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Everything posted by Gingerninja

  1. I sit well. I tip well. I don’t bring drama. You know what that gets me? Back in! I’ve had artists come in hours before the shop opens, stay late and fit me into their otherwise insanely booked schedules. I’m basically commissioning a piece of art from them for every tattoo. I am more than happy to tip!
  2. Per the Tegaderm: I, too, use Tegaderm BUT in normal circumstances, put it on 8-12 hours after the tattoo has been applied. Only in extreme circumstances have I applied the Tegaderm immediately (i.e., nasty convention or weird travel circumstances). The net - keep it clean, lightly moisturized and don't submerge it.
  3. Hey - nice tattoo. Who is your artist? My two cents: first, don't rewrap it...you are creating a breeding ground for nasty stuff to grow. Keep it clean (wash twice a day, three if you are sweaty/dirty) with antibacterial soap and keep it lightly moisturized. IMO, too soon for coca butter. Use something light like Lubriderm or Aveeno. Remember that you are caring for an open wound. I start back after a couple of days. Always mindful that I have a fresh tattoo and minimize any rubbing/pressing/sweating for 14 days.
  4. @Dan - Thinking positive thoughts for your wife. I've had a couple of skin cancer spots whacked off. @Boiled Dove - Eeeks! Hope that you are okay...speedy recovery.
  5. Happy Birthday, @Dan That black widow is cool. Looks like it was meant to be there!
  6. That blows. @Dan I hope that she's okay now! Did she get a touchup/rework or just live with it?
  7. @Colored Guy Yeah but you looked like a bad ass lump. I have some potential surgery coming up and unhappy that my tattoo's are gonna get jacked up.
  8. @rdinak Yeah, that officially qualifies as shitty. Very sorry. I hope that you have a good day, today!
  9. Go easy on the lotion. It's a fresh wound. Yes, you need to keep it lightly moisturized but it has to breathe to heal. :)
  10. Only a few weekends out from getting some peonies on my right calf. I told myself that I would never do my calves. Pfft!
  11. Welcome to the forum! I live on the other side of the state but get to your area semi-regularly for work and stuff.
  12. Clean it gently with antibaterical soap then moisturize. I, too, am team Tegaderm although I don't put it on until after the plasma push...
  13. Hey there...check out the aftercare thread : https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/f/11-tattoo-after-care/ Keeping it clean (at least twice a day, no more than three if you get sweaty/dirty) and lightly moisturized is what you need to do. :) I'd switch from Aquaphor to Lubriderm (or equivalent) after 4 days or so. Try not to sweat too much or rub it. Don't re-wrap it. Sleep on your other side!
  14. @Boiled Dove Ha! I love the Atomic Cat. #beatpoet
  15. Nice! Who is doing your work? That looks like a piece from Horitomo. Love the Baku, too.
  16. Ha...that's cool!! @Boiled Dove Thanks for educating me. It's not even 7:40 am and I learned something new today. :)
  17. I don't know what an atomic age cat is but I'm sure it will be rad. :) @Boiled Dove
  18. Dan - very sorry for your loss. Yesterday was a shite day. :( @Dan
  19. Get the infection under control - your health always comes first. If you were super rigorous in your aftercare, then I find this to be super concerning. I'd let them know and never, ever go back.
  20. Friend, so sorry that you are going through this. This is going to sound harsh but your new tattoo is very rough. Follow your doctor's orders on treatment. Did the doctor say that it was infected?
  21. Welcome to the forum! You are in good company regarding being addicted to tattoos.
  22. That looks like something Justin Weatherholtz would do well with.
  23. Congratulations! Sounds like you had a great day. That was super cool and thoughtful of your family. @pidjones
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