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Posts posted by Delicious

  1. Ok, well to be honest, I agree with Graeme. Just sucks you hijacked my old thread to do this whole placement thing. We can't make your choices for you. And tbh, with the imagery you choose for your tattoo, its not really gonna go with filigree. it'll look slapped between. Fill those blank spaces with other smaller tattoos. Leave negitive space. Unless you like the collage look?

  2. You have a bunch of bright, vibrant tattoos that seemingly have no connection to each other, jammed up all together on your upper arm.

    Get smaller tattoos between them. Water wouldn't work with that, and I dont honestly think filigree would look good with the style of tattoos you have.

  3. I keep liking these lady heads:


    I don't know who drew these, but I know that these two images are very common. I like them both, not exactly these ones, but I remember seeing old flash that looked like the two in the pictures.

    ok so i found out who made the crown lady. it was @Amelia. I found the crown lady through someone else posting it as their own, but on her tumblr I saw the original image.

  4. I have been on a few threads today that said that they had a certain number of posts, like The Upcoming tattoo thread, but then in actuality, the number of posts displayed didnt match.

    For example, the upcoming tattoo thread said it had 708 posts, however, only 701-703 were showing.

    Was just on the Lady Heads thread, said that there had been a new reply, by another member. Click on the thread, and the most current post I see was my post from a day ago.

  5. when i had right above my ankle bone done, it took forever to heal and still gives me problems. I am not sure about the color situation, but I know i I finish my ankles, that there will be nothing along the lines of the color red... That's where all my problems were

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