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Everything posted by jade1955

  1. Something similar happened to me a while back. I had booked a tattooer for 2 sessions and had paid a £200 deposit. Anyway the tattoo was completed in one session but I thought I would still use the second appointment as I really liked his work and he has quite a waiting list. So I paid in full for the work done with the deposit being carried forward for the next sitting. After the second tattoo was done I went to settle up with the shop manager and he said that’s £400 for the work today minus £100 deposit. Now I was pretty sure I had paid in full for the last one carrying the £200 deposit forward. Anyway he was ok about it and said he would check his books. When I got home I checked my money and it appeared I might have had more than I could account for. Anyway I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Was it worth ruining my chances of ever getting tattooed there again for the cost of a night out? I popped by the shop a week later with the disputed £100 and a lesson learned. Always get a receipt. A while later I booked at the same shop with another tattooer. About a month before the tattoo my wife took a phone call from the same shop manager. He says he has been checking his records and was asking if I paid a deposit and if I had when. My wife was a bit curt with him and replied yes and that I had a receipt in my wallet. Now this guy either doesn’t now his arse from his elbow or there’s another explanation. I got a really great tattoo but it makes me feel a little bit wary going back there again.
  2. I assume he put 100% because there wasn't enough room for STUPID. If there is one more annoying thing than a stupid cunt. Its a stupid old cunt.
  3. Spider and Fly. Tattooed by Stefano C, Frith Street
  4. Amund Dietzel Lady Head. Tattooed by Chad Koeplinger.
  5. jade1955

    Cut Throat Rose

    Cut Throat Rose. Tattooed by Mario Desa
  6. jade1955

    Lady Head Eagle

    Lady Head Eagle Tattooed by Bert Krak
  7. jade1955

    Panther Head

    Panther Head. Tattooed by Nick Colella.
  8. @Iwar Xam at The Family Business, London tattooed the leopards head. He does some fantastic work. Xam — The Family Business Tattoo Shop
  9. @asradin That backpiece is something else. Did you get some sleep on the way back to Manchester?
  10. @Duffa Oh alright then. It's based on a Brooklyn Joe Lieber design. This is just the outline. Two more sessions to go before it's completed. Heres a slightly closer photo.
  11. Here's the next bit of my wifes half sleeve. I love that spider. Heres a link to the @Stewart Robson blog. Girl with Sugar Skull makeup – Stewart Robson I'll post a picture of my backpiece when its all done. Got the outline finished yesterday it looks fantastic.
  12. Waiting for the train. Appointment with Valerie Vargas in about two and a half hours.
  13. So would I but the cost of travel etc is all part of it unless you live close to a good shop. Surely there must be some excellent shops and artists in the State of Florida? Would I rather put the money I spend on travel to London towards a tattoo from an artist in my home town? I would rather saw off my dick with a rusty blunt breadknife.
  14. Pentax K1000 gets my vote. Solid no frills and a good lenses. My first 35mm camera.
  15. @sleepy mel They are back to normal thanks Mel.
  16. @sleepy mel it is a great shop. I've been tattooed by most of the artists there. I'm back there on Friday as is my wife (Stewarts doing some more on her half sleeve). Are they putting something in the ink?
  17. And why do I have a small furry black cat perched at a jaunty angle on my head?
  18. I've posted this one before. But I had to post it again as it is an absolute poultice.
  19. That was in August. Since then I've had my thumbs tattooed. Jade1955 = fickle and fat.
  20. I can't think of anything more depressing. The only good thing about Swindon is that its not far from London or Bath.
  21. I saw one of those finger moustache tattoos displayed in Amanda Wachobs portfolio at this years London Tattoo Convention.
  22. So for this to work you have to keep the beardo in tow for the rest of your life?
  23. Sierra Nevada & Brooklyn Lager £3 for two at Sainsburys. Be quick before I buy the lot.
  24. Very interesting thread. I got tattooed on both lower outside legs last week. Apart from a bit of swelling in the feet and ankles everything was going ok. Anyway on Saturday I went to the London Tattoo Convention. I got home at about 12:45 and about 12 hours on my feet. When I took my trainers, socks and trousers off I nearly shit myself with what I saw. The lower part of both legs from the ankle to half way up my calf were bright red like a lobster and my feet were really badly swollen. Particularly worrying as I have type 2 diabetes. As there was no improvement the following day I went to A&E. I was told to keep my legs elevated until the swelling goes down. So that was me off work for two days. Looks like a combination of restrictive footwear, socks and being on my feet for twelve hours caused this to happen. Anyway all seems ok now my legs are slowing returning to normal (short, fat and hairy). So lesson learned. Here’s a pic of one of my legs taken today. You can still see the rash but that is nothing compared to Saturday. Scary shit. The tattoo is on the other side of my calf.
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