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  1. Like
    beez reacted to cltattooing in I finally understand   
    @xcom I think most of us understood that you were trying to contribute something positive, I wouldn't worry.
    Also @RoryQ have you checked out Jeff Crocci's work at 7th Son in SF?
  2. Like
    beez got a reaction from cltattooing in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I'm into it!! Let me know what they say and what you need from me. Thanks homie!
  3. Like
    beez got a reaction from PopsBdog in I finally understand   
    @Graeme ????❤️❤️❤️❤️??????
    If that string of emoticons is unreadable, just know I sent a string of googly eyes, hearts, and party horns.
    It's been a long time since I've been around someone that aggressive who really enjoys upsetting people so much. I've never understood that kind of behavior. I have a friend who one time tried to explain to me the art of the troll and why it was so much fun...and messing with your friends just a tiny bit is a fun and time honored tradition - but rad's trolling takes it to a different level. It's not funny? I dunno.
    Thx for taking care of it mods!
  4. Like
    beez reacted to Graeme in I finally understand   
    @beez He got his dumb, ignorant ass banned so no need to block him.
  5. Like
    beez got a reaction from kimkong in Full Back Piece Thread   
    @mmikaoj great write up!! and i empathize with you so much re your headspace - traveling with a fresh tattoo in a difficult place, and then not having any peace or solitude to get your mind to where it needs to be to handle the hours of tattooing! It's crazy man!! And tattoo fever...any session over 4 hours and i get sick. It really sucks. I empathize with your tattoo fever as well.
    You are a beast. You have a well-earned backpiece, that's for sure. It looks great. Congrats J!
  6. Like
    beez reacted to Cork in I finally understand   
    I just get the tattoos that you LST'ers tell me to get so I don't have to worry about all of this nonsense. Why put my brain through the trouble of thinking if you all will do it for me.
  7. Like
    beez reacted to cltattooing in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    -raises hand- ooh me please! Haven't had a reading in years and I could totally use some direction right now. That's awesome that you're working with the deck, always something I've been interested in but never taken to.
    As for a general response to the thread, I got another lizard a few weeks ago, a gravid female. She laid 3 eggs!! Two of em last night. Usually they come in pairs but she had 3! I think she's still cranky that I took them away.
  8. Like
    beez reacted to cltattooing in I finally understand   
    @hogg @Iwar @gougetheeyes can we ban this embarassment yet? Sorry if I'm out of line for asking this but holy fuck
  9. Like
    beez got a reaction from CultExciter in I finally understand   
    I think a lot of the users who comment that "this is not going to last" etc are actually commenting on the application of the tattoo, not just the style as a passing fad - just because you "appreciate the details" and "recognize good art" doesn't necessarily mean that the details are good or that the art itself is good. Many people here who don't like the styles you do are making technical comments on how the art will last and how it is applied. Of course, some people just dislike it, and that's okay too, but to say that people just don't look at the details or appreciate good art I think is not the case, based on what I've read on the forum over the past few years.
    I am also someone who loves traditional and japanese work - it's what I have on my body. I can definitely appreciate other styles, they're just not for me.
    @Rad Kelham ...dude...so much filip leu respect on here it makes me want to shout what the fucking fuck that you even wrote that!!!! You obviously have a lot of good tattoos and a lot of good tattoo knowledge, even if they aren't my favorite styles or subject matter - but you also assume we have a lot of ignorance about other styles simply because we don't talk about them as much (although if you use the search thread you will see a LOT of talk) or don't like them as much.
    I will echo @xcom in that I think the board is getting a lot more aggressive lately. (of course i did just make this post because i got so mad at some of the stuff i read, so I am certainly a part of this too).
  10. Like
    beez got a reaction from UglyButProud in I finally understand   
    @Rad Kelham googly eyes at that eddy deutsche sleeve! thx for sharing! I love seeing older work like that. do you have a pic of Guy sleeve as well?
    @Iwar from here runs @LivedInTattoos on instagram, cool pics of older tattoos.
  11. Like
    beez reacted to LizBee in I finally understand   
    @Rad Kelham, these are the pics I love to see - tattoos with some age on them. It is difficult to find pics like this on the 'net, or it is for me. Most of the pics you find when researching are of brand new tats on very young, good-looking people. No offense to young, good-looking people, of course!
  12. Like
    beez reacted to bongsau in Upcoming Tattoos   
    ok then...Session #7 on my back just got locked in for Monday! Starting colour and pattern details hooray
  13. Like
    beez reacted to xcom in Tattoo convention   
    What grade you in?
    Sounds to me like a spammer trying to collect info.
