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Everything posted by Hrubarb

  1. Hrubarb

    The List

    mike wilson richard stell scott slyvia stewart cripwell juan puente bob roberts miguel montgomery
  2. here you go lochlan. the face and hands are finished on the mary! i should have a picture as the tattoo is 4 years old.
  3. Those are tough as nails, too bad that guy looks like such a p*ssy (just kidding)! I have screenshots of this (come to think of it the only things I have pictures of on my iPhone are tattoos and my kids)
  4. Amazing. I was actually there a few months back getting a spider by ben grillo while Jill Bonny was working on your pick. Keep the picks coming
  5. I usually go with, "some have meaning, some don't. My first few had "meaning" (I usually point at a few that have a story better than I picked it off the wall cause it looks tough) but as you learn more about the history and culture it's more about the iconic images and what will fit in certain spaces"
  6. Here are a few that I have been meaning to post up: Chest Eagle by Chad Koeplinger a few months back at State of Grace These next few were all done at Smith Street while I was home this summer. Dan Santoro - Lady Liberty (Bert Grimm Flash) Bert Krak - Reaper Hand Bert Krak - Skull (Tony Polito Flash) Bert Krak - Black Widow
  7. Although those old ladies may have walked by some strollers and some dogs in the dog park, this is true - even in 2011. Just imagine what those two old ladies would have walked by in the 80s or 90s :D
  8. ADD runs deep in that shop. I have a dagger on my forearm from regino gonzales - appointment was for 8pm. we didn't start tattooing until about 11pm; finished at 2:30 in the morning. troy was there - playing that same spoken word rant. i was intimidated by dude at first but eventually he warmed up once the conversation veered to kettlebells, deadlifts and beer. my kinda dude.
  9. These tattoos leave me sad or melancholy. Not only do they "ring hollow" as stewart said but I actually find them draining to look at
  10. I like this. It's like, just because you fill your house with shit from DWR doesn't mean you know about design. Or People who spend half their paycheck at trendy restaurants and call themselves "foodies"
  11. Hrubarb

    By Jeff Rassier

    4 birds, 1 stone
  12. when i got my first tattoo, I freaked out because it was huge and came way down into my elbow ditch. I woke up the next morning in a panic and was searching laser removal places. This feeling quickly wained. I am a critical person, of others but mainly of myself, and I could knit-pick each and everyone of my tattoos - this line looks funny, I should have placed this a little further up, maybe that was a rash decision... you will drive yourself crazy. that tattoo looks amazing, is personal and IS YOURS. Like some people have mentioned, as time goes on you will remember each piece for whatever reason. If you are thinking of doing something, I would consult eli. Although admittedly that would be tough to do. I have a lot of tattoos from him, and he is too nice! Also, that first tattoo of mine is an elephant on the inside of my bicep by mike rubendall - needless to say - I am happy I did not get it removed. (it's in my profile albums)
  13. one major thing i miss about home (NY). I cannot find a barber in SF who can do a skin fade and actually use a pair of scissors.
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