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Everything posted by Kev

  1. More of an analysis than review-might contain some spoilers: Movie Review: Drive
  2. Saw "Drive" Friday and was completely blown away-such a good movie. Directed by the same guy who did "Bronson" and "Valhalla Rising" if you want an idea of pacing and general feel. Super sleek, ultraviolent, and sparse dialogue. I have a theory about this movie being a statement about modern Hollywood that I writing up in a longer post for a blog entry. Go see it.
  3. Yep- '78 CB750 tracker. Here's an older thread on the subject: LSTers Who Like Motorcycles
  4. Thanks ya'll; maybe it's time to start a weightlifting thread in the RC section. I know there's a exercise/fitness thread, but I think people would get bored with convo on reps, various training structures, and lift techniques = )
  5. Kev

    Book thread

    "The Hero with a 1000 Faces" by Joseph Campbell was good, if a bit dry. "Way of The Tarot" is very informative and offers a peek into the way Jodorowsky interprets imagery-heavy mystical stuff, but not hippie-dippy. After that, I'm going to try and pick up this-looks super interesting: Amazon.com: Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) (9780307475299): Jake Adelstein: Books
  6. This link on Ink Butter worked 5 minutes ago-now it's screwed http://inkbutter.com/tattoo-age-troy-denning-part-1-2-video Starts with the episode of "Cash Cab" Troy was in. Anyone have a working link?
  7. 335 Max yesterday and my lower back feels like it was worked over with bats = )
  8. Alot my friends growing up in League City (South of Houston) late 80's-90's went to Dragon Mike or Tiger John when they wanted good tattoos. If they couldn't get in there, they'd go to Bad Boyz on the Seawall or if they were really desparate, Dago's
  9. Also, if any of ya'll want to come out for a visit, drop me a line and I should be able to show you around or at least give you some suggestions on things to do in town :cool:
  10. Yeah-the record-breaking drought/ run of 100+ degrees did nothing for our "cool" factor. You can buy the same size house in Austin for a quarter of the price, job market's decent (especially tech experienced), and the scene is SUPER laid back. We have some crime, but nothing like Houston/ Galveston (where I grew up) or Dallas. To be honest, after my SF trip this summer, I'd move there if my kids weren't here and I could find something that could support us- my girl's a sped teacher,so I think it'd be kind of hard for her to find something in the school district. So, if California hasn't slid into ocean in 10 years, I might still be down = D
  11. You could move to Austin,TX. Then you could save yourself the trouble of moving to California, since most Californians move here anyway = )
  12. Ha! This can be applied to being a (younger) parent in so many ways :rolleyes:
  13. Via Cris Cleen. Extra points for the Dragon Mike/ Tiger John reference, placing him in Houston at some point Really more of a park tattoo than a prison tattoo though.
  14. AWESOME- I just found a scratcher version of a painting I did a year ago. Yea internets!
  15. Not to mention, the market value of comics went down the drain, too. I was on ebay the other day seeing all these books I sold for 5% what they were worth 10 years ago. Collectors markets are fickle.
  16. Buy art from me- I'm not a tattooer, so you don't have to feel weird about it ; )
  17. I think something semi-geometric in that area. I like the idea of capping off my travel leg with a compass rose like this (maybe less detailed, a few colors) The other knee, maybe a Pennsylvania Dutch hex sign. These are super basic, but they can get really detailed:
  18. I think if my Dad was responsible for "Achey Breaky Heart" I would attempt to distance myself as much as possible, too. I thought he was that Ollie Sykes kid at first:
  19. I like artists/ creative people that seem like they'd rather be working on art than talking about it. That type of energy, although infectious in person, is in short supply. Great series.
  20. Bear trap or Groucho Marx nose and fake arrow through head. Or all three.
  21. Ursula-how big is that patch? Pretty effin' sweet =) My latest t-shirt design on RedBubble- back to black and gray: Available Here
  22. Your post raises some interesting dilemmas and I sympathize with not wanting to be a bad guy, but from a policy perspective, I think it's better to take the proactive position in regards to dress code. It's possible that no one wants to change the standing policy, but I think your setting yourself up for frustration if you think people are going to "know how behave" in a corporate setting. If these are the same 20 somethings I met when I went back to college to finish my degree, it's safer to assume that they know NOTHING about workplace policies and procedures. Depending on how small your business is, it might be possible to hold some sort of meeting or supplementary 'training' under the guise of annual brush-up and cover those issues in a safe environment where no one feels called out. You're not the "bad guy"-you're just doing your job. If someone doesn't want to accept responsibility for their actions, that's on them, not you for following procedure. Just my .02
  23. Do a goose in a coat of arms style shield on your upper arm/shoulder If you thinking of covering it with a wristband already, you might as well put it somewhere you can hide it with just a simple shirt.
  24. Unless the employee you bring up signed paperwork in their new hire docs that's specifically state that there is a no visible tattoo policy, than you have no recourse. You might want to consider speaking to your HR about creating an addendum. But I believe if your company felt as strongly about tattoos and "self-expression" in the workplace as you do, they would've covered that in the paperwork.
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