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Alright guys so I am completely new to this forum. I have 3 tattoos that I got when I turned 18, all within a few months of each other. As you can imagine, there was very little though out into them and I completely regret getting them now. It is what it is, I plan on getting them covered up eventually.

So I finally have a good idea for my next tattoos and I've been putting in much thought to it, the problem is, I have very little creativity and I can't really form a good picture of what the outcome of it will be. Maybe someone on here can help me?

Two half sleeves, one arm is going to be "pain, distress and despair" and the other arm is "relief, tranquility and hope"

The idea is influenced by some medical issues I have been enduring with for the past couple of years, anyways, I was wondering if someone could give me ideas and images of what I should put into it? I have some ideas for the pain and despair tattoos, I want a pair of tired, bloodshot eyes starting it out on the shoulder, possibly looking down, but that's about as far as I have got for now. I need symbols and pictures of things referring to pain, despair, relief and tranquility. If I could get some ideas from you guys that would make my life so much easier. Thanks :)

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My suggestion would be to find a tattooer who's style you're really into and ask them the same thing, as a client its okay not to be creative, there's a reason these people are paid to create art.

There are tons of great artists in New York to choose from, I'm sure someone here can suggest someone who you'll be more than happy with.

Get a tattoo of animals fighting. Big cat versus snake is always a winner, but any combination of big cats, snakes, dragons, eagles is always badass. Representing struggle that way I think is way more visually powerful and makes the point a lot better than a pair of complimentary half sleeves based around vague ideas.

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