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Brock Varty

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Posts posted by Brock Varty

  1. I would but unfortunately most of my savings has gone towards rent/living expenses so i'm at the point now where I need to find something that will pay. Unfortunately tattooing isn't doing that. I don't know anyone other than the artist that I work for, so traveling isn't an option and I dont' have the portfolio for conventions yet.

    Start networking man. Do some painting and send them to people around you. Send an actual letter to tattooers you respect. Work hard on your art. Developing connections is a super important thing and something I struggle with. There is a great deal to be said for pursing a relationship with other tattooers. Sometimes those relationships can be started with just sending them a painting or something and a thoughful letter.

  2. Some harsh mofo's out there. I know it sucks that everybody and they baby-momma thinks they are a tattoo artist but don't take it out on me =)

    I searched for an apprenticeship but did not have good luck. I am not going to let that stop me, so I took as ethical of a path I could.

    Also, I clearly see the "easy" comment can be offensive but I found alot of good tatt artists do art in multiple forms of media like I do. If you are a painter and decide to airbrush, you just need to learn how to use the tool. Artists will create art no matter what tool they use. I didn't mean to say tattooing is easy, but watching some dude tatt me made me realize I can handle it.

    My story is funny to me, obviously, or I wouldnt emphasize how ridiculous those other situations were, I dont like to tattoo "Money Over Bitches" on people if you havent figured that out. I am in the intro thread so I am doing an Intro. Sometimes your path can be interesting like a Legend like Dan Dringenberg for example.

    Designing commercial art pays the bills but it won't let me fullfill my creative needs. So plz don't hate on me because I am just jealous that some of you are able to do both. I am never going to stop tattooing because its just too damn fun!

    Had a really angry post wrote up...decided it wasn't needed.

  3. This summer will be a great one for me. After this Saturday I'll be quitting my job after 7 years. Finally going to be awake during the daytime. Then next week Duffa has plans to come up to Tokyo for the first LST Japan meet up. Then in July I'll be in sunny California/Arizona for vacation. Will be starting a new area of my bodysuit as well. Probably my right leg but could be arms.

    I assume you are making the transition to being at the shop full time? Awesome man!

  4. so I watched it lastnight,I loved it,5 out of 5

    I liked the historical information of the tattoo world.

    I would have liked to have known him.

    I think any good human being would have liked to have known Jerry. Strong, steadfast people like him is what helped get tattooing to what it is now. It is up to all of us to bring it back and carry on the demeanor and character he showed.

  5. Some of the artists I thought were assholes have become great friends of mine. What's important to me is a hard work ethic, passion for tattooing, and a quality portfolio in the style I'm after.

    Same here. While I can appreciate the general likeability of a person, I don't need to like them to get tattooed by them. I'll use this example...If Kore Flatmo was an asshole(which is false), I would still get tattooed by him. Making good tattoos is what I care about. If you have a awesome attitude then that is a bonus, but not required.

  6. @Jlurie91 Your intro thread is the best place to post specific questions relating to you and your tattoos. Read other threads and judge the content for yourself. If you feel you would get a better response in that thread, then post there instead. But...as a rule of thumb, your intro thread is the place for questions.
  7. Yeah. He's also really tough to get ahold of. But, what he does is brilliant. He's the Mike Roper of the Midwest.

    He is one of the most slept on tattooers around. As if I need to make the case for him even more, he is also very nice, almost too nice. Dude is funny as hell and dam, can he fucking paint. His painting just blows my mind into the stratosphere. Seeing all his originals in person is a whole 'nother level of crazy.

  8. Oh I didn't realize it was common. I wonder if it's from the pressure of standing and walking-all your weight goes down to your tootsies. I guess I won't freak out about it then! How long do you have to wait before having it touched up? He's moving the 1st of July or right before, and I'd like to have it done before he goes but if it's going to still be tender I'd rather wait lest I look like a big *girl* and holler during.

    There needs to be fully healed skin to be able to touch it up. Most tattooers are comfortable with a roughly 2-3 week healing timetable to get healed enough skin to go back into.

  9. Oh whoops. My fault. I found the Plurabella site and it didn't list an address but my brain failed to put 2+2 together that it was private. Oh I fail sometimes lol. I should definitely call and see what he's up to and how booked he is.

    He generally books about six months at a time. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I know if someone presents him with something he really wants to do, he might make room in the schedule. The people that get work from him mainly travel in from out of town and even overseas, so keeping a tight schedule is super important for him. If you do email or call, you will probably get to speak with Kim. She is one of the most kind and professional people I have ever encountered. Everyone at PluraBella is far and beyond good folks.

    @exume Thanks for posting. @Timbur Great interview that you should check out.

  10. Yup ;) Cincinnati. Born and raised.

    Wow. I just did a search on him and wow. Amazing. His work is awesome. I bet your tattoo looks superb. I would love to see it.

    I found the shop that he is at when he's not traveling and I think I might stop in ;)

    Thanks so much for letting me know!

    You guys have all been a great help so far! This community is awesome :D

    FYI. He works out of a private studio and not a shop. It isn't a place you can just walk into. There are no markings for the studion and the doors remain locked during the day. I would contact them via phone or email to set up something.

  11. We take a deposit equal to 1 hour of tattoo time for anything that could take an hour or more. Everything else is either no deposit or half the hourly rate. I prefer to take a full hour deposit for everything, as we have had problems with some folks not showing up. The higher the deposit, the more likely someone shows up.

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