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having a mild allergic reaction to 'something' in my post care went to doctor and....


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my doctor prescribed Lidex cream....so i am thinking hmm lets see what google brings up :)

holly nerd balls look what came up........when i searched for 'tattoo lidex cream'....tattoo removal cream comes up in search.....yikes


^ not even sure what this page is but it metions lidex cream in the context of tattoo removal so not quite sure what to think


^ what lidex cream is....

So my doctor thinks i either had an allergic reaction to gold dial soap ( not sure what to think there )


generic version of neosporin + pain relief ....most likely the pain relief.....

so since i am 1 week past my first appointment working on a sleeve i am just going to use unscented soap, and aveeno mositurizer or lubriderm..... until the allergic reaction goes away ( also taking a OTC anti histamine )

anyway since this is my first tattoo i am NOT going to use the lidex cream. I emailed my tattoo artist and am waiting for his opinion but ya a bit scary doc prescribed an ingredient used in tattoo removal creams ( didn't think those worked anyway...weird )

I do have really sensitive skin , i tend to use unscented fragrance free soaps etc. anytime i shave i have to go great lengths to not get razor bumps / burn/ ingrown hairs etc.

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I had always heard to never use Neosporin on a fresh tattoo.

I recently had some work done on my thigh, and am having some kind of reaction as well. It's happened twice before to me as well. My theory is I am allergic to the ink of the marker when my artist free hands anything on me as I've never had a problem when something has been stenciled, or if I'm sitting just for a shading session

Fluocinonide is what my doctor prescribed for me. It's a steroid cream, and will bring down the raised areas and redness while I use it (2 weeks at a time), but I know the tattoo will raise back up once I stop using it. Your body just has to get used to whatever is irritating it. This once took over 5 months for me, but the tattoo finally settled in. It sucks and is annoying. Hope you heal up soon.

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I also have really sensitive skin and developed an allergic reaction to something in the red ink which was used in my tattoo in December last year. None of the red areas healed properly but one really festered... I had it tested and it had turned cancerous. I've had surgery to remove it today and they took a big chunk from my leg. There are a number of small studies looking into allergic contact dermatitis from red ink. My advice would be if your skin is sensitive to stay away from red. My case is rare but it also really sucks! There's more info in my intro post from yesterday.

My dermatologist has prescribed dermol cream to use on the remaining red areas, he said it may fade the red but that this should also reduce the allergic response.

All the best


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Sorry to hear about your leg, ya so far i just had my first appointment so black ink only. My main concern is if the product my dermatologist prescribed is going to be for my tattoo. My next appointment is like a week away and i don't wanna go in there with an active skin problem. The allergic reaction is only on the back and inside of my tricep and i had the whole arm done. I wasn't planning on using red on my tattoo anywhere but thanks for the heads up. It might have been the ink i had a reaction to, but if it was would it only be on one spot ?

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@Tuchaka I wouldn't hesitate talk to call up your tattoo artist before your appointment and see what s/he thinks about both the prescribed product and the condition itself. EDIT: Just read your first post again and saw you already did that. D'oh!

Also for anyone who has had a reaction to a certain color before, bring it up to your future tattoo artists as well. I have 3 tattoos with red in them but I've only had a reaction with the first one, different ink will have different ingredients and your tattoo artist can work with you to avoid the issue in the future.

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Ya i have been emailing my tattoo artist back and forth and sending pictures he has been really helpful , as far as the neosporin my artist just said to use a thin layer of anti-biotic cream for the first 3 days after the tattoo i am by no means an expert this is my first tattoo but when i googled tattoo after care i found a wide range of opinions on what should be used on a new tattoo for after care

some say use A & D ointment ......some say don't use it.

some say no antibiotic creams of any kind, because you want the fresh tattoo to be a bit dry because if moistened all the time it could make for a inviting environment for bacteria to form.

some say use aquaphor , others say don't use too much or it can pull ink to the surface of the skin.

some people rave about specially made tattoo after care products other say they are rip off and still others say they are not helpful at all.

so for a new guy like myself i just followed my tattoo artists guidelines etc.

One thing worth noting i sat for 4 hrs. at my first appointment and later that night i kinda felt like i had a mild cold or flu coming on, i attributed this to my immune system taking a pretty good beating

from all the work i had done ( full sleeve line work ) but i didn't get sick and felt great the next day just a bit tired.

Edited by Tuchaka
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I also agree that most of the recommended creams are not antibiotic creams, but rather barriers to prevent bacteria from entering the wound. That being said, most of the products have petrolatum which if can promote color oozing. The key int to have as thin of layer possible to make a barrier. This can be hard as it's difficult to rub in on a fresh tattoo without disturbing the tattoo. Me personally will dab the oitment on until its covered by just gently tapping around that tatto with a couple fingers instead of rubbing. I then take a soft cotton towel to gently dab (not rub) the areas, so that it leaves just enough for you to know its there, but not seeing any un-uniform areas. This last time I didn't use any H2Ocean or Aquafor, but rather "redemption", which is similar to hustle butter for the first 3 days. I had almost no color seeping and the redness and inflammation was almost non existent. This is the same stuff they use on you when you are getting the tattoo. Once the peeling starts, I use lubriderm. While it seems like it dries out quicker than some of the alternatives. I find that because it leans more toward the watery side than thick, it goes on easier without me feeling like I'm messing up the tattoo by rubbing it in.

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Ya i have no idea how people apply thick 'anything' to their tattoo and avoid having too much on there, i just tried to apply as little as possible and blot out the extra with a paper towel. My tattoo artist did mention to me that if I used 'too much' antibiotic cream it can provoke an allergic reaction in people. The good news is the allergic reaction is clearing up super fast, the location of this issue was on my inner upper arm tricep/bicep area which is where a lot of friction happens

But the good news is going forward i think i have a better idea how to handle post care for my tattoo since i have several appointments before the sleeve will be done. Thanks for the advice everyone i truly love my new tattoo and just want to take care of it the best way possible

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