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Everything posted by Devious6

  1. Here's a quick pic - the strong sunlight makes it look worse than it is, but you can see 3 of the larger scabs on tops of the smaller feathers in the center of the eagle's right wing.
  2. So, on to Day 6.....and crap. I noticed when I got home last evening that I now have 3 or 4 scabs. All are pretty small and relatively thin - and all on dark areas of the tattoo. Still peeling lightly in places, minimal itch that really doesn't even bother me. I'm staying the course with my occasional very light coat of Aveeno lotion to keep everything just a touch moist. Since I have no previous experience with scabs, can anyone give me an idea of how long it takes for them to drop off? I know we all heal differently but is there a ball park guess? A week? Two?
  3. Welcome and we look forward to seeing pictures!
  4. @Rob I Thank you! I love it - just what I wanted. I don't think I've mentioned it before. The artist is a local person here in my area. Scotty Lammers - he specializes in American Traditional but did my other one as well.
  5. Well, I was thinking of getting this next - not sure if it would look best across my chest or my back. Thoughts? It is a panther that everyone talks about.
  6. Actually, it really doesn't itch at all today. Not that I'm complaining.
  7. @oboogie Thank you! I truly enjoy being part of this group. But, seriously, smack me. Hard. On the right upper arm. It stops the itching.
  8. I am a newbie from both the perspective of joining the forum as well as to the world of tattoos. I do want to thank many of you who have welcomed and supported me. Although I do try to defer to experience, I also recognize that my enthusiasm sometimes gets the best of me and I'll jump in where, perhaps, I should remain silent. Again, thanks for the tolerance. It is frustrating to see people who come here who clearly have no desire to gain any wisdom or listen to counter-points; they are here only to validate pre-existing thoughts. Feel free to smack me, when appropriate.
  9. Now about 5 days into this heal - and I am amazed at how quickly it is going. The majority of peeling is done, I have almost no itching at this point and not a single scab. As easy as the healing process of my first tattoo was (and it was of similar size but just black/gray instead of color like this one), this has been even easier. Part of the difference must be that I learned from the first one. This time, I actually washed it with anti-bacterial soap and applied Aquaphor more often. I also made sure that I fully massaged the Aquaphor into the tattoo and then blotted ANY excess off. Of course, it all could be blind luck. And, from interacting with everyone here it is evident that each of us heal differently and there are as many approaches to the process as there are members. Finding what works for you is the key. I'll get a new picture up soon.
  10. This. Perhpas seeing a picture of this tattoo might give me some ability to understand even entertaining this drastic approach. Short of that, I just can't even begin to imagine.
  11. Love the anchor @oboogie!!! Classic!!! And the panther is sweet, @Rob I!!
  12. My Dad had a killer skull with an intertwined snake on his upper left arm - he went into the Marines in 1946 right after graduating from high school. He was too late for WWII but remained in the reserves after serving two years active duty in California and was then activated and sent to Korea during the Korean Conflict. I'm assuming he got his in the San Diego/Los Angeles area since he was stationed at El Toro Air Base. This is a picture of him in July 1946 at Parris Island - had just been named high scorer for his platoon during qualification week. The rifle in his hand is a Springfield Armory-made M1 Garand. The serial number is 2860035 and I am still trying to find it - a needle in a hay stack...but I'll keep looking. So, for me it seemed natural for people to have tattoos since my Dad had one. He was an electrical engineer and taught at a College and then went into the corporate world.
  13. I washed up tonight and planned on staying with the Aquaphor for one more day...until I washed my new piece. My eagle is molting like crazy already. With as much peel as I'm getting I opted just to move to a light application of Aveeno for the duration now. Some of the lines have that milky look too so I well on the way to healing.
  14. Devious6


    Yes, you are correct. I'm confused - what tattoo are you considering having excised?
  15. Welcome...and photos are needed!!
  16. Devious6


    Welcome to the forum!!
  17. I'm beginning to sense a pattern here.
  18. Devious6


    I think I'd go with the line option. Put some other tattoos around it...no onw will ever notice. In time, you'll appreciate the humor of it.
  19. Officially started to peel this afternoon. And itch. Did I mention it itches? Oh, and no scabs so far!!!
  20. So on to Day 3 of the healing. Plasma and ink leak have stopped. Still a bit sensitive to the touch but less so each day. I tried to wear a t-shirt and dress shirt to work yesterday....OUCH!!!!....luckily I had a polo shirt in my closet in the office so I switched out after an hour at work. I am probably about to jinx myself, but to this point no signs of scabbing. I've stuck to the routine that worked for my first tattoo. I wash with antibacterial soap 3 to 4 times a day, let it air dry, and then apply a very light coat of Aquaphor - massaging it in thoroughly and then using a clean paper towel to blot off any excess. I can tell if I've left too much on in any place within a few hours - the skin in that are will swell a bit. I blot the area and it will subside within a few hours. I can see some spots already getting ready to start peeling. Once that happens, I'll switch to unscented Aveeno body lotion. So far so good. It's amazing how each of us react differently to the healing process.
  21. Devious6


    Ahh, this reminds me of Captain Peter "Wrongway" Peachfuzz from the old Rocky & Bullwinkle show when I was a kid.
  22. So I will post this pic here as my start point - about 24 hours post finish. I slept in an old t-shirt last night and had no plasma or ink leak that I noticed. Showered this morning using antibacterial soap and am using a light Aquaphor application in place of the A&D my artist gave me (I used Aquaphor on my first tattoo also). This one seems much more sensitive than my first - perhaps because of the amount of shading on this one versus my first?). It is tender - like a brush burn. Most of the redness is gone, it just is uncomfortable to have a shirt sleeve rubbing it. I was out this afternoon and as I got in the car Lynn mentioned that it looked like I had some plasma leak - never had that with my first. When I got home I washed it again and reapplied a very light cover of Aquaphor. I noticed when I pat it dry with a clean paper towel, I am getting a small amount of ink but that seems to lessen with each washing. So, we'll see how this one goes. My guess is that it's not going to be as easy as my first.
  23. And, finally, in the daylight. I am really stoked. This says exactly what I want it to say...without stating it blatantly. For me, it is awesome.
  24. Looking a little less irritated today - and now on to the commiserating about healing thread!!
  25. Why, yes it was!!! I hadn't finished that first cup of coffee.
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