  14. Like
    beez reacted to xcom in I finally understand   
    @beez, I hear you.
  15. Like
    beez got a reaction from polliwog in I finally understand   
    I think a lot of the users who comment that "this is not going to last" etc are actually commenting on the application of the tattoo, not just the style as a passing fad - just because you "appreciate the details" and "recognize good art" doesn't necessarily mean that the details are good or that the art itself is good. Many people here who don't like the styles you do are making technical comments on how the art will last and how it is applied. Of course, some people just dislike it, and that's okay too, but to say that people just don't look at the details or appreciate good art I think is not the case, based on what I've read on the forum over the past few years.
    I am also someone who loves traditional and japanese work - it's what I have on my body. I can definitely appreciate other styles, they're just not for me.
    @Rad Kelham ...dude...so much filip leu respect on here it makes me want to shout what the fucking fuck that you even wrote that!!!! You obviously have a lot of good tattoos and a lot of good tattoo knowledge, even if they aren't my favorite styles or subject matter - but you also assume we have a lot of ignorance about other styles simply because we don't talk about them as much (although if you use the search thread you will see a LOT of talk) or don't like them as much.
    I will echo @xcom in that I think the board is getting a lot more aggressive lately. (of course i did just make this post because i got so mad at some of the stuff i read, so I am certainly a part of this too).
  16. Like
    beez got a reaction from joakim urma in I finally understand   
    I think a lot of the users who comment that "this is not going to last" etc are actually commenting on the application of the tattoo, not just the style as a passing fad - just because you "appreciate the details" and "recognize good art" doesn't necessarily mean that the details are good or that the art itself is good. Many people here who don't like the styles you do are making technical comments on how the art will last and how it is applied. Of course, some people just dislike it, and that's okay too, but to say that people just don't look at the details or appreciate good art I think is not the case, based on what I've read on the forum over the past few years.
    I am also someone who loves traditional and japanese work - it's what I have on my body. I can definitely appreciate other styles, they're just not for me.
    @Rad Kelham ...dude...so much filip leu respect on here it makes me want to shout what the fucking fuck that you even wrote that!!!! You obviously have a lot of good tattoos and a lot of good tattoo knowledge, even if they aren't my favorite styles or subject matter - but you also assume we have a lot of ignorance about other styles simply because we don't talk about them as much (although if you use the search thread you will see a LOT of talk) or don't like them as much.
    I will echo @xcom in that I think the board is getting a lot more aggressive lately. (of course i did just make this post because i got so mad at some of the stuff i read, so I am certainly a part of this too).
  17. Like
    beez got a reaction from Graeme in I finally understand   
    I think a lot of the users who comment that "this is not going to last" etc are actually commenting on the application of the tattoo, not just the style as a passing fad - just because you "appreciate the details" and "recognize good art" doesn't necessarily mean that the details are good or that the art itself is good. Many people here who don't like the styles you do are making technical comments on how the art will last and how it is applied. Of course, some people just dislike it, and that's okay too, but to say that people just don't look at the details or appreciate good art I think is not the case, based on what I've read on the forum over the past few years.
    I am also someone who loves traditional and japanese work - it's what I have on my body. I can definitely appreciate other styles, they're just not for me.
    @Rad Kelham ...dude...so much filip leu respect on here it makes me want to shout what the fucking fuck that you even wrote that!!!! You obviously have a lot of good tattoos and a lot of good tattoo knowledge, even if they aren't my favorite styles or subject matter - but you also assume we have a lot of ignorance about other styles simply because we don't talk about them as much (although if you use the search thread you will see a LOT of talk) or don't like them as much.
    I will echo @xcom in that I think the board is getting a lot more aggressive lately. (of course i did just make this post because i got so mad at some of the stuff i read, so I am certainly a part of this too).
  18. Like
    beez got a reaction from UglyButProud in I finally understand   
    I think a lot of the users who comment that "this is not going to last" etc are actually commenting on the application of the tattoo, not just the style as a passing fad - just because you "appreciate the details" and "recognize good art" doesn't necessarily mean that the details are good or that the art itself is good. Many people here who don't like the styles you do are making technical comments on how the art will last and how it is applied. Of course, some people just dislike it, and that's okay too, but to say that people just don't look at the details or appreciate good art I think is not the case, based on what I've read on the forum over the past few years.
    I am also someone who loves traditional and japanese work - it's what I have on my body. I can definitely appreciate other styles, they're just not for me.
