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Deb Yarian

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Everything posted by Deb Yarian

  1. William Shatner and Joe Jackson - Common People. One of my favorites. This is what I was quoting from on the other thread. "everybody hates a tourist!"
  2. MsRad you are too kind. But i admit i was being sarcastic and speaking metaphorically.
  3. I'm not challenging your opinion Ursula, just curious. The fact of the matter is the outcome doesn't change the intent. The owner and the person that profits from the hard work of many good tattooers- is still not a tattooist.
  4. I have a white girlfriend. She really likes dark, black, African-American men. The darker the skin the better. She likes Motown music and Tyler Perry movies. She loves going to soul food restaurants. She even wears her hair in corn rows. Right now she's limited her dating to walks in the park or going for coffee with them cause she is concerned what her mom will think. She's thinking about teaching a class or speaking about "Civil rights --- the black perspective" She just loves the black race and as a white girl wants to embrace the African-American experience.
  5. Seriously? Well, maybe she'll go back to tattooing !
  6. I love tattoos and I love tattooing and I've chosen to vent on a forum of my peers!
  7. No, my point was missed. It is not literally the business end of my tattoo shop that I'm sick of-- the purchasing of supplies and paying of rent. I meant " everything that tattooing has become that has nothing to with what I love to do"!
  8. I'm getting really sick of the "business" of tattooing:(
  9. Directly--- Paul Rogers Eric Inksmith Inspired me Ed Hardy Greg Irons Filip Leu
  10. Hi Michelle Welcome! Enjoyed reading your blog
  11. --------I've made up my mind----- I think I'm going to remove posts on Facebook regarding this. I'm going to " unlike" posts that I've already "liked" on Facebook. I'm not going to ally myself with some of the people, who are in my estimation part of the big picture problem. I'm just not going to watch it, not going to discuss it. I'm going to allow the blind to lead the blind. That show, those people and the people that will watch it and give it merit- have nothing to do with what I love and what I do. And if this is the beginning of the end, then I'm glad I was able to do what I love---- I'll go underground if I have to--- Been there done that. I will not give this anymore energy.
  12. I will not watch 1 second of this show that is the only way that I know to show my disapproval.
  13. I had a great time! they were great hosts, home and shop. I got to tattoo Angelo's wife, one of the Inksmith guys- Pauly, and a shop customer and friend. All the while having Mike and Angelo literally at my side to answer specific questions and make suggestions. You can teach an old dog , new tricks. A couple of more days in Jacksonville visiting non tattoo friends. I miss the shop and people already.
  14. I've always felt a great debt to the people I've worked for. I am so fortunate the last person I worked for , before opening mine and my husband's shop in the next town, was such a gracious host that after telling him that we were leaving, he allowed us to build our shop, book our customers at his shop - for when we moved and still include us in his shop's Christmas celebration ( 2 months after leaving we even got our Christmas bonus) I realize this is an extreme case but if you think of tattooing as your life and not just your job-- then hopefully you will develop a relationship with whomever you work with.
  15. If you are not going to tattoo why are you asking the questions? I thought of also mentioning some of the great machine builders -- but why even share that info? Pearls before swine!
  16. This sense of entitlement really irks me. "You don't know how hard it is to get an apprenticeship, my son can really draw but nobody will give him a chance" Well, why don't you just send him over to my house, let him eat my food, rape my kids and he can use my car too. Really!
  17. JoKno I may be wrong but your post sounds like you feel somewhat entitled. ---- best shop wants two years of art training While art school is not a necessity, a lack of ability can often be seen in a portfolio. Do you think this is an unreasonable request? ----next best shops wanted $5000 and 2 years of unpaid training time Do you think they should just teach you at their expense and supply you with equipment free of cost and then allow you to practice on their customers -- doing substandard work while profiting from it as well? -----the cheapest wanted $2000 paid in advance Should they teach you, a stranger, I'm assuming- without any commitment ---- Really? $2000-- how much was your EMT training. -----next shop said they don't hire apprentices because they just steal everything You don't think that your walking in to a shop and expecting them to teach you at no expense to you coming and going as you please because of your limited time doing shitty tattoos on their customers amounts to anything but stealing? -----next, the drunk asleep on the floor Maybe he was pretending so you would go away? -----next, flea market guy You shouldn't be getting any money,YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TATTOO! Perhaps you expect him to pay for all of your supplies , teach you at no cost - tomorrow- and then give up 1/2 of that 6x9 space that you scoff at? And last but not least --- the people of the great state of South Carolina have been getting tattooed for years --- do you know how? They drive. They cross county lines. Perhaps you should go to a university and then law school - ask them if you could attend it for free---- provide legal services while attending and keep all the money you get paid. They can supply your text book,briefs, research material, maybe even a new laptop --- also at no expense to you ---- so that you can get your law degree and rewrite the ordinance in Aiken County! Sound reasonable? Really?
  18. Anyway if anybody has bothered to read this far I guess my real dilemma/question is "When is it acceptable to find a new artist to finish my work?" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ when he said "his teeth hurt and he had to run out and get his medicine 8 hours after your appt!
  19. So far so good, amazing hosts and all we've done is eat, eat, eat. 4th of July party today --- tattoo tomorrow.
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