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Everything posted by ShawnPorter

  1. If it helps, my Dad's name is the Gator. Haha. I was a farm kid. We raised cattle (so castration, branding and basic emergency veterinary medicine were par for the course) and grew oranges, plus had to take 3 years of Agriculture in school, so that side of my life- being able to grow and raise things, was one of the first things I learned. When your Dad is called the Gator... hunting came up a lot. We'd hunt dear and boar mostly, but there were alligator, turtle, snake and assorted other creatures that ended up on our dinner table. And the rule was that if we wanted to eat it, we had to learn how to clean and prepare it. I was a poindexter of a kid; graduated school early, mostly interested in art and cinema, but... even the arty dreamer kids where I grew up fished, hunted and grew crops. I ran from it, like most kids do. Moved to Philadelphia cause I wanted a faster paced life. It was the right choice, and I was lucky that my brother followed me up there, and eventually so did my folks. Now we've got a second place in New Jersey- town called Hammonton that is known for it's blueberry crops. Couple of acres but a spot with good fishing, a few miles from decent hunting and plenty of fertile soil on the property for a nice big garden.... It's great. Really helping me reconnect with my Dad and how he raised us.
  2. I'm Shawn. I'm originally from Florida, I lived there until my early 20s when I moved to Philly in 1999 with a girl. Relationship didn't work out, but I fell in love with the city of Brotherly Love and have been there ever since. I used to be totally self sufficient; from farming my own vegetables and hunting my own meat to canning or preserving the results. I could sew my own clothes, et all. 12 years in Philly and I've lost a lot of that. Luckily my Dad moved up here two years ago and already has me helping out with his garden and is re-honing my archery skills. My eventual goal is to move to North Carolina and not wear shoes unless I have to. (and that's not a joke) I'm a foodie, a toy collector (biding my time before I start a Pushead thread on LST) and a nerdy blogger.
  3. There are going to be two more Santoro episodes, Shadow.
  4. I try to church things up and make them seem less horrible :D
  5. I occasionally host events and my model releases for them cover every eventuality- print, digital, online, edited, multi-use, manipulated, etc without further notice. I was paid quite well for some images licensed to a magazine in the UK and in the contract I made them sign when they licensed them it was for single use; they 'accidentally' used them in a book, breached my contract and I ended up getting a decent coin for violation. So. Yeah. It's all about knowing your rights as the copyright holder and not letting people take advantage of you.
  6. Keep us updated on the healing? This is going to sound odd out of context, but it worries me that it didn't hurt. I know everyone's pain tolerances are different, but if done 'correctly' (loathe as I am to put it that way) it should hurt. If it was just done as a 'normal' (loathe as I am to put it that way) tattoo, there's a good chance it's not going to stick. So if you don't mind checking in with healing updates, I for one would be interested to see the progress. Oh, and I'm going up to NY on 08/03 to have Hooper do my fingers and light touchups on two spots on my right palm. Sadly, I know it's going to hurt.
  7. Yeah, I bet she's salty. She served Thanksgiving dinner to Squeeky Fromme for christ's sakes! @Ursula- his name is currently Bailey, but we're going to switch it over, probably to Piccolo. I don't know a lot about his background; there wasn't physical abuse but he wasn't really taken care of (when he went to the rescue he was EIGHT pounds! He's up to twelve and we have a goal weight of 16) so I don't know if his name will be a trigger for bad doggie memories. Plus I think it's a dumb name. That's me justifying changing it.
  8. My scalp. My face for the most part (I have little widows peak stars but my GF is pushing for nothing else). Thats about it.
  9. I'm getting pretty complex with my circle creation right now, putting people in multiple circles. You're in Canada, Tattoo, Last Sparrow. When you're a nerd with way too much time on your hands....
  10. My buddy Falkner, who owns FADE FAST in Texas had nine bars tattooed on his arm, each getting either 0, 1, 2, etc sessions with his laser to show the progress of removal. Allen Falkner That was with his old laser- he's upgraded since then, but it gives a basic idea on what's possible. He also tends to hook tattooers up with free appointments, though that's recently been taken advantage of. (someone made a fake business card!)
  11. Martha Stewart Pets Crab Terry Hoodie - Martha Stewart Pets - Dog - PetSmart
  12. Martha Stewart (I'd hit it) makes hoodies for Italian Greyhounds that look like crabs. Little eyes on the hood. Oh yeah.
  13. I think it has potential; the hangout feature has already been pretty fun, since I spend a lot of time in my office and im usually bored.
  14. I have more free time on my hands than most people, which I usually fill up by wandering around Philly. Now I can do it with my wee little creepy dog. And as for clothes; they get really cold and the rescue recommended them wearing clothes in fall, winter and spring. Plus I like the idea of dog shirts.
  15. My girlfriend and I just got approved for adoption on a very sweet, very adorable 6yo Italian Greyhound. It's our first dog. We're both very much so looking forward to him living with us. The paperwork gets signed on Wednesday. During the home visit he was so affectionate and comfortable with us both... can't wait to see his manic side. Once he moves in, I'm going to flood all of my social networking sites with pics of him in little outfits so all my friends can say aaaaah, but secretly be sick of it.
  16. I rarely update, but I'm scarwars
  17. My girlfriend is untattooed. She's accompanied me on a few trips to get worked on, but by and large she's not someone who's a 'tattoo person'. She saw me getting all huffy about the TLC show and asked me why I was so offended. We were able to have a pretty serious discussion about the hows and whys of my anger and I ended up relating it to someone who has no vested interest in tattoo culture. The best thing that can come out of this is honest discussion with people who may not "know what we know".
  18. Pfft. Expiration dates on cured products are suggestions. It's fine :D
  19. if you make a BLOCKED circle I think it makes it where they can't see your posts. I like it enough, but some of my friends are fucking moonies with it- if I criticize anything + related they get really defensive. I can't figure out if it's a 'we've supported it since the beginning!" thing or what.
  20. A few Christmases ago my lady and I went to see VALKYRIE; it's a tradition in her family (and a lot of Jewish families) to see movies and have Chinese food on Christmas. Anyhoo... we heard a super realistic gunshot, but wrote it off, because you know.. war movie and all. Turns out someone had tried to shush the guy behind him a few times at the next door screening of Benjamine Button, and on the last SHHH, the loudmouth kicked the shusher in the back of the head. The shusher, a few days back from active duty in the Middle East, pulled out his weapon and clipped the guy. Then called the cops. You got shot at BENJAMINE FUCKING BUTTON for not shutting up. Put that on your resume, douche. Since they, the theater has a VERY proactive usher policy. haha.
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