    @Rad Kelham ...dude...so much filip leu respect on here it makes me want to shout what the fucking fuck that you even wrote that!!!! You obviously have a lot of good tattoos and a lot of good tattoo knowledge, even if they aren't my favorite styles or subject matter - but you also assume we have a lot of ignorance about other styles simply because we don't talk about them as much (although if you use the search thread you will see a LOT of talk) or don't like them as much.
    I will echo @xcom in that I think the board is getting a lot more aggressive lately. (of course i did just make this post because i got so mad at some of the stuff i read, so I am certainly a part of this too).
  19. Like
    beez got a reaction from Fala in I finally understand   
    I think a lot of the users who comment that "this is not going to last" etc are actually commenting on the application of the tattoo, not just the style as a passing fad - just because you "appreciate the details" and "recognize good art" doesn't necessarily mean that the details are good or that the art itself is good. Many people here who don't like the styles you do are making technical comments on how the art will last and how it is applied. Of course, some people just dislike it, and that's okay too, but to say that people just don't look at the details or appreciate good art I think is not the case, based on what I've read on the forum over the past few years.
    I am also someone who loves traditional and japanese work - it's what I have on my body. I can definitely appreciate other styles, they're just not for me.
    @Rad Kelham ...dude...so much filip leu respect on here it makes me want to shout what the fucking fuck that you even wrote that!!!! You obviously have a lot of good tattoos and a lot of good tattoo knowledge, even if they aren't my favorite styles or subject matter - but you also assume we have a lot of ignorance about other styles simply because we don't talk about them as much (although if you use the search thread you will see a LOT of talk) or don't like them as much.
    I will echo @xcom in that I think the board is getting a lot more aggressive lately. (of course i did just make this post because i got so mad at some of the stuff i read, so I am certainly a part of this too).
  20. Like
    beez reacted to RoryQ in I finally understand   
    Lots of mention of Filip Leu, Aaron Cain and others on here. There's even a guy with a Leu back piece hanging around.
    I don't really get why you'd come into this particular thread, which is clearly about traditional tattooing, and start ranting about people (supposedly) not recognising true greats of tattooing...
    If you think someone needs some love then why not be constructive and start a thread?
  21. Like
    beez reacted to DJDeepFried in I finally understand   
    Really? I've seen nothing but love for most of these dudes on here. Isn't there a whole thread on Filip Leu?
    I do hope you stick around though. Strong opinions and healthy debate are what keeps this place interesting.
  22. Like
    beez reacted to CultExciter in I finally understand   
    Well, I think a good majority here are aware of these people. I love Aaron Cain, Pacheco and James Tex. Certainly not oblivious to it. I'm also certain that I don't have a tattoo machine tattooed on my hand, but I can recognize most on site. There isn't a Captain Big Nuts card to attain around here. I certainly am not interested in making anyone stay if they feel like they don't belong. Just know your audience. Period.
  23. Like
    beez reacted to cltattooing in I finally understand   
    That's not what I said at all. You have a relationship and wide exposure to tattoos and I respect your tastes even if they're not my tastes. I just think that traditional tattoos are harder for the layman to appreciate because they're not as flashy.
  24. Like
    beez reacted to DJDeepFried in I finally understand   
    I'm impressed by the technical ability of color portrait artists like Nikko Hurtado or Paul Acker, but a tattoo of Capt. Jack Sparrow or Catwoman, no matter how perfect, doesn't make me feel a thing.
    But that's how I judge all art -- not by how well someone can paint something that looks "lifelike" (or, in the case of music, how fast Yngwie Malmsteen can shred) if it has no soul. I'll take a Neil Young solo any day.
    I love how the best traditional tattoos can distill the essence of a thing with so few lines, and the more I look at tattoos, the more I can appreciate it. Strong, powerful images is what does it for me.
    No one would ever say Picasso is a bad artist because his paintings are "simple" or don't look "real."
    People can like what they like, but bashing traditional tattoos just makes the one saying it look kinda dumb or at least uninformed.
  25. Like
    beez reacted to RoryQ in I finally understand   
    Seems to me that when we talk about directions trad tattooing can go in it's worth bearing in mind the distinction between form and content.
    The form of trad tattooing is all the stuff that leads people to say "bold will hold". The sticker quality, readability, outline, use of black, bold colours etc.
    But that has no necessary connection to the content. You could use the form to illustrate anything, and people do... So we have espresso shots... Skeletor... Wrestling holds...
    But there's a reason panthers, Eagles and whatnots have such a long track record. They're archetypical images full of emotion and strength.
    A hipster gentleman riding an old timey bike, done in a traditional style, will almost certainly date. But a swooping eagle? Or a crying baby head. They won't go out of date anytime soon.
    The question then becomes whether there's a better way to organise / draw that swooping eagle, or how you make it different.
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