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Everything posted by SStu

  1. SStu


    looks manageable to me - but ultimately you'll need to discuss the details with your artist. Learning how to pick an artist is a more important question. there are loads of threads in this forum with that objective in mind.
  2. SStu


    welcome, and ditto!
  3. Ok, here's the condensed version of your answer (similar questions of which have been answered on this forum many times before): a/ continue to come up with creative and drawings, but start calling them "references". b/ find a professional tattooer who already is proficient in the type of art you would wear, and who can actually tattoo (that's a whole new subject, by the way) c/ discuss your vision with that artist and bring the references for guidance d/ let that artist come up with the final idea(s) Don't expect a true artist to be interested in trying to reproduce your idea(s). Don't expect a novice artist to be able to reproduce your idea(s). Avoiding the above = you might be lucky. you might not. you'll still wear it forever.
  4. SStu


    photos = yes. welcome.
  5. welcome, and pictures are always great!
  6. I'm 59 (male), and there's definitely a difference in how I get them (better educated, better quality), but i haven't noticed any decline in how I heal.
  7. I'd recommend letting the idea sit and percolate for several months.
  8. SStu


    welcome, and let's see how your 1st one came out -
  9. "known for" = agreed, but without digging too deep into the various portolios (and none of the guest ones) both Skinny and Rose do excellent portrait work. Nice thing about a shop like that is you don't really have to worry much about quality. No one there is going to take on work they don't already excel at.
  10. tripled. Just find anything that will remind you of them. Doesn't need to be obvious or mean anything to anyone else.
  11. Welcome! Tattoo Shops in NYC | Kings Avenue Tattoo in Long Island and Manhattan
  12. SStu


    welcome, and yes = photos, please.
  13. SStu


    welcome, but not sure about your question. You're looking at the possibility of a 2nd tattoo on your ankle that would involve color?
  14. @Fala Wow. Really nice. and the side will have been so much worse than your back, I think . . .
  15. by Thomas Hooper
  16. SStu


    by Nathan Kostechko
  17. good networking day, if nothing else - and there should be plenty else!
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