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  1. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from Pooch for a gallery image, Motorcycle skull   
    Fergus simms
  2. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from bruzzz for a gallery image, Motorcycle skull   
    Fergus simms
  3. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from bongsau for a gallery image, crybaby   
    tattooed by Ben Fraser at Good Luck Tattoo
  4. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from ProvidenceTattoo for a gallery image, Motorcycle skull   
    Fergus simms
  5. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from Nate Pea for a gallery image, panther head   
    panther head done by Fergus Simms of No Regrets Tattoo
  6. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from MikeWheeler for a gallery image, Motorcycle skull   
    Fergus simms
  7. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from MikeWheeler for a gallery image, panther head   
    panther head done by Fergus Simms of No Regrets Tattoo
  8. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from MikeWheeler for a gallery image, flaming torch   
    Flaming torch done by Johan Ingemar of Rock of ages tattoo, Lennox heads
  9. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from Rob I for a gallery image, flaming torch   
    Flaming torch done by Johan Ingemar of Rock of ages tattoo, Lennox heads
  10. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from Rob I for a gallery image, panther head   
    panther head done by Fergus Simms of No Regrets Tattoo
  11. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from Scott R for a gallery image, Motorcycle skull   
    Fergus simms
  12. Like
    motsimus got a reaction from cltattooing for a gallery image, dagger/globe   
    Emmet Jace
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