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Posts posted by kingofcosta

  1. Greetings dude. I can't help you with choosing a great shop in Boston as I'm located in the cold north east of England, but I'm sure someone will be along soon to advise. What I will say though, as a tattooist, is, don't be offended if your tattooer asks to change your design a bit to make it work perfectly as a tattoo. Many things that look great on paper simply don't transfer to a tattoo. You should still be able to get a great tattoo based on your design, just don't be too precious about keeping it exactly as you drew it. Unless you draw something that perfectly suits the medium. In which case, well done!

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  2. I think the overall behavior reflects the integrity. I wouldn't go to Scott (this seasons "favorite") because I think he is a pompous douche that only wants to come off as a tough guy. I personally want to disconnect from the people that get tattoos to become "tougher."

    But sausage (I hate calling him that) is respectful and while he isn't top

    In America I could see getting a piece from

    Someone that conducts themselves with his level of integrity.

    The person I go to, besides being the fuckin best, is an absolute gentleman and that makes me only want to stick with him more

    I wouldn't dream of going to Sausage, mainly because he said in one of the episodes that he had recently found Jesus. I spent ages trying to lose the self-righteous 'son of God' and I wouldn't want anyone pointing out where he was.

  3. 'Established' or 'hotshot' tattooists are booked up months in advance. They also tend to be tattooers because they respect and love the craft. So they would have to sacrifice both their loyal and waiting customers and their professional integrity to compete on the show. You live and die by your reputation in tattooing and the best of the best simply wouldn't entertain taking part in something that would diminish their reputation in any way. It's only my opinion, of course, but appearing as a contestant on these shows is a fast way to sacrifice a chunk of your integrity.

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  4. If the pigment they use is so amazing I'm sure we'd be using it in our shops. Truth is, we probably are. I'm certainly not an expert in cosmetic tattooing (if it's really that different) but tattooing is thousands of years old, and a constant has always been that you inject ink a certain depth into the dermis and the body holds it there. It's a simple concept. The spin and propaganda is the only thing that changes.

    Sorry I can't be much more help than that. :-)

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  5. lettering is by far my favorite thing about tattooing. i get really frustrated when i see artists using stuff they've printed off a computer that lacks spacing and composition. i think looking back into the original sign painting guides is a great thing that tattooers should kind of band together and try to preserve to adapt to lettering, like the old speedball books and things.

    I'll spend my time drawing nice lettering for customers who want and appreciate it. If someone comes in and wants the name of their sixth child added to the already shopping-list sized scribble on them, and their first question is "how much will it cost"? then I'm sure as hell printing some script font off Word.

    I love designing script for people, but on a time vs money scale, the majority of work that walks through our door is minimum-charge names, 'mum' or some inane five letter quote.

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  6. What about these tatts? From Auschwitz Concentration Camp...

    I read that the Nazis only tattooed numbers on the people they weren't intending for the gas chambers. They (nazis) would not waste time nor ink on those who they intended to kill.

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  7. Only position you have to be in is in tattoo shop with some money. Hand, finger and palm tattoos are not nearly as taboo outside the community as before, and many reputable tattooers will tattoo them too. Just make sure you don't visit a hack, and you can get a great tattoo, there's no special club anymore, regardless of what some may think or say.

    Dude, they're not called 'job stoppers' for nothing! I often turn kids (18-21) away from my shop who are looking for hand or neck tattoos (usually as their first tattoo). When they inevitably get in a huff and ask why I usually tell them that I pay tax, and I don't want that tax to be supporting them for the rest of their life when they find they can't get a job because they are being judged on their hand or neck tattoos. Sometimes I can't be bothered with them and just tell them they haven't earned the right to have hand tattoos. This confuses them, and they just go to a scratcher shop down the road and get a really badly executed hand tattoo anyway.

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  8. ...and thanks for the lovely welcome and encouragement

    Don't get us wrong, feel free to keep fucking up your own skin, that's your prerogative. Just don't tattoo anyone else. Ever. Never ever.

    Encouraging enough?

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  9. No you won't. You'll make the same mistakes over and over again. Because you have no respect for the craft. I'm sure there's a forum called 'teach me to tattoo' so I think you should head over there, because this just ain't for you, bud.

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  10. I agree that the name is ridiculous, but I think the product is spot on. I've used it while tattooing people and it is great for keeping the skin perfect, it helps prevent swelling and keeps reddening to a minimum. It smells awesome (if you like coconut - if you don't, then you'll hate it)! My major complaint is that it is really expensive, and seems to try really hard to be 'cool'. I dry heal most of my tattoos and have not tried this as a healing balm, but as an alternative to Vaseline during the tattoo process it is excellent.

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  11. The main issue I have (as a tattooist) with certain slang terms is that they instantly identify someone as a kitchen wizard, or someone who is happy to frequent scratcher shops. I've worked hard to get where I am, damn hard, and a large part of that was learning about the history and tradition of the craft. Through this, I've developed an overwhelming respect for the ancientness and significance of what we do, as both tattooists and tattoo enthusiasts. This respect makes it impossible for me to use terms such as 'inked' 'tatted up' and 'tat gun', simply because it demeans what I have worked so hard for (and continue to bust my balls at). I'm not really bothered when customers use them because the majority know no better as they haven't had the insight and learning I have, nor do the majority care (they just want to get tatted up). That's cool with me. They've just accidentally come to a decent tattooer and will end up with a better tattoo than they probably deserve. They pays their money, they makes their choice!

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  12. Thank you for that.

    The saying "Good Tattoos ain't cheap and cheap tattoos ain't good" I see posted everywhere is a logical fallacy, because some times Great Tattooers give an exceptional rate for projects that are close to their hearts, and on the other hand, real terrible Tattooers charge a premium to the unaware or inexperienced. I hear and agree to a certain point about the cheap tattoo seekers, but to me that is not the major cause of the plague of bad tattoos I see everywhere.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Here in Nova Scotia, we have, not only ebay, but also Kijiji adds selling tattoo equipment, and supplies, guys looking for people to practice on displaying the worst tattoos ever as their portfolio and even people offering their skin to wreck, to anyone who is willing to drive the needle. WTF.

    I think one of the problems with the new digital age of tattoo is the highjacking of Tattoo culture by the people who want to sell Tattoo products, the byproduct of their propaganda, is creating mindless consumers, which spills over to fuel the Hacks churning out bad tattoos, making the Tattoo Scene look like a bunch of neanderthals, beneath the TV veneer.

    The egocentric personality who is seeking TV Fame is different from the art centered individual who may find a Job applying Tattoo Art for money, because they enjoy art for art's sake. Reality TV shows are providing an avenue for fame seekers who might otherwise play guitar seeking fame and fortune and ego fluff.

    The great Tattoo Artists who I have met and respect are humble, appreciative artist who love art for art sake.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I represent myself honestly and hopefully with clarity.

    Regardless of whether I am an Dishwasher, Sailor, Carpenter or Cook, my statements stand as they are, my perspective is shaped by my experiences, which I am trying to express as clearly as I can, so as to find others of like-mind, or make a correction in my own view on certain issues which are of interest to me.

    With all due respect, what I say is not about me, it is about the topic at hand, (unless I am telling a personal experience story).

    Dude. I think you need to take life, and yourself, a little less seriously.

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  13. Yes, to most of that and thank you for the links.


    (1) The general assumption of .."this myth....because somebody has tattoo equipment that they're automatically a professional" is a major problem.

    (2) "There have always been hacks" yes, as far back a modern electric tattooing and beyond, but today we have wonderful internet forums and access to information that can help oust the Hacks greatest tool which is 'assumption' created and promoted by "reality TV" .

    The 'hacks' greatest tool is that they are cheap. Dirt cheap. And this appeals to the type of people who don't care about the quality of their tattoos. So in essence the problem is not that much of a problem. The type of people that good tattooers don't want to tattoo go to scratchers, leaving the people who want good tattoos to come to good tattooers.

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  14. Honestly I am a bit lazy so......maybe this was answered already but......

    Who do you feel should be the one to "educate" the general public?

    Also.....you can give the info to people....tell them who the best people are to go to....tell them why they shouldn't go to non-properly trained tattoo artist......AND 8 out of 10 times they will listen to what you say......AND still go to their cousin's, brother's, uncle and get tattooed in his kitchen or a shitty shop!

    I think anyone who has been around tattooing for more than a couple years has been frustrated by their friends who ask but don't listen......

    But most of all I am interested in who you think should be the ones educating the public?

    Yep. I think a ratio of 8 out of 10 is being a bit generous. It is a bit presumptious to say that people want good tattoos. The majority of people who walk through our door (a street shop, admittedly) just want a 'tattoo'. That's it. Good or bad, they don't know and they don't care. There is a huge number of people who don't see tattoos as art, and they don't have the same requirements as a collector, or someone who loves the art/craft of tattooing. They want their mum's date of birth, or some bird silhouettes, or their boyfriends name. They honestly do not possess that filter in their brain that can identify a good tattoo or a bad one. These people neither want nor require education. It is a bit elitist of us to assume they do.

    There's too much information out there already, as I'm sure fellow tattooists will attest to, and indeed they have in various threads on here. I'm currently in the middle of a full sleeve on a customer who didn't ever want a tattoo until he started watching Miami Ink, so you can imagine the pain of dealing with him (it's a whole other story in itself). We recently had to sit through three episodes of Ink Master that a customer had on his iPad whilst being tattooed. Too much information.

    Do you want a nice tattoo? Yes. Then here is some of my work, if you like it, let's get you booked in. That should be the long and short of it.

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  15. I can say this from me personally. I really don't mind answer the same questions we all had in the beginning of getting tattooed. We've all been there. Yes there is repeat questions, because honestly most people share similar fears or doubts. I know sometimes I (or us as a whole) come off a bit rough when we say "go ask the artist(s)" but realistically I feel that, us "internet strangers" would not be giving the most accurate advice. There is only some much information we know or can share without just basing guesses on personal experiences, which really would be just throwing out opinions. Things like "how long will it take", "How much time was that", "Can this image/idea be done", really are best left up to the actual artist doing the tattoo. I know personally I cannot give a quote for price/time, or tell you what can be done. This I feel applies as well to just about all other LST members (unless they happen to the be artist you are getting tattooed by!).

    I'd say my biggest "rules" I like to enforce on LST as a moderator are as follows:

    1. Be nice!

    2. Do not ever talk money!

    Treat this place as if it was a gathering of friends. Friends don't talk disrespectfully to each other, and I have yet to really start talking money with my friends, outside of the casual "if I won the lottery" conversation.

    You're not from England are you? All we do here in the UK is talk disrespectfully to each other! I'd call my best friend all the names under the sun before I'd even look blackly at a complete stranger.

    This thread has restored my faith in internet forums. I love it when a thread degenerates into abusive nonsense, and feel the complete opposite to Stewart as I think it's entertaining ad infinitum.

    You muppets.

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  16. Gun. Ug. I got a ruthless stare and never used that one again. It was my first lesson. I was reading a thing with Mike Malone one time and he had an interesting point. Tattoo machine is really a misnomer. It's not really a machine, it a device, in that it really only has one moving part set up on springs, but I digress because when I see a slotted cutback I run away screaming and look for my Dietzel...

    As to misspelling tattoo? Bollocks! I can't stand it, which why I no longer text. If you use "U" instead of "you" you are a tool, and I don't care about your data plan.

    But "tat" or "tatts"? That goes way back. Gibbs "Tatts" Thomas got the moniker on the Ringling Bros. show as far back as 1917. He taught Collins and worked with Cliff Raven (by the way, the Cliff Raven wine isn't bad! If a bit over priced for a Malbec...) and had this "I'll kick your ass" look on his face in every picture I've ever seen of him, even professional portraits.

    He also had the worlds longest needle bars, or he was a dwarf. The thing looks like it's about three inches off the top of his hand. I don't get how anyone works that way, but I get the "Oh left handed people can't tattoo" thing all the time.

    I'm not one to look down on people when they use slang, no matter their station in life. I try to educate them as much as I can so they don't come off looking silly or worse if they sit down with a "tough guy".

    Ha! The guy who taught me to tattoo once did a tattoo on a semi-famous band member when they were both fairly blitzed (he had specifically said at the start of the evening 'don't get me drunk and make me tattoo'). Anyhow, the tattoo was drawn on and the guy checked it in the mirror and liked it, so it was permanently inked on. It wasn't until the next day that someone noticed the banner on it proclaimed 'Tatoos don't hurt'.

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  17. I am currently trading tattoo time for getting my roof fixed. It's a cracking deal for me, I have to tattoo the simplest cloudwork for a few hours and he has the pleasure of scrambling around 40 feet up on my Victorian slate roof plugging holes and fixing brickwork. It was his idea too (which I cunningly planted in his mind as soon as I knew he was a roofer)!

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  18. Breathing life into old threads here..... Music is a constant source of conflict in our shop. At least, it would be, if boss man was inclined to give a shit what any of us think. He is a great proponent of the old school 'find out what their weaknesses are and keep attacking right where it hurts'. Therefore the music he selects becomes a weapon in his antagonistic war. I especially hate the 'Songs from Disney' days, don't really know how I survive the 'Great musicals of the 50s, 60's and 70's' days, and want to kill myself the next time he puts 'Tiptoe through the Tulips' on repeat. But showing that it is annoying me is to admit to the weakness, so I suck it up and tattoo on. He can often be swayed to put Vietnam-era playlists on spotify and likes a bit of 80s pop, so if I get to the music before he does I put that on, knowing that it will distract him for a few hours.

    Still love the evil old bastard, mind.

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