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Everything posted by Hogrider

  1. I put on my work calendar - appt. with dr. Tseronis. I'm not sure what they hell they think since most of my appointments are all dayers. For once political correctness is my friend - it would be bad manners to ask the nature of my illness. I guess I could say that I'm sick of all this uncovered skin!
  2. Thanks. It's hard to tell in this pic, but as the ear has healed, it has really started to pop. I'm really ready to have this done, we've been working on it since March and probably won't finish until next March.
  3. Thanks for asking! It's on Jesse Tseronis from Winchester's facebook page.
  4. Oni on my chest, Oni on my back, both from same person.
  5. I think we have the new Ink Master's challenge for season 4!
  6. Another season in the crapper! I was not knocked out by any of the finalist's pieces. Not that they were bad, but if an artist is given complete freedom to do what they want and 35 hours to do it, I expect to be wowed.
  7. I don't know, will Kat Von D be there?? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm pretty sure I'll be there. I don't know why, this back piece is using all my tattoo money these days. You never know though ...
  8. Actually, she wasn't in the finale last season, she lost to that God-awful Sebastian. If they stopped the challenges because most 'artists' fucked them up then they would need to stop pinups, portraits and realism too!
  9. When you get to the point where you don't rely on other people for your self esteem, it's a very liberating feeling. It took me more years than I'd care to admit.
  10. Thanks! If you really put your mind to it, may you will be able to some day ... I mean one without pictures.
  11. I don't know about the other 'offenders' but I believe that the quote from Mark Twain can give my reason for not engaging in your name calling far more eloquently than I ever could. “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” ― Mark Twain Civility is one of the big things that separates this forum from the others.
  12. It's not one or the other. That's a bogus argument. I'd rather get a GREAT tattoo AND aftercare instructions. I'm not asking anyone to hold my hand, kiss my ass or bend over on the way out. I've been to the same artist more than a dozen times. EVERY time, while he's cleaning and wrapping the tattoo, he gives me after care instructions. It's a habit. I'm not sure why you are getting so riled up about this. I'm not calling you an ass-hole for your opinion and it wouldn't hurt you to disagree without the name calling. We are offering OPINIONS, not commandments from God carved on stone tablets. You don't care if you get after care instructions? No problem.
  13. Your strenuous objection to the audacity of my having a differing opinion is so noted!
  14. Get a new artist. Just an opinion from an anonymous source on the Internet, but that doesn't sound very professional to me.
  15. See your artist. Did they give you after-care instructions? All of the after-care instructions I've seen say no bath for at least two weeks. What cream did you use? Most after-care instructions indicate washing the tattoo a couple of times a day followed by a very thin layer of something like A&D ointment. The less you do to it the better off you are; for the most part let your body heal itself.
  16. Good idea. I'm going to get on his list just so I can cancel! :-)
  17. Many people new to a forum find that they get a better response if they are NOT a dick to the long time forum members.
  18. Maybe he's saving space for some new work when he get's old.
  19. Yup, the only thing standing between me and nightly sex with a variety of super models is these damn tattoos ... and my wife. :-)
  20. Navarro has been on several episodes. He's actually not too bad.
  21. Thanks for the input. I'd never tell someone their ink sucks, it's really none of my business. Probably over thinking it, as usual! It's not easy being me. :-)
  22. Someone with God-awful tattoos compliments your tattoos? I was out and about and some guy says, 'nice sleeve, where did you get it?" I turned around to thank him and he had a bunch of really awful tattoos. I thanked him and told him where I go, but felt a bit awkward. Just wondering how other people handle this.
  23. Yes, any artist worth his salt will appreciate tips from their non-tattooing clients! :-)
  24. "I'm going to tell her to ignore judgmental ass holes."
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