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Deb Yarian

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Posts posted by Deb Yarian

  1. Funny i was at a bookstore yesterday and found myself standing in the magazine section. I was amazed at the selection of Tattoo Magazines, Urban Ink, Skin and Ink, Girls with Ink, Prison Ink and so forth.

    My initial reaction wasn't really amazement, as I stated earlier, more like disdain or disgust or annoyance.

    I did quickly browse through all of them. I didn't like any of them for one reason or another. But honestly, photo quality fell low on my list of what I found irritating.

    Some of the things I disliked---- If i wanted to look at pouty girls and buff boys with mediocre tattoos i'd watch Jersey Shore or taxicab confessions. I don't want to hear about the spiritual journey that lead you to your getting your tattoo on a reality show, having to read about it is even worse.

    Really EVERYTHING that Stewart said and more!

    I do agree Tattoo Life is better than the rest ( No U S artists though, correct? ) And, I really Like Tattoo Artist Magazine

    I am sort of ranting.

  2. Again , any criticism is often percieved as envy or jealousy.

    That being said this list and lists like these are bullshit- in my opinion.

    There will always be those that use these lists to gauge the ability or competence of one person against another.

    "Oh, your not on the list- well you must not be as good as whoever is!"

    And no offense to so many on that list but what some of them do and who some of them are have had absolutely no influence on my life, tattooing or otherwise.

  3. It's my theory that the pain does intensify with each tattoo that we get. I'm a tattooer though, not a scientist.It's just a theory.

    When you experience pain , the body's instinctive reaction should be to remove itself from what is causing the pain. Since we willingly submit to the pain the bodies reaction, when it experiences the same pain - is to increase the intensity of the pain - as a warning or a survival mechanism, whatever---- so that you remove yourself from what is causing the pain.

    So I think whether you get many tattoos in a short time or over a period of years- the last one will hurt way more than the first one or two.

    I don't enjoy getting tattooed at all and since coming up with this idea - and believing it- it's difficult for me "to get away" from the pain.

    The only thing that helps lately is to get in a sort of meditative state and to change my perception of the sensation.

  4. I personally do not respect tattooers as much that have no tattoos either. Now maybe I'm being closeminded but fuck it. I wanna know that a tattooer is devoted to his trade; mentally, emotionally, financially and most of all physically. I'm not talking about being heavily tattooed but at least a forearm shot or two. If you're a tattooer and have not one single tattoo or maybe just one... You're just a tourist in our business, go back to selling real estate, there's more of that 'glory' stuff you're lookin' for.

    ______________________ Perfect quote! You're just a tourist........ And everybody hates a tourist.

  5. The original post was. Tattooers with little or no tattoos.


    If someone was unable to get tattoos because of a medical condition - of course I would not have less "respect" for them as a tattooer . But, from a tattooer point of view, CHOOSING not to get tattooed - is what I would question.

    What acceptable answer could their be when posed with the question, " Why as a tattooer have you chosen not to get tattooed?" I can't make up my mind, my girlfriend won't let me, I might regret it in the future. Certainly choosing to wait, planning out work, saving money etc. Are all perfectly acceptable answers, in my opinion.

    And again, not having tattoos does not make a person any less capable of doing amazing tattoos.

  6. Chrome are you a tattooer or a collector?

    To answer your question as to whether I would "respect" Grime,Shige or Horyoshi as much if they weren't tattooed.

    No, I personally do not and would not "respect" a tattooer who chose not to experience what I consider the transformative experience of being tattooed- As much as one who did.

    I would still " respect" their artistic abilities , just question their motives.

  7. Never believed in the whole "small starter tattoo" deal. How about those people getting full bodysuits by Horiyoshi III? I am sure some of those people had no work to begin with and commited to heavy coverage from the get go. If I could do it all over again, thats what I do. Have one tattoo and one only!

    i met a girl last year at The state of Grace show, she's a tattooist and shop owner in Bakersfield.

    She has no tattoos but at the time of our meeting she had a scheduled appointment with Shige to get a full back piece.

  8. So u wouldn't get surgery from a surgeon who's never had that procedure? It's just a tattoo, I don't think theres too much to empathize. Although I would say 99% of the "top" artists are heavily tattooed.

    Totally different imo. But, if given the choice,and all else being equal- I would be more comfortable having elective surgery performed by a surgeon who had also chosen to have elective surgery than one who would not.

    " It's just a tattoo, I don't think there's too much to empathize" --- That's definitely not how I feel as a tattooer and I really hope the people i choose to get tattooed by feel the way I do---not the way you do.

  9. i don't think the point is that tattooers with little or no tattoos aren't capable of applying great tattoos. They are!

    But someone without tattoos doesn't have the benefit of the shared experience or commitment. They can't truly empathize.

    I think I wouldn't respect the counsel of a priest regarding marriage as much as someone who had experienced marriage himself.

  10. . as for the tribal thing, you obviously havent been tattooing for more than a decade if you dont understand what and why he was pushing the tribal thing....

    I don't understand this statement, no disrespect .

    What do you mean?

  11. Mario I thought of your post the other night when I watched "The Next Food. Network Star" and THREE of the contestants were sleeved, one with hands and fingers, the other on to his neck.

    But Mario even in a convention hall full of people you manage to stand on your own with your unique and individual style sense --- and that's a good thing!

  12. I have to reiterate what i said earlier, that anything one says about these shows is perceived as jealousy or envy.

    That being said , I expected the worst, but hoped for the best.

    My critique----

    As a New Yorker, from Brooklyn -- it's is because of people like that guy Chris that I now live in Alaska.

    His on screen persona is pretty awful.

    As a female who does tattoos I couldn't and don't identify with the female who tattoos on the show. So the " I'm not respected as a female tattooist " is maybe something that could have been explored in the 1990s, maybe and I don't like her on screen persona either.

    All the extra people annoy me, the tv drama etc.

    Ami is Ami and his mentor was Louie ( who I knew and cared for ) but if anyone knew Louie than watching Ami act the way he does is to be expected.

    I do really like Tim's work and his on screen edited personality was OK.

    I hate the show so far

  13. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding; I bet that was an awesome time. You could always start documenting some of that as a memoir or even in a blog-people love hearing about that stuff. A cafe racer forum I'm on has something similar where this guy shares his experience about being a 'true' cafe racer in England-very cool stuff.

    Oh it's ok --just sharing

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