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Everything posted by Pugilist

  1. Man, I love my jackass husband, but sometimes LST is like a whole message board full of jackass husbands.
  2. You guys. I may or may not have found out today that I will probably (knock on wood!) have the most exciting appointment ever for the MTL tattoo convention next month and I am so stoked it's not even funny. I am too superstitious to say it out loud just yet but IT IS GOING TO RULE.
  3. Oh I am so, so sorry @TrixieFaux. She was just beautiful, and I have no doubt that you gave her an amazing life. Will be thinking of you while you grieve. Xoxox.
  4. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that was a moment of temporary insanity that my husband got way too stoked on. :)
  5. We watched this last night! It was awesome and gave me so much food for thought. Wise dudes.
  6. Dude there are so many good people who do the kind of stuff you like who'll be in MTL that you will be spoilt for choice!
  7. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Stephanie and I love that fucking dragon.
  8. PS - You may now turn to mocking @Graeme for turning down a tattoo of a pin-up laying seductively on a hot dog.
  9. Without treading into TMI territory... I have not found this to be true. Too sore and fuzzy headed. :)
  10. @Graeme and I are supposed to get impulsive tattoos this afternoon (from the shop around the corner from our old place, as a way of celebrating our time there!). I think he's going to wuss out. Peer pressure him here!
  11. OMG that's you? I flipped over that on IG and OF COURSE it's on an LST poster. Lucky dude!
  12. This looks SO GREAT and we want to do the same thing in our new apartment! I love these prints so much.
  13. I think when you're super broke someone being able to pay for a "treat" is very much appreciated!
  14. No, you need to know how it feels, you jerk. (I also feel like Graeme should document the abusive things I yell at him when he does my back.)
  15. Are you kidding? That bites! Maybe it has lost its edge post-EU accession. :(
  16. I have hitched a bit through Eastern Europe and I HIGHLY recommend hitting the former Yugo too! Slovenia was seriously the easiest and most pleasant place I have ever done it. Every second car will stop for you and they'll all be amazing people that you'll like, end up going to dinner with.
  17. I totally fruit looped all over my acupuncturist's table this morning. Oh, the glamour of tattoos.
  18. LOVE both ideas. I agree with telling her both and letting her run with whatever. When I have a pretty vague idea, I am also a fan of just giving some helpful adjectives like you've done above - like you want her to feel tough and strong - without necessarily worrying about the details since I don't have them in my head clearly, because maybe she'll come up with something that captures what you want that you would never have thought of!
  19. When's the wedding, @Mark Bee? I think attempting to be a groom without wounds is a noble pursuit. :)
  20. I posted a not awesome photo of it on Instagram last night. I'm catmischief
  21. Trust me, after the day we've had, nobody is getting any tonight.
  22. Haha I was kidding about the bleeding together thing although I admit it is kind of awesome going through all this together. And surprising @Graeme with his Ron bear was the most fun thing ever. When he realized what was happening he smiled wider than I think he did on our wedding day. Omg Graeme just aquaphored my back. I take back anything nice I've ever said about him. Fuck that guy.
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