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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. look at frank frazetta's style of dragons.
  2. don't be afraid to go to a shop and check it out, getting a tattoo is more than just a picture on the internet. see if you like the person and the vibe of the shop as well as their work. you're not buying a pair of shoes off the internet, so make a trip and hit some of the shops mentioned.
  3. Its still my favorite part of this style, the fact that everyone hates it so much.
  4. Selecting a name is marketing. Its about attracting whatever clientle you're after. Some people want to appear cool and others shoot for professional and easy to remember. Its easy to see who takes what they do seriously and those who think its a rockstar lifestyle.
  5. @Wedge, that's a nice one! SOG's are pretty rugged.
  6. Have ya'll thought about having some guest tattooers come visit?
  7. just to be clear, it's not a scar forming. don't panic, let it heal and don't pick at it.
  8. Same here, he's probably one of the hardest working dudes. Always got something in the works. I was pretty pumped to find a hidden hand album I didn't have used and then to notice they covered "outside looking in" probably my favorite grand funk song.
  9. @Pugilist, I'm a tattooer but before that I worked for a financial investment company. I've quit jobs based on a difference of ethics before and there were issues that came up at the financial place as well but I couldn't make the urgent decision to leave since I had a family but I did work towards getting out of there. I have the same feeling as most about supporting local business. Especially in this part of ohio, the economy is crappy so I feel a bond with local business owners in trying to make it work. Just to give a scenario that kinda prompted me to ponder these things is that I've been trying to sell my house for over a year and get moved back to atlanta. The wife and kid have been there for almost 2 years. Things have been a struggle here and I've been trying to explore ways to try and make a move happen if this house doesn't sell soon. Someone suggested that I do cable installation as a second job since I've got some tech and mechanical skills. The thought of having to do it is a bummer on many fronts. Firstly, I haven't had cable for over 15 years because I think its bullshit. Secondly, I don't want to do anything other than tattoo but would copmpromise if I could get to my family quicker by working another job. With that said, I have huge issues with how many of these companies conduct business. Not just locally but also their participation in the ALEC. There manipulation of local and state governments to screw the american public. If your not familiar with them, check them out. Shady stuff..I'll post a link that just happens to relate to the local cable company that also involves many other states and how all this mess ties together. I've never been one to bite my tongue and I seriously don't see how I can not tell this company to get fucked even if they offered me a job. But in doing this research, the info I found about the ALEC kinda got me a little fired up to the point I would like to do more than just tell this company to get fucked. Anyway..its a long article but worth the read. There's more out there but this is just a taste of how we are all getting screwed. https://dbapress.com/archives/2719#more-2719
  10. obviously everyone here discusses tattoo shops and the things we all consider to be important about tattooing and the business related to tattooing as well as customer service and ethics of those doing the work. so with that said, i'm just curious about others thoughts in regards to other companies. like if you knew that a company was shady and particiated in unethical behavior, would you still support and/or buy products from those companies. also, if you discovered that the company you worked for was involved in something that is unethical would you continue to work for them and if so, how long? would it weigh on your conscious? i resist letting the whole cat out of the bag for many reasons but i'm always interested in others views of where they draw their moral convictions from and how strongly they stand by them.
  11. awesome, to me this is a huge part of what getting tattooed is all about. you can check out portfolios online for all kinds of folks but you can't tell what the whole experience will be like from just looking at pics of someones work. glad it was a good time for you.
  12. @eisen777 hell yes!! i've got almost every wino related release. missing a few things here and there that i hope to find at some point. have you seen the obsessed documentary? i think it may be uploaded in separate parts on youtube. pretty killer
  13. Totally agree, that album has so much aggression and was really extreme for a hardcore band. It was like slayer. Plus its got a pushead album cover and it had the robert degrimston (sp) tract in it. That was my first exposure to him. I keep remembering reading it, saying "this is the absolute truth"
  14. hardcore-ish metal or metalish hardcore, what ever you wanna call it...or just good stuff: and then this which has nothing to do with hardcore
  15. I think you should keep it, I mean you made your username based on it. Just get more tattoos and you won't even worry about it any more.
  16. Could still do it for the wedding ring exchange!
  17. @irezumi congrats man! Perfect spot to propose too.
  18. @Deb Yarian, I'm thankful to have you here and always value your input. You and Don have given a lot to tattooing and that is something no one can take away. I hope that Matt might post some more on here too.
  19. If you really don't want to talk to them, you could always respond to their questions with a series of clicks and chirps.
  20. you can always take some examples of lady heads that you do like to show how you like the lips and noses. just because someone has drawn some faces or heads in a certain manner doesn't always mean that they aren't capable of doing them different.
  21. The purpose of tv production, especially in "reality" shows, is to make you either love it or hate it. Its intentional. If they can stir conversation about their shows, then they always benefit. Its in a humans nature to be curious. So even when people mention how horrible the show may is, that will make more people tune in just to see the horror. Its always easier to push something down a hill than up it, so its purpose driven to make the judges seem careless and reckless as well as all the other controversial stuff like law suits and rivalry, etc. I've not had cable for a long time and have cut tv viewing way down and recently my converter box crapped out, so that meant zero tv viewing. It really altered my reality in a positive way. And I was only watching a couple hours a day. I'd never tell anyone else what to do, but I'm goin to try make any attempts promote elements of positivity in an effort to make it the thing that is pushed down the hill and not up it.
  22. Even if romney did win, I doubt most americans would even know what's tattooed on him. This is better than most of the face tattoo ads though. At least its just a stylized "r" and not just a web address like I've seen lots of other folks get.
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