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Everything posted by AverageJer

  1. I got it at Three Tides in Tokyo from https://www.instagram.com/bangganji/
  2. Hell, I have a dragon tattoo on my ankle... (or just above it anyway).
  3. Why would the perception matter and why are there gendered rules on tattoos? Or anything?
  4. I have a similar design (conceptually) with potted thai peppers on the outside of my calf. I'm happy with the placement but of course it will depend on how big you want the tattoo and how big you are. Could make for a pretty cool tattoo.
  5. If this was the artist you have most of your work from I'd say stop asking us and ask him/her. Say you admired the tattoo and placement and wondered about getting something similar.
  6. I got my first tattoo about 5 years ago when my wife decided it was time for her to get a new tattoo after a long break. We decided to get matching tattoos of a terrible drawing I had done on a Mother's Day card of the two of us and our daughter all holding hands. Think of those stickers people put on their mini vans except drawn by someone who can't even print his own name legible most of the time. It is by far my worst tattoo and one of my favorites. I never thought that it would lead to all these other tattoos.
  7. Yep, this sounds like a very great day. We have done back to back tattoos with the same artist and side by side by different artists in the same shop. Both are a lot of fun.
  8. My favorite thing to bring is my wife. Even better if she is getting tattoed the same day- but sometimes we alternate. Outside of that, freshly showered and a solid meal. Sometimes I will have a beer with the meal, but I've never had two. I've never had a tattoo session long enough that it required snacks. If I did, I'd think something easy and protieny would be good- cheese and crackers maybe?
  9. 44 and still have nothing on my left arm. Lucky me...
  10. If you really want that quote I'd suggest embedding it in a stylized banner of some kind so it's not just standing words. Or, you could just get a dragon.
  11. Appointment set for late October. Will be going in late September to get my daughters ears pierced for her 8th birthday.
  12. It was like this in Minnesota too. Literally one of the nicest days of the year. Nicest possible. I still remember it vividly too. I was working in a residential treatment center for kids. They were freaked out and we weren't sure how much to share- they had already endured more trauma than most people ever do. Enjoy the tattoo @Devious6 - nothing can change the past but we can always choose to control how we move forward.
  13. It's an atom, right? I would find a shop / artist you like and show them the basic accepted atom drawing and ask them to draw up a version of it that they like. That's what I would do anyway. If you just want votes on A or B, I say B as it has more depth and artistic movement- whatever the hell that means.
  14. Just emailed my favorite local shop to set an appointment for a tattoo for myself and another for my daughter to have her ears pierced. I'm excited and wanted to tell someone and who the hell else would even care besides maybe LS? Pics in October if all goes well.
  15. @thesinki93 I have not named them. Something to think about. Cool sleeve you've got going there.
  16. Two. I also have a sea monster which probably comes from the same ancient legends as dragons so the case could be made I have three.
  17. I like the tattoo @marley mission posted but if you do want to keep symmetry and flow get two downward facing dragons who's heads sort of meet in the middle below the owl and who's tails go upward along the sides. Regardless, I suggest getting a dragon or two.
  18. Don't have any snake tattoos but we do have lots of baby snakes because my wife has gotten into breeding Jungle Carpet Pythons. I think we have 17 newly hatched ones- 13 news ones and four from last year. Hit me up if you are interested although I think she would want to wait until it cools down some before live shipping them.
  19. Awesome, I always enjoy those threads. I'm not sure what the goal of the rules here is, and I realize my suggestion would likely create more complication and work, but it would be kind of cool if there were a separate contest in some way for large scale and one off tattoos. It just seems that the large sleeves and back pieces win so easily. Conversely, the big pieces win because they are super awesome and probably I'm just jealous. Thanks regardless, I'm looking forward to the next contest thread.
  20. Fortunately I haven't had to do this but I have decided that I will be willing to. I have been happy with my tattoos and now that I know better what I want I am not inclined to get one that I don't want. That said, I tend to go to good artists at good shops and then put my trust in them. There have been a few times that an artist stopped before I thought the tattoo was done and in all of these cases the artist was correct to have done so.
  21. It's a great idea. Wonderful tattoo image that shares your child's name. Stop thinking, get a great tattoo, and post the photo. Hell, if you don't do it maybe I will. Now I kind of wish I had named my daugter gargoyle. Is it weird to change the name of a seven year old?
  22. So my wife got in on the Chad Koeplinger world tour when he was at Aloha Monkey in Minnesota. Obviously I'm happy for her but also I am a little jealous.
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