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Scott R

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Posts posted by Scott R

  1. As awesome as it could have for someone who has an expired guest license that hasn't been renewed in a year and he also taught himself so that's really comforting

    amy best advice i can give is read threads here, soak it all in and get a good artist to fix that. If you know you want more work then just get tattooed again and look at and feel the difference. Not all tattoos are created equal and you have say in what tattoo you receive so don't buy any more lemons for fucks sakes

  2. My first trip to Dallas was in 1998 and I worked right near Richard's shop. The owner of the shop said, "come on, I'll introduce you to Richard Stell". We walked over there and they were filming Walker Texas Ranger, Richard was tattooing. I got to meet Richard Stell, Mike Wilson AND Chuck Norris all within 5 minutes of each other. It was the coolest day ever for me. Richard wouldn't stop tattooing for them to film and told them to deal with it and film around him, it was rad. I told Richard that story recently from my perspective and he chuckled. I am very excited to see him on Ink Master.

    I had a great time talking with richard while he was tattooing my ribs, He could talk about so many different topics and the experiences that he shared were thought provoking to say the least

  3. Well I don't carry anything anymore, when I did back in the states I had a Gerber Gator. Now here in this country I'll be taken to the police station to fill out a report if I have any type of blade..... But two days out of the week I walk around with a 6 foot bo staff, no problems what so ever, go figure.

    i like your style!


  4. The body suits are amazing and visually stunning but I love getting tattooed and meeting new people and just the whole experience. I havnt had much thought on cohesiveness but i could picture within next few years I will have a shorts/t-shirt suit?(invisible suit?) when I am completely covered in that space I will move on to visible areas ie lower arms and lower legs. It would be bitter sweet though would mean getting alot of nice tattoos from people whos art I like but the beginning of the end of being tattooed.

  5. I had always been interested in tattoos. My grandfather had tattoos from the time he spent in the navy. They were old and most of them had fallen apart but they really grabbed my attention. I held off getting tattooed when I was younger because my dad had insisted that I waited until I was certain that I wanted to get tattooed (I wasn't going to argue with him). I got my first tattoo when I was 25. A sailor jerry swallow by Stewart Robson. Since then I haven't looked back.

    thats a good argument for "good things come to those that wait"

  6. thanks costello, I could get into some hiking but have the fam with me, my 3 yr old probably would get bored rather quickly but I will def hit baker beach beach on your recomendation

    Loch - thanks I will look into that, monday and friday at BH but the 3 days inbetween are all about taking in the sights. So much to do in your city, warrants a return trip

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