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Posts posted by CaptCanada

  1. did a quick youtube search for b-tat and found out his shop is in the back of a truck....

    I really can't knock him for that, some old timers did that same thing sometimes not in a trailer how he has but in a van. It may seem strange but kept clean its no different then any building. I'll allow it, but I wouldn't get tattooed by him in his trailer.

  2. Meow

    It's been a while, but I don't remember posting this. My wife said I did a lot of things yesterday that I can't seem to recall. Good times brought to you by alcomohallll.

    [edit] I also noticed a trend with my drunk posts. And I seem to follow D's posts quite a bit. So could be my international drinking buddy or I just stock him when I'm drunk.

  3. Policy is policy, what ever they want to make it out to be then so be it. Sure hand, face, and neck tattoos could set the wrong image for an officer so banning it if they can justify it alright.

    [edit] Does anyone know what that strange piece of metal is over the left breast of that guy, I don't see how that can be used for anything.

  4. I'll be in Japan in November again - this time we really will do an LST meet-up ...

    Yeah, cause last time you just had to much planned in your trip to meet up.

    @Duffa are you willing to come to Tokyo or are we going to have to meet in kansai? If you can make it.

  5. When I was having my shin/calf tattooed I healed very strangely after a while. Red, hot to the touch, swollen, and almost everything thing that tells you the tattoo was infected. Then a week or so later when it peeled and started healing it be fine. Went to three different doctors to see what was up, none of them said infected, one said it was normal, another said a rash, the last said it was bug bites. Never found out why, took a break when my tattooer traveled and when he came back things started to heal perectly fine after.

    Sometimes tattoos heal strange I guess, in the future if your worried about a medical question go see a doctor not the Internet.

    [edit] I do have a few small holes from where I had small strange pimple like things that were deep enough to pull out the ink, but I'm going to keep them to remind me about hellish healing.

  6. Great trip blog, solid tattoos and some good pictures. But to fill in some missing blanks for you, the gyudon (beef bowl) is from a chain called Matsuya. And that astronaut dog is part of a running commercial for softbank (you can youtube them) but the odd thing is, is that he is the father of the household. Good to see some pictures of kansai region, cause I've never been there.

  7. One good thing is to really try and do nothing... Think of staic going on in your mind while lying in bed, if you get your mind thinking and to engaged in on acvtivity it becomes hard for it to slow down again... Thinking of staic clears your mind and I can fall a sleep faster.

  8. Nah its alright, how many japanese do you see in the street with japanese style tattoos? Great Snake by the way. And I'm only asking what part of Tokyo you're living in cause I live in Nakano-ku... wanna know a rough estimate of how close the nearist LST'er is to me ;).

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