi


    LOL! i didnt feel like re-typing it and didn't notice the word changes in effect. I think it's worth leaving it just as is.
  4. irezumi


    Sometime in the late 90's(I think 97?) some friends and I went to the 9:30 club to see Lee Perry perform. I wasn't driving and at that point was kinda drinking a bit to excess. The show was great, and it was packed. I proceeded to get my drink on in the club. After the show, my friends and I gathered at the corner in front of the club to see what we would do next. While discussing(and me trying to stand up straight) my friend points out that Adam Yauch was standing a few feet away quitly talking to someone. Plenty of other folks seemed to see him as well but nobody was bothering him or asking for autographs or dick-riding or anything. He's just enjoying a conversation with someone without anyone harassing him. So what do I do? I drunkenly yell out and call him BY THE WRONG NAME. In front of my friends and dozens of otheer people. "YO ADROCK!!!" Then drunk-walk over to try to bullshit with him. As I stand there(well, sort of weave back-and-forth there) I realize I have nothing to talk about. So I ramble for a moment or two about growing up on Long Island and about shows I saw of the Beasties back in '87 or '88 and rapidly come up with nothing to say. Coming up short with conversation I then do the next completely fixed gear-ass thing to do and say "yo, get up on a flyer for me!" and hand him a handbill for the night's event and a silver Uni wide marker. He looks at the marker and then at me, like 'what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?' kinda look. I drunkenly interpret this to question why I had a giant silver marker and tell him that I'm a writer etc, etc. So he writes some thing on there and I take it and leave. Can't remember anything else after that. The next day I wake up and as I'm going through my pockets from the night before, I find the handbill he wrote on. He had written 'MCA B-Boy'. As I am reading 'MCA' all I can hear in my head is "YO ADROCK!!!!". Instantly I remember what I had done and said and felt like more of an idiot than I ever had my entire life. My friends have never mentioned the incident since. I still have the handbill as a funny reminder of my drunken idiocy. I have to say, he was remakably nice and polite. Even after I called him by the wrong name and acted like a drunken moron. He didn't even correct me about the name-thing. Thanks for giving us lots of good music, good times, and our inspirations. RIP Adam.
  5. Spit-shaded watercolors have a better place on the forum over in this section http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-101/185-how-about-art-show.html looks nice though.
  6. Robert Mitchum is The Man in that one. Such a good movie. Other favorite; also from same movie and while I am on the subject of french prison tattoos Les vrais, les durs, les tatous - Nos Livres - Tatouage - Boutique Larivi?re I can't read french but I bet the pictures are cool
  7. anyone in the charolette area should come out to this tonight.
  8. Melvins/Unsane later this week.
  9. I'll have to try that if I can make to the Bmore con next year. Travel plans conflict with this year's show. I've been derailing this with something else so it wasnt a completely pointless thread.
  10. The shop on The Block has my favorite painted screens in all of Baltimore. I wish I could get access to the building across the street to get good photos. Only shot I have is from Google maps
  11. This thread about this bullshit show is the 2nd biggest thread in this section. The only good thing that happened here is that I got a reminder of Hoggy's birthday. Hope you did it big homie.
  12. it's possible. Hogg correct me if i'm wrong here, but I think Blackheart is $175. SF is on par with NY as far most expensive city in the US i think.
  13. and through his fb i discovered an interesting place here in Sav. I need to see this in person.
  14. Local dude Panhandle Slim aka Scott Stanton has been(illegally-ish) putting up his paintings all over town recently, as opposed to his standard hanging & selling them in galleries. Pretty cool stuff. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=297975868496&set=a.209074463496.129527.814093496&type=3&theater#!/profile.php?id=814093496 some of you might remember Scott from the 80s
  15. he put some gold right over that black in the cat. brave! the daruma and the lion covers really impressed me.
  16. Because they are regulating your appearance in or out of ACUs, on or off duty. which is legit. thats part of the deal. Yes it would be fair enough if they had never changed the rules to begin with. It's ridiculous to say "hey we're gonna change the rules and let you get tattooed on these spots" and then 2 or 3 years later say "hey tough shit, we changed ourt minds, remove them or get out" some of these people have plans to serve the 20, and this is how they get done? not all that fair imo.
  17. I wanna see the tattoo reality show where the contestants tattoo the judges. Now THAT would be a good one. I bet all these solid well known tatbros wouldn't be involved if that were the case.
  18. Recently I've had a bunch of army people telling me about new changes in their policy on tattoos. Between what they have told me & some googling tells me that 670-1 will now prohibit any visible tattoos when wearing a uniform, which is different than a few years ago when they allowed neck & back of hand tattoos. Any new recruits will be barred, and people that are already grandfathered in will be prohibited from re-enlisting, unless they are removed. What I haven't been solid answer on yet is if the army will be paying for removal. Sleeves are also prohibited. That one is REALLY gonna screw me. I might not even be able to finish ones I have in progress, both on in-towners and clients that are currently deployed. Stuff I'm excited to do. Every shop in town is gonna take a huge blow because of this. Even besides how it affects me it sucks to see these people get screwed like that. Upcoming changes to AR 670-1 This next thing is where is gets tricky; someone came in to see about getting a really well done jerry design of a topless geisha & dragon on his forearm covered up, much to his dismay. Because it makes naughty thoughts or something like that. Kid tells me that anything consided sexually explicit or creates 'impure thoughts'. I wish I could remember the phrasing he used. Thing is, who decides what is considered 'impure'? He was saying he wasnt even allowed to put a bikini on the geisha. Do we have any army people here? If so, can you give me the specifics on this?
  19. TAM has also let me down by running full page ads for Dink Master. The name of the game here for everyone involved whether its a judge or a tattooer or a 'canvas' seems to be money>integrity. Yeah I read Oliver's rationalization of being involved but hey I still reserve the right to my opinion and I still say suck it to the people involved. Color me a hater.
  20. that's not what i expected to see. thanks sears.
  21. you can find a lot of his old sheets from Spaulding still available. Color them yourself!
  22. you can find that snow lions cousin on the back of my head on my facebook. peep it.
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