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Everything posted by bongsau

  1. 3 hours this afternoon on the right hand side: across the kidney, ass cheek and that spicy spot underneath and in between. Lord God have mercy.
  2. maybe it's just a good ol tattoo and doesn't mean anything ? ;)
  3. very nice great intro good attitude @Descendent welcome !
  4. you got an octopus tattoo in a japanese style, a really nice one at that. now, you're talking about lasering a small section off and/or getting some other tattoo artist to fix it ? good luck with that bud :/ let it heal and settle in (mentally and physically). it's a nice tattoo, you are indeed overthinking it.
  5. No prob, I always say people can get whatever they want tattooed on them, that's the whole point of tattooing. It's taking me 10 years to finally realize this thing about simplicity. There are always thing you could improve upon in the design and execution of a tattoo, but undos aren't part of the game. That's what I love about tattooing. I have an early tattoo where a rock looks like an upsidedown skull. I asked the guy to make it that way. 10 years later, its a still friggin rock that looks inconsistent with the rest.
  6. I think it would work if it was all black, illustrative style tattoo. However I wouldn't be confident the shape of the skull will hold over time, as your body changes, as you age, as you move with the tattoo on you, since the design is fairly static. A skilled tattooer could make it work though. An alternate perspective: If you want to get a skull, get a skull. If you want to get flowers, get flowers. Too often we try to get too 'clever' with a design and it ends up being hard to read, complicated, and (especially) dated. Simplicity is what stands out and stands the test of time. My $0.02
  7. @9Years oh yeah I guess I do haha. He's more of the penis rather than occult variety haha. - - - Updated - - - I think every serious tattoo enthusiast needs a Hot Stuff devil tucked away on them somewhere ;) or a Taz devil
  8. haha i know i look ridiculous when i'm getting tattooed. last time was big wool socks, a pompom toque, ink stained underwear in a backwards bathrobe. no fucks given, getting my back tattooed LOL
  9. Steve Batt, 2005 Mini Mantis by Bryan Turnbull, 2013
  10. Welcome and good luck! The routine is a very important part of the backpiece experience. Just make consistent progress, big or small, it doesn't matter, as long as you chip away, it is all part of getting it done. Frequency is up to you and the tattooer, once a month is reasonable. Every week or two if you can handle it - not just the tattooing but the healing too. It's a big commitment to work your life around - the appointments, the healing, the time off work, the cost. You want it! You can do it! The back has so many different areas to hit and many will be unpleasant. But the beauty is you can move to a different section when you've strained to long on some of the hard spots. If this is your first tattoo, you won't know any differently, you'll probably sit better than the rest of us ;) The mortality rate is very low. Yes, eat a good wholesome meal before each session. I always take a break halfway and refuel with another meal which keeps me going and I've found drinking hot water or tea helps to. I always make a point of a light workout (kung fu) and stretching for 45 minutes before all my sessions, it really helps get me focused and ready. But that's my routine. You will find yours. And whoever here on the forum who suggested to wear a backwards bath robe, thank you. Great advice.
  11. Some really cool tattoos posted here. Really like that Chris Marchetto devil head. I could never get a devil tattoo, too spooky to have on my body! Maybe the surfin' devil, I love that Ed Hardy design.
  12. THIS ^ To quote some solid life advice I received many years ago from K.D. Lang's 101yo Grandma (true story) ..."you had better finish whatever you start Eric...or else!" Real talk from a really bad ass really old woman, and because of it I never actually experienced what the "or else" is. ;)
  13. A-O ZING never thought of myself as a "tattoo collector" but rather a "tattoo get-or" ;)
  14. Chest is a really cool spot to get tattooed. It does get pretty gnarly over the solar plexus and sides around the nips but the cool thing is that the sensations are quite varying and exciting, however painful they may be. I found it really enlightening though, really got me in touch with myself (at the risk of sounding like some new age bullshit) and I felt like I was re-born when I had my chest piece inked. Good luck and enjoy it!
  15. bongsau

    First Timer

    Welcome David, hope everything works out great for ya. I think that's wonderful that you are the age you are and saying hell yeah, it's time to finally get the tattoo you've always wanted. Life's too short and you're never to old to start something! No regrets bud.
  16. Yeah, I bet the tattoo artist is probably not stoked, cause now they have an empty day in their schedule next week. Most tattooers this wouldn't be a huge deal, they will fill up their opening pretty quickly if they have a steady stream of ongoing clients and walkins. I think tattoo shops get a lot of tire kicking - not saying that about you, though. Don't be a repeat offender. Book your appointments and commit. However, better to give a week notice to resched then no show. Why are you starting a new tattoo on your arm when you've got your back going? - - - Updated - - - Like, pay full price for the session in advance? Or deposit?
  17. @Mark Bee It's ok if you like old time country. I'm from Alberta so it gets a pass lol (my punker and reggae friends, we all like good honky tonk stuff). There is a couple rippers on it but mostly slow ballads. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band feel. I like it because the cover is awesome and I really like the little poem on the back. I'm a pretty heavy record collector so even if I don't listen to it, something like this album belongs in my collection. I'd rather listen to Charley Pride though.
  18. I was filing the "this just in" pile of my record collection and found this David Allen Coe outlaw country record I had picked up a while ago, with super-cool tattoos on the album artwork: "To all who hear me let them know that this is the truth. And to those that see me let them tell their children they have witnessed a miracle. And to those that love me let them forgive my shortcomings. And to those that despise me let them spend half the time in Hell that I have. And to those who judge me let them look in the mirror. And for those that want it here is one more tattoo. Take it its yours." Got me thinking about other album covers and musicians with tattoo art...I know there have been a bunch that influenced me at an early age. Especially that Santana album, blew my mind when I first saw it as kid. post em up! - - - Updated - - - Santana - Abraxas Rose Tattoo (!!) Johnny Winter DLR being awesome ...and my personal fave...Vybz Kartel
  19. Couple hours in today, more and more black! Steve worked on the waterfall and waves off the bum and down the side. most of my previous tattoos are now bordered in which was a really cool thing to watch (sore neck haha). Especially with this cool Escher dragon Steve had put on my ribs 10 years ago. It had a intense start, straight over the kidneys. yikes. mental session if you know what i mean. half a cheek and down the back thigh. you cats weren't joking. but made some really visible progress and the piece is really coming together and at a good pace. I'm going to wait two or three weeks to finish the lower waves and rocks, hope to have the background all in before heading on a vacation. Then all the colour in May. I'll post some shots after the redness and yellowing mellow out. Really feeling the fit of my tattoo suit. :)
  20. @Mick Weder ...that toad is great. Really like your suit, how the blackground ties it all in together! - - - Updated - - - @Hands On amazing tattoo!